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Sanctioned - DireWolf - 03-18-2008

LMAO sanctioned - fantastic - can a trader not out-wit a pirate ANSWER not on this server !!

Following an incident with a so called pirate - finds a terrortist id ship suddenly appear behind his Trader whilst flying to dresden jh from frankfurt - ooo funny that (wonder who that was ) - and said trader manages to dock at the border station befor getting blown up and when he returns all his credits have evaporated ! ( i must remember to lock my hold at night )

Get real please and return my credits and stop pandering to the crying babes that call em selves pirates :nono:

Sanctioned - Fellow Hoodlum - 03-18-2008

This would have nothing to do with it then ? ...
Nothing about a terrorist involved here, just the use of rather lame tactics when it comes to 'roleplay' on
the server sir. We are all getting a little tired of of traders thinking its their god-given right to plug up and
down to farm credits to buy a battleship just to kill pirates ...
Those pirates, funnily enough, want to stop you doing that, for reasons that are blatantly obvious.


Sanctioned - marauder - 03-18-2008

' Wrote:LMAO sanctioned - fantastic - can a trader not out-wit a pirate ANSWER not on this server !!

Actually you can as long as you don't f1 in space, you just have to ROLEPLAY on a ROLEPLAY server, which means you don't say 'just kill me it's cheaper' because that makes you a callous captain.

Quote:Following an incident with a so called pirate - finds a terrortist id ship suddenly appear behind his Trader whilst flying to dresden jh from frankfurt - ooo funny that (wonder who that was ) - and said trader manages to dock at the border station befor getting blown up and when he returns all his credits have evaporated ! ( i must remember to lock my hold at night )

Sound to me like you got unlucky, plus with this paranoid attitude you probably take everything as being personal too, guess what... it's not.

Quote:Get real please and return my credits and stop pandering to the crying babes that call em selves pirates :nono:

You got sanctioned for something, guess what, you can have your money back when hell freezes over.

The only person I see crying like a baby here is you, funny that alot of people come on here and bitch when they get sanctioned for trying everything under the sun to not be pirated. If you want to run back and forth on the same trade run all day everyday then your painting a titanic sized neon 'come get me' sign on your own back.

If you want to trade all day and not be pirated play the mod with openSP.

Be grateful that theres not more players with terrorist IDs, cos then anything bigger then an armoured transport would definately die alot more often.

Sanctioned - MrSns - 03-18-2008

' Wrote:Actually you can as long as you don't f1 in space, you just have to ROLEPLAY on a ROLEPLAY server, which means you don't say 'just kill me it's cheaper' because that makes you a callous captain.
Sound to me like you got unlucky, plus with this paranoid attitude you probably take everything as being personal too, guess what... it's not.
You got sanctioned for something, guess what, you can have your money back when hell freezes over.

The only person I see crying like a baby here is you, funny that alot of people come on here and bitch when they get sanctioned for trying everything under the sun to not be pirated. If you want to run back and forth on the same trade run all day everyday then your painting a titanic sized neon 'come get me' sign on your own back.

If you want to trade all day and not be pirated play the mod with openSP.

Be grateful that theres not more players with terrorist IDs, cos then anything bigger then an armoured transport would definately die alot more often.

Lol totaly agreed there. Im always getting those coments like u cant have my money come kill me n00b. so i do and then i do nothing about it cause its not worth it, cause all that ill hapen is this person will come to the forum whine and bitch about what happend in there point of view then the screen shots get shown to them they make up some faluse lame-o statement for the resion of doing that such as My kids where brakeing the table (lol actualy heard that one befor, the person turned out to be what 12-14. LOl what 12-14 year old has kids :|) lol any way thats why i never Report any more.... Unless its REALY serious.... Although i do take Print screens of proof just incase it furthers on in to something worse:(but usualy it dosent:)

Sanctioned - Eppy - 03-18-2008

Okay, let's not make this a flamefest guys, but all of your sentiments are...valid (Coughcoughtotallysignedcoughcough)

Sanctioned - MrSns - 03-18-2008


*hands Tissue*


I think i might need that tissue bak:P

Sanctioned - Unseelie - 03-18-2008

Just so you know, Direwolf, Its often cheaper in the grad scheme of things to pay.
Carry a pair of million credit cards to jettison, so you need not even stop.
Or, had you not worked out that time=money, yet?

Sanctioned - Ion - 03-18-2008

hmm he created his own lynch-by-forum thread. how amusing.

just play the game like everyone else, those pirates are working a lot harder then you are, obviously.

Sanctioned - MrSns - 03-18-2008

' Wrote:hmm he created his own lynch-by-forum thread. how amusing.

just play the game like everyone else, those pirates are working a lot harder then you are, obviously.

Laughs. lol its hard to get the trader to stay still..

Quote:Get real please and return my credits and stop pandering to the crying babes that call em selves pirates

Lol usualy people that want there credits back dont speek to the admins like this :| Lol i dont think any one speeks to the admins like that actualy

Ok i think i have posted hear a bit tomuch :|

Signing out!

Sanctioned - DireWolf - 03-18-2008

LOL I do - i will speak my mind - I realise admins are pirates but hey i think it a bit much to use that to find me in space (in open space) and then when i evade you and manage to dock and not come out to have holes blown in my transport - take all my credits :angry:

So i say again please return my credits u were not able to kill me in open play so grow up :yahoo: