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Ship permissions - Fro - 12-22-2011

The 'Discovery Server Rules of Technology Use' thread states: "Once equipment is approved, then it stays approved, no matter what happens in roleplay or in the personal situation between the involved parties, unless terms and conditions on it are explicitly stated BEFOREHAND and agreed by both parties."

So, if a character was approved a random ship from a random faction and at the time this character was a freelancer, if this character becomes say.... a terrorist, or joins a faction which is at war with the faction that the character got the approval from, can this character still use the approved ship?

Ship permissions - Stefz - 12-22-2011

If you change an ID, the permission gets removed, I believe.

Ship permissions - Pancakes - 12-22-2011

Unless it was specified that the tech was granted to XXX using YYY ID, you can change to any ID that permits the usage of that tech.

For example:
Freelancer get approved a barghest from mollies. The freelancer decide to change to Hessian ID, as long as he keeps the name, and in the permission it wasn't stated to which ID the tech is granted, he can do it.

Ship permissions - dodike - 12-22-2011

If I understand it correctly ship permissions will be history in about 8 days. Is it right?

Ship permissions - Tachyon - 12-22-2011

Even if you get the permission to use i.e. guns from the Lane Hackers and it got approved and stuff, then change your ID to something hostile to the said faction, or turn against with them, there is a good chance you will get your guns removed. (Though in this case go to the [HF] and get your guns there)

Ship permissions - Hielor - 12-22-2011

As long as the ship name is the same and the ID is white cell, you're fine.

Ship permissions - Ursus - 12-22-2011

' Wrote:If I understand it correctly ship permissions will be history in about 8 days. Is it right?
somewhere in that long thread, jinx said you would still need the owning faction permission

the penalty concept is so they don't have to do SRP, theory being the penalty will rate-limit the number of applications

Ship permissions - Veygaar - 12-22-2011

' Wrote:As long as the ship name is the same and the ID is white cell, you're fine.
^^Spot on, although I suspect if people start doing what is mentioned in the OP folks will start to rage QQ.

Ship permissions - Jinx - 12-22-2011

the base idea is to allow SRP again.

but not to change much of the process.

so from what it is meant to be like is: ( example from the pov of a liberty pilot )
- you can NOT just fly to iota and purchase a voidrunner ( even if your rep sheet allowed it )... BUT
- if the keepers faction ( or their successor ) agreed with you, they could grant you one.

[keep in mind - if you wished to do that right now, and the keepers agreed, - it would STILL be against the rules]

- so now - a faction can indeed kind of approve a SRP on their part.
- being approved means that you are not acting against the rules anymore then.

getting something without the consent of the parent faction ( no matter if its exclusive or not ) - means that you are acting against the faction approval. - the consequences of such actions are kind of up to the admins ( meaning - not quite sure )

it may possibly range from FR5 to harsher measures.

in short - before you want to use something that your ID does not automaticly allow - ask the faction and act accordingly.

Ship permissions - Adam_Spire - 12-23-2011

Might as well drill this one home.

* In the communications forum I (a freelancer) purchased a Zoner carrier from a Zoner.
* The carrier DOES NOT have a freelancer ID or tag (stop asking me that)
* It DOES have a Zoner guard ID and Zoner IFF.
* I changed the name
* I have no intentions of using it against the Zoners or Order.
* I would like to incorporate it into a Rheinalnd Roleplay later next year.
* Since the ship is a '€œsecret'€ its not going to be flown into every shooting match I find.
* I eventually, want to get the ship to have permission to enter Rheinalnd space. (we'€™re talking months from now which will increase its pvp.)

The ownership is built to simply say '€œThat'€™s our carrier.'€
The pvp in the carrier will always adhere to the rules of the ID it has and will not go '€œrouge'€ but act like an independent carrier.

Can that work?