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TBs wanted (Double again) - Printable Version

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TBs wanted (Double again) - Stefz - 12-22-2011

<strike>Need ANOTHER TB set. This time, it's for my SCRA character.

Character name: David Carter
Text: Put whatever you wish, just make it fit with the SCRA

Character Picture

That's it, if you make it good, I'm willing to pay as much as reasonable price is.</strike>

TBs wanted (Double again) - schlurbi - 12-25-2011

[Image: David%20Carter.png]

That'd be my first Version. Very similar to your Outcast one. If you wish to wait, I am also working on the same Image, but with Animation, which I wont finish now. I am just too tired. So, if you like that and want to wait, I'll add an Animation in like ten Hours.

TBs wanted (Double again) - Stefz - 12-25-2011

Maybe just change the edges to red so it would look more SCRA-ish. And also, I'd like to see some different edges if possible. And no need for animations, I don't like those.

TBs wanted (Double again) - schlurbi - 12-25-2011

[Image: carterborder.png]

Different Border, added an "Incoming Message" and changed Style to red.

TBs wanted (Double again) - Stefz - 12-25-2011

Awesome. Where and how much?

EDIT: Alright, money sent, this is closed.