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107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Printable Version

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107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Petitioner - 12-24-2011

1[color=#8C6B9F]07.3 FM Bandschuh: Revolutionizing the People's Music! 107.3 FM

Operated by the Rheinländische Volksfreiheitspartei, we strive to bring the people of Rheinland, and all of our comrades abroad, educational and inspirational materials to help them resist oppression, whatever false flag it may decide to take!

Any and all requests are welcome, whether the music's directly revolutionary or not. We will hold interviews as well, and any requests for such should be transmitted over a separate channel.

Remember, the Kanzler's minions are always watching over you, and the best way to protect yourself is to march to the beat of our drums! This has been Bandschuh, bringing all our comrades the people's own voice!

L[color=#23D086]et's start our first show with a classic.

107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Astennu123 - 12-24-2011

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: ID: Captain Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Source: CPW-Katyusha ::

[Image: arx1314999398x.png]


I'm Major Aleksei Stroganov, captain of the CPW-Katyusha. My crew and myself would like to hear the infamous song named..Uh..Let me translate it to rheinlandish:

Sozialistische Weltrepublik.

Da. That should be it.

For the Revolution!

107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Petitioner - 12-25-2011

107.3 FM Bandschuh: Revolutionizing the People's Music! 107.3 FM

Ah, we have our first caller! Though hardly to my personal tastes, perhaps some of you out there who are still struggling under the thumbs of oppression might find this tune useful.

H[color=#2CCE7F]it it, Hans!

107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Blighter - 12-25-2011

[Image: 2ecoefd.png]

[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]
Much as the Cossacks may be for that kind of music comrade, don't you have something more, how to put it...

[color=#990022]Something more up-beat that a girl can dance to?

Much as I'm not for the revolution thing, it's worth a shot to ask, si?

107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Petitioner - 12-25-2011

107.3 FM Bandschuh: Revolutionizing the People's Music! 107.3 FM

Miss Velasquez, I can tell you are a lady that loves to move your body. I'm sure you can find a way to dance to this tune.


107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Petitioner - 12-25-2011

107.3 FM Bandschuh: Revolutionizing the People's Music! 107.3 FM

Now a special treat for all you comrades and, uh, comradettes, out there, who are feeling like you just need to relax. Bandschuh's own live band!

G[color=#21CF87]ood night, Rheinland! This has been Fritz Schuster.

107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Blighter - 12-25-2011

[Image: 2ecoefd.png]

[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]
God-damn it wasn't what I was hoping for, but at least you've a sense of humor.

[color=#990022]I sure like listening to your band though, amigo.

107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Petitioner - 12-27-2011

107.3 FM Bandschuh: Revolutionizing the People's Music! 107.3 FM

Brought to my attention by a dear friend, here, Rheinland, is the future of music...

T[color=#2ACF81]he Rot Front's own band!

107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Petitioner - 12-28-2011

107.3 FM Bandschuh: Revolutionizing the People's Music! 107.3 FM

107.3 FM -- Bandschuh! Revolutionizing the People's Music! - Azan27 - 12-28-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Comms ID: Richard Hastings
Location: Eindhoven Depot, Saar System
Message Begins...

Ahh, mien comrades! Your music does much to ease the hearts of the Rheinvolk. Now, lemme see if you can play something to fit my tastes...
Something heavy...
Something, perhaps Bretonian...
Something with a lil' 'Rock and Roll'

For the Revolution!

Message Ends...