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Hyena LF - chopper - 03-19-2008

Raw stats :

Gun/Turret Mounts: 3/1
Armor: 7200
Cargo Space: 60
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 45/45
Optimal Weapon Class: 8
Max. Weapon Class: 9
Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD
Agility : 1.2667
Power supply : 8000

I wanted to fly one, but then I'v noticed that it's pretty much hopeless against Liberator or Guardians..
I'v tried it in the open SP, and it's less agile then some VHF's..
So, since I like different things, I'll suggest only to give it a torp slot, and maybe a bit more energy.
Because Rogue ships have bigger energy supply and hull in exchange for lower agility and bigger size.
Well, this one doesn't have bigger energy supply, it only has more hull, but at the cost of lower agility and bigger size.
So, why not make it a bit more Roguish? People might use it then.
I know Rogue ships are supposed to be bad, but not this bad.
Everyone likes to have some chances to win in a fair player versus player event.

Hyena LF - aster - 03-19-2008

' Wrote:Raw stats :

Gun/Turret Mounts: 3/1
Armor: 7200
Cargo Space: 60
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 45/45
Optimal Weapon Class: 8
Max. Weapon Class: 9
Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD
Agility : 1.2667
Power supply : 8000

I wanted to fly one, but then I'v noticed that it's pretty much hopeless against Liberator or Guardians..
I'v tried it in the open SP, and it's less agile then some VHF's..
So, since I like different things, I'll suggest only to give it a torp slot, and maybe a bit more energy.
Because Rogue ships have bigger energy supply and hull in exchange for lower agility and bigger size.
Well, this one doesn't have bigger energy supply, it only has more hull, but at the cost of lower agility and bigger size.
So, why not make it a bit more Roguish? People might use it then.
I know Rogue ships are supposed to be bad, but not this bad.
Everyone likes to have some chances to win in a fair player versus player event.
I agree with you on this one.

Ironically you appeared to be arguing that the new Xeno ship should be equally bad...
does that opinion still stand?

Hyena LF - chopper - 03-19-2008

Nah, I was comparing it to the Greyhound, which is way better then the Hyena.

This one is far behind.

Hyena LF - mjolnir - 03-19-2008

nah.. he was arguing that Xeno ships should not be uber...

about Hyena .. yes it's useless... I would give it

9000/900 powerplant...
torp slot...
and maybe up the turning rate to 1.3

And it will still have no change against a Liberator.. but two of them could take a Guardian.

EDIT: Is the turret forward-firing? If not then it's really hopeless.

Hyena LF - chopper - 03-19-2008

It's forward firing..

About agility, well, I think it could use a boost. Not turning rate though, but agility.. Fast response..

As it is now, it's 'agility' is much worse then on a Greyhound.. And that is just bad for any LF..
Anyone flies a Startracker? Well, it's close to that.. Very slow response..

Hyena LF - Yngen - 03-19-2008

There should be no uber ships or bad ships.

Ships should be on par with every other ship in their class, otherwise classifying ships is pointless. When the Hyena was designed, someone probably thought taking one gun away and giving it a bit more hull would keep it on par with the rest of the mk2 LFs but obviously it doesn't.

I suspect there are some in this community that believe some factions should have better ships than others by virtue of their place or status in the Freelancer Universe. I disagree with this.

Hyena LF - chopper - 03-19-2008

Quote:I suspect there are some in this community that believe some factions should have better ships than others by virtue of their place or status in the Freelancer Universe. I disagree with this.

I have no idea what's this about.. So I won't comment it.

My motives aren't a secret.. I'v seen Rogues flying Slipstreams and Scimittars at best.
And they should fly their own ships..
But flying this ship is automatically giving you no chance to win a fight, unless you are very good, and you rival pretty bad.

Torpedo slot would help with mounting a Mini-razor or inferno for fighter shields.
Heck, Loki has a Torp slot while it has 1.533 agility and is much smaller.

Hyena LF - mjolnir - 03-19-2008

' Wrote:There should be no uber ships or bad ships.

On the other hand.. if all ships are the same it gets boring... I'm sure you agree on that one...different ships should require different tactics/gun setups.

so diversity is nice.. but when it loses in one area it should gain in another... hence extra powersupply and maybe something else too for Hyena.

Like the Barghest.. I really like how it's different..but just now it's actually too inferior.. so if it gets bigger shield and powersupply.. while staying a big brick... I would love it... much better than making it just another boring bomber with same stats.

Hyena LF - Doom - 03-19-2008

' Wrote:On the other hand.. if all ships are the same it gets boring... I'm sure you agree on that one...different ships should require different tactics/gun setups.

so diversity is nice.. but when it loses in one area it should gain in another... hence extra powersupply and maybe something else too for Hyena.
Like the Barghest.. I really like how it's different..but just now it's actually too inferior.. so if it gets bigger shield and powersupply.. while staying a big brick... I would love it... much better than making it just another boring bomber with same stats.

bargest is crappy ship...i managed to kill one of those with my GMG miner...poor guy didn't even stand a chance...
and if that ship faces GB then hes lost before even knows what is going on...on several occasions i faced those bombers, several times even in pairs...all times they died too easy...

so while Hyena is getting upgrade (hopefully) bargest needs one too...

as for Hyena...i flew that ship for some time...Rouge ships do have less weapons, but its hull, size and agility simply doesn't cut it against other fighters of it class...

Hyena LF - pchwang - 03-19-2008

I would not make all LF's exactly like every single LF out there.

Give them different stats, different attributes. With such a bad turn rate, maybe decrease the Hyena's mass for greater strafe?
or, like mjolnir pointed out, give it a torp slot like the loki and increase it's armor.

But I think that one thing is for sure though: Increase it's powerplant.