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Another Interesting Idea. - Printable Version

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Another Interesting Idea. - pipsqueak - 12-29-2011

So we have traders who power trade in twillight hours to avoid getting stopped by pirates and the Lawfuls.

How about we set the comodoty prices so they are more profitable when the server is above 150.

so they are 5 percent more expensive to buy and sell when the server has more peeps.

Foreseeable Problems:

1. Troll(s) that buy low and sell high when the server hits 150.
2. Server population dropping while enroute to the destination.

please discuss , I wanna know what the rest of the family's thinking is about this.

Another Interesting Idea. - Chev - 12-29-2011

You know, there's something called "time zone", because of which not everyone can be at server on the same time. That's not necessary to punish the guys just because they live in other side of the damn globe.

Another Interesting Idea. - pitockm - 12-29-2011

' Wrote:You know, there's something called "time zone", because of which not everyone can be at server on the same time. That's not necessary to punish the guys just because they live in other side of the damn globe.

this ....

and whats the problem with power trading?... :ohmy: you mean you are not power trader?

Another Interesting Idea. - abysswolf - 12-30-2011

he is just a pirate that doesnt like that we, the traders have more money to them because we dedicate to work... instead of bitching to someone's else

Another Interesting Idea. - Hone - 12-30-2011

' Wrote:You know, there's something called "time zone", because of which not everyone can be at server on the same time. That's not necessary to punish the guys just because they live in other side of the damn globe.

Another Interesting Idea. - farmerman - 12-30-2011

I like the idea of prices varying, but if it was less predictable it would be much more interesting. Plus does higher population necessarily mean more pirates? It would mean any big event would be great for power trading.

But an interesting idea, even if it's not yet 100% awesome.

Another Interesting Idea. - pipsqueak - 01-01-2012

Look arou[i]nd the server mates. There are enough peeps jusf sitting on a billion credis cause there is nothing to spend on. The idea is not to punish a trader. The idea is to reward cooperation busy server equals more interaction possibilities and more possibilities of losing money. If you play the graveyard shift you have an advantage cause there are no pirates. Consider extra bonus money to hire help. Also how about a boost if your group has 6 or more ships?

Again just an idea. Lets talk it out...

Oh and happy newyear.

Edit:sending fr my phone keyboard small for my hans sry about typos ;)

Another Interesting Idea. - Maelstrom - 01-01-2012

I'm not liking this idea. Many of the people who play at odd times do so because that is the time they have to play in. It is not right or fair to punish them simply because they are not able to play during peak times. And before you say it isn't a punishment, yes it is, and your opening remarks show that it is meant as one. Rewarding and restricting people due to events and actions beyond thier control is wrong.

Another Interesting Idea. - J.Bates - 01-01-2012

I'd rather not get up at 4am everyday just so I can I actually make a decent profit... Yes I can say that I have some spare funds lying around and don't have too much to spend cash on. But I actually don't wanted to be punished because of where I live. It's already annoying finding there's not much going on at my time in terms of events or that I missed something 2 or 3 hours after I get in after work...

EDIT: Try getting up at 4am your time to pirate these powertraders... Problem solved

Another Interesting Idea. - pipsqueak - 01-01-2012

I read my initial post and i see what you are saying aboutbit seeming that this would punish odd hour traders. I am not trying to do that. I was aski.g for a five percent reward if peeps organise a convoy or play when the server is busier. Oh fyi i am an indh trader. Piracy is not my thing.

Also if you are not making money hand over fist as a trader now, you are not doing it right.