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Breaking News! - Printable Version

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Breaking News! - Korny - 12-30-2011

"We're interrupting your current TV program for the latest, shocking news from the ground of Manhatten!"

[Image: mmri2x.jpg]
[color=#00CCCC]"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, citizens of Liberty and beyond, this is Thomas Mitchell from the Manhatten Times with a rather shocking incident!"

[color=#00CCCC]"This evening, at circa 11:15 PM, Sirius Mean Time, the wreck of a spacecraft was found just a few miles away from Manhatten's central city. After a bit of investigation, we have found the black-box of said vessel, and came to the conclusion that the ship was a vessel in duty for the Liberty Navy, our protectors in space. We've got a picture of the crash site for you right there."

[Image: 350l6cl.jpg]

"Quite a mess, I'd say. Anyway, we've also found out that this particular ship was currently assigned to Primary Fleet Captain Catherine Raven of the Liberty Navy. We weren't able to make out a body or anything similar at this time, but we're currently suspecting that, if there was a body, it would be already burned by the very high temperatures caused by the H-Fuel, that powers the vessel. We and the Military are currently trying to make out the cause of the incident, and the crash itself. So far we haven't found any hints or leads, we can only suspect."

"We've got an eyewitness right here by my side, lets hear what she has to say, shall we ?"

"What is your name, Ma'am?"

<div align="right][color=#009900]"Jennifer, Jennifer Brighton"

"Would you mind if you told us everything you've seen, Miss Brighton?"

<div align="right][color=#009900]"Not at all. Well...I've been working in the garden, as I've seen something fall right down from the sky. It was a spaceship, as I could make out quite's tip was all burning! And well, it just fell right down and crashed right here into the woods. That's all I could see!"

"Hm, well thank you Miss Brighton for your time and intel, you've heard the woman yourself. This is sadly all information we've got for this time, Ladies and Gentlemen."

"Of course, we'll keep you up to date with any further news that may come, stay tuned and good night!"


//You're free to respond to it if you're a relative, etc. (As an RP of your character recognizing the news, perhaps)

Breaking News! - r3vange - 12-30-2011

[Image: NEWONE.png]

Omicron Delta
Freeport 11
Deck 4 Section 3 - Bar

Maria was sitting on a table next to the big window. Right in front of her a half empty bottle of vodka was overlooking the nearly deserted bar. On the chair to her left was a slightly tipsy Zoner chap thinking he'll score big tonight...the poor s.o.b. Right after hearing the news Maria poured what's left of the bottle in her glass then promptly downed it.

"Rest in pieces you vicious bitch, this one's for you. [font=Georgia]You expired the way you lived birdie, didn't you - burning!"

[color=#CCFFFF]"What was that babe?"

"Oh nothing, a requiem for a bird with a brighter future than you..."

Breaking News! - Haphestus - 12-30-2011

[Image: jorzza619bnavytransmissionbar-1.png]
Navy Lodgings, Planet Houston, Texas System.

[font=Lucida Console]Jorzza was laying in his bunk when he picked up his portable data terminal. He pressed the icon indicating entertainment and selected the public broadcast channel. The news report comes on.
The news report finishes and Jorzza turns the terminal off. He just sits there for the next ten minutes, silent, not moving. Jorzza looks out the square half meter window. He notices a patrol wing of Guardians flying by. He stands up. Suddenly he punches the wall as hard as he could, fracturing his pinky finger and bruising his knuckles.

"damn, more death."

He storms out of the bunk room.

Breaking News! - Korny - 01-01-2012

[color=#3366FF]"We're interrupting your current TV program for the latest, news from the ground of Manhatten!"

[Image: mmri2x.jpg]
[color=#00CCCC]"Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen! This is Thomas Mitchell, bringing you the latest news from Manhatten."

"We've just got the information that Captain Catherine Raven from the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet has signed back in service, that means that she's unharmed, and probably as fit as ever. We tried to get an interview from her, regarding the latest incident, but she refused."

"We'll keep you up to date, if we find out more about the incident itself, for now, this is all. I wish you a good day, stay tuned."