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HELP NEEDED - Printable Version

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HELP NEEDED - Druen78 - 12-31-2011

Ok, I cannot play.

I made a fresh install. I applied the official patch. I installed Disco 4.86. I run it with the link provided by the installation. It launches, but after some seconds of the "Exiles" splash screen, it crashes to desktop.


I don't know if it's related to the problem, but during the installation I received an integrity fail check on content.dll or something like that.

HELP NEEDED - Druen78 - 12-31-2011

I tried to uninstall and reinstall everything. No changes.

Please, someone?

HELP NEEDED - Peterka - 12-31-2011

I have many crashes too,all have it.I see: 180-200 players was(me too) on server,crash,no one players,again 170 => crash => no one on server.And again.

HELP NEEDED - Druen78 - 12-31-2011

I'm not talking about server crashes, it's the GAME that crashes on my PC. I can't even get to see the start menu.

HELP NEEDED - Evan_ - 12-31-2011

Did you install bloom mod? Try without it, I seem to crash less that way.

HELP NEEDED - Peterka - 12-31-2011

The Next,game crashes....

HELP NEEDED - Druen78 - 12-31-2011

' Wrote:Did you install bloom mod? Try without it, I seem to crash less that way.

I didn't install it. But maybe I failed to make my situation clear: it's not a matter of crashing "less". My game crashes ALWAYS, during the initial loading screen, even before getting to the main menu.

HELP NEEDED - Crassus - 12-31-2011

' Wrote:I'm not talking about server crashes, it's the GAME that crashes on my PC. I can't even get to see the start menu.

You need to uninstall and reinstall, it might help to clean the registry before you reinstall.
It took me several reinstalls before it worked for me.

HELP NEEDED - Druen78 - 12-31-2011

' Wrote:You need to uninstall and reinstall, it might help to clean the registry before you reinstall.
It took me several reinstalls before it worked for me.

I already uninstalled and reinstalled.

HELP NEEDED - Makc_RU - 12-31-2011

-If you run custom resolution, try changing the prefs file into 800x600.
-download the new dll file.