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Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - Printable Version

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Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 12-31-2011

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

These are taken from my MM~ chars. Each char has it's ZoI and repsheet according to that region. (for generic ID is really hard to manage your rep stance with all sirius at once). Each char uses a diffrent ship with propriete guns which resembles alligment to a dominant faction mercinary is working for in that region.

Omegas. Ship Odin with hessian guns. Represents alligment with hessians. Also works in south rheinland and close omicrons
Sigmas. Eagle with Skyblasts. Represnts alligment with miners. Also works in north rheinland.
Taus. Sabre with krakens. Represents alligment with outcasts. Also works in kusari and close omicrons
New york - bretonia house space. Manta with buckshots. Represents alligment with lawful forces of the houses.

None of these ships can be concidered OP. Becouse they use appropriete tech for the appropriete region and works for appropriete faction. Yet mercinary ID still degrades these ships near to useless. Or now mercinaries are stuck to flashpoints? This is WRONG.

This whole system in general is fail... Tech trading always granted a lot of events and interactions between players, factions, groups and so on. As a reward, as something worth trying to reach and obtain. Humanish and understandable to work for something better. And yet there was problems, there was affairs, were was unpleasent experiences as well as pleasent. All in all it made a world (not only disco in game rp world) worth immersing to. But now part of it is reduced.

Let me ask you this. Would you trade with your transport if you knew that at the end of the road there is no profit? Just for the sake of RP? Okey there would be few people who would. But there would be a lot who don't. And traders attracts all kinds of other stuff to.

This served as similiar purpose. : |

Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - Dab - 12-31-2011

The tech mix system is not fully finished. Certain provisions in the code concerning generic IDs still need to be written into FLHook's code. Cannon is working on this, but have patience, and above all, remember we're in a beta.

Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - AeternusDoleo - 12-31-2011

The plan is to allow generic IDd players to show affiliation through the IFF - if you flash a Hessian IFF while on a Mercenary ID, then it will allow the use of Hessian equipment as if you were a Hessian. Behaviour in accordance with Hessian roleplay is expected in that case, because that means you're RPing a Hessian merc.

This is not implemented yet. There wasn't enough time to do so and right now we're more worried about fixing crashbugs.

Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - NixOlympica - 12-31-2011

What about Coalition Storm using full Battle razor and pulses setup? For some reason I am getting 13% core nerf. I am just interesting what's causing that.

Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - Enoch - 12-31-2011

' Wrote:The plan is to allow generic IDd players to show affiliation through the IFF - if you flash a Hessian IFF while on a Mercenary ID, then it will allow the use of Hessian equipment as if you were a Hessian. Behaviour in accordance with Hessian roleplay is expected in that case, because that means you're RPing a Hessian merc.
That's a pretty good system. Nice job on that.

Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - Dab - 12-31-2011

' Wrote:What about Coalition Storm using full Battle razor and pulses setup? For some reason I am getting 13% core nerf. I am just interesting what's causing that.

Post that there.

Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - Jose Benitez - 12-31-2011

' Wrote:The plan is to allow generic IDd players to show affiliation through the IFF - if you flash a Hessian IFF while on a Mercenary ID, then it will allow the use of Hessian equipment as if you were a Hessian. Behaviour in accordance with Hessian roleplay is expected in that case, because that means you're RPing a Hessian merc.

Nicely done.

Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - AeternusDoleo - 12-31-2011

' Wrote:What about Coalition Storm using full Battle razor and pulses setup? For some reason I am getting 13% core nerf. I am just interesting what's causing that.
'Cause Coalition is red to generic civilian tech. Which a battlerazor falls under. Their tech is according to their lore not compatible with Sirian stuff, which includes battlerazors. Working as designed.

Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - NixOlympica - 12-31-2011

' Wrote:'Cause Coalition is red to generic civilian tech. Which a battlerazor falls under. Their tech is according to their lore not compatible with Sirian stuff, which includes battlerazors. Working as designed.

Ehm... Mjornir answered that already anyway, it will be fixed, but what could we use on our gunboats then?

Mercinary ID, tech mixing system fail - AeternusDoleo - 12-31-2011

If he's fixing it so that Coalition can use Sirian standard tech, then razors will be okay. I just went by the techchart and lore in the initial config - which states clearly that Coalition and Sirian tech were incompatible.