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Is this out of the question? - Printable Version

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Is this out of the question? - ScornStar - 03-21-2008

Can anyone design if it is even desired an Independent BS or criuser, for like the super wealthy FLs, or for folks with non house RPs. I'm just wondering so hold your fire just want feed back.

Is this out of the question? - gafwmn - 03-21-2008

I do believe that anyone can design something,however, its up to the powers that be whether or not its used.

Is this out of the question? - Horon - 03-21-2008

The Battlestars ARE available..

Is this out of the question? - pchwang - 03-21-2008



Why, with all the roflcopter capwhores something that allows them to throw RP out the window with even greater ease?

Besides super-rich freelancers...ScornStar, do you have a better reason to fly one of these things?

Not bashing you...but too many oorp capships around as is.

Is this out of the question? - Xing - 03-21-2008

well, scorn has a special rp idea that would require special capships nearly no one uses, and yet are not related to any faction really.

as well, other the fact some people does feel more at ease rping in their capship (such as myself), there are no real civilian battleships either.

However, I do not believe it is necesary (I mean, you won't see big corporation buy a warship, possibly gunboat would be big max). And we all know civ ships are mainly built for merchant fleet, the ocasional freelance and of course, the dark side of the - I mean, the criminals who cant afford to make their own ships.

A freelancer would need a crew nearing the hundreds to operate a battleship. RPly, I hardly see how one could get that rich, and why would he spend it on a battleship instead of a happy living for the rest of his life on Manhatten with all the credits.

Is this out of the question? - ScornStar - 03-22-2008

Well just to play devils advocate. Some people and characters just want MORE. Also I think it would be good to have ships out there for upstarts. I dont think haveing non faction Capships are going to increase Capwhoreing any more than more fighters are going to increase Fighter Whoreing or bombers for Bomberwhoreing, those people will do what they do no matter what we do. I'm just looking for more veriety and I think Cap phobia has stunted that growth.

For space were people can be spending months in their ship it does not make since to go every where in a fighter. Because I know I'm not going a week with no bathroom in a cockpit. Capship and may gunboats the most would be the mainstay of any expoler or deep space op. Flying through the vast reaches doesn't strike me as a nine to five job. If anything its ooRP to have fighters straying so far from a base or Capship.

But enough of that I was just wondering this because I notice a number of Capships from Homeworld were converted to frieghters here, I'd like to see the Caps here too, like the Taidani Criuser, The Kushan Carrier, The destroyers. You know just for more veriety so an independent with RP can have a Cap with out haveing to Tailor story parts just to swipe one from another house. Never underestimate the Upstart.

I do appreciate the feedback so far and I respect your attention as a sounding board so please feel free to tell me I'm crazy if you want or what ever else, I just wonder what you(the community thinks now).

PS I have no idea how to design ships so don't worry they won't happen unless one of you agrees enough.

' Wrote:The Battlestars ARE available..

But their so..........Battle Star Galactica

Is this out of the question? - Praetyre - 03-22-2008

The only people who should really be able to manufacture battleships beyond one-offs like the Zoner Juggernaught and Hacker Spyglass are Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, Rheinland, Outcasts, Corsairs, Phantoms, Coalition and the Nomads. I can see factions like the Junkers having a single battleship in their entire fleet, but not more than that. So, I'm going to have to say no, unless it was an extraordinary case (HMS Fantasia) or the culmination of a very, very, very good storyline.

Is this out of the question? - bluntpencil2001 - 03-22-2008

To be honest, when it comes to manufacturing anything bigger than a cruiser, I can't see the Phantoms or Coalition doing that very much either, really.

I can see the Hessians with a Battleship though. They're pretty darn big these days.

Is this out of the question? - Praetyre - 03-22-2008

Coalition, maybe, but the Phantoms are backed by a Daam K'vosh-level empire.

Is this out of the question? - Jinx - 03-22-2008

i know it doesn t fulfil your requirements for a battleship, scorn - but when looked upon it objectivly, - can t one say that the liners are some sort of "civilian battleships"?

they have the size and .. in a way, the weaponry. 12 turrets is cruiserlike, allright. when it comes to a "true" civilian ship. - i wouldn t see much more than transport turrets on it. - with the new lvl4 transport turrets, those ships are basicly fortresses a sole pirate will rathe avoid, cause - there are simply easier targets around than liners.

of course those ships do not have the armor or the shields of a battleship. - so, the question is. if there was a ship of roughly the size of a battleship ( i do see civilian ships to be bigger and - sort of less efficient when it comes to pure combat - but most certainly putting more importance on comfort ), with like 16 turrets of limited firing arc ( max lvl7 freighter turrets ), 250.000 shields and around 350.000 armor ( normal BB shields, low BB armor ) - would that count as a civilian battleship?

and how useful would something like that be. - its basicly a liner with the protection of a smaller battleship and a size that makes it as hard to fly as a spyglass. ( thats how i d see something of battleship class for civilians )

personally, i do not see pure civlians to build up a ship that can support military BB turrets, cause there is no need for it. transport turrets can fend off pirates just fine and are - as a whole, a lot more efficient, when it comes to the price / performance ratio. stripping a shield on a civilian ship shouldn t be an issue from a roleplaying point of view - aswell as armor.

edit: about the rarity of such a vessel - something of bretonian royal liner rarity feels right. - if its more of a roleplay ship than a pvp ship, it should not be spammed all over sirius, especially, when its expensive.