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[DELETED] - Sayne - 03-22-2008


The 9800 GX2 is out! - Korrd - 03-22-2008

Um.. You have a big problem there...
3GB of Vram means that the OS must use 3gb of memory addresses just to make the Vram usable, that means that 3GB of your main ram won't be accessible for the OS and it's applications. In fact, more, as many devices need memory addresses (see the 4gb memory hole for more info on this subject).

Also, those video cards use a lot of power, so you will need a very powerful PSU, like a 1000W one. That means, that the electricity bill will be expensive.

Also, SLI barely works with two boards. You think it would do better with three dual-boards? It will take 3x the power to go a 75% faster. That is, 300% more expensive, 300$ more heat, and 300% the power usage to give you a 75% increase in performance instead of the promised 300%.

Sorry to ruin your dream, but you have done a bad business..

The 9800 GX2 is out! - looqas - 03-22-2008

It's up to you how you spend you money, but honestly I think you jumped the gun too early. You being on a tour of duty means that you won't be even able to enjoy that monster setup at the moment. Besides nvidia is about to launch a new series soon, so you just bought these in a bad spot. Also the cards lose value so quickly nowadays that I wonder how much could you have saved if you'd waited until you are coming back to States before buying new cards.

Other than that little wondering I beseech you to ship them to me for a test ride 'till your tour ends:D

The 9800 GX2 is out! - Sayne - 03-22-2008


The 9800 GX2 is out! - BULLDOGNK - 03-22-2008

' Wrote:Um.. You have a big problem there...
3GB of Vram means that the OS must use 3gb of memory addresses just to make the Vram usable, that means that 3GB of your main ram won't be accessible for the OS and it's applications. In fact, more, as many devices need memory addresses (see the 4gb memory hole for more info on this subject).

Also, those video cards use a lot of power, so you will need a very powerful PSU, like a 1000W one. That means, that the electricity bill will be expensive.

Also, SLI barely works with two boards. You think it would do better with three dual-boards? It will take 3x the power to go a 75% faster. That is, 300% more expensive, 300$ more heat, and 300% the power usage to give you a 75% increase in performance instead of the promised 300%.

Sorry to ruin your dream, but you have done a bad business..

Well thanks for that, i am not buying one now:P


The 9800 GX2 is out! - 13CentKiller - 03-22-2008

I'm am lucky to have one video card... :sleep:

The 9800 GX2 is out! - Boss - 03-22-2008

I have an XFX 7600GT, slightly overclocked with Coolbits...Does all I need it to. I won't go buy one of those just yet. I'm waiting for the 10k series:D

The 9800 GX2 is out! - Doom - 03-22-2008

' Wrote:I have a 7600GT...Does all I need it to. I won't go buy one of those just yet. I'm waiting for the 10k series:D

oh packs also 7600GT extreme, and while it can run Oblivion with decent FPS and quite good quality and FL with insane set up, me is happy...:P

The 9800 GX2 is out! - Blodo - 03-22-2008

I am looking at assembling a new computer in the next few months, guess I'll be adding that to my list along with a quad core AMD processor. Eh?:P

Currently packing a 7800gt though, which is like 3 years old I might add:P

The 9800 GX2 is out! - Angelfire - 03-22-2008

It's almost that time again.. I have a 7800GTX but it really struggles with the Apple 30" screen I want...(the designers have them at the office and I'm thinking'procuring'

When that beast setup of yours is done, lemme know if it works and I'll duplicate it here in South Africa.
(if i can get the parts without having to sell my house).

Beware though... I'll probably be PM'ing you every 5 minutes to figure out the 64 bit Vista thingie!

must.....have...uber machine....for starcraft 2....must....