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BHG Guns. - Knjaz - 01-04-2012

Well, just 2 questions actually. Don't even know if I should forward it to devs or to BHG/BHG Core guys, since I don't know if these changes were influenced by faction or devs only.

Is orca, with it's medium powercore and Forward Cannon is meant to use the full set of 1500m/s heavy drain (3000/shot) but medium damage (750/shot) turrets , because you just can't mix basics into it unless you want to mess up your aim? (although I do agree that these stats make em kinda unique and well fitting to BHG)
...since we're in a situation when you're either using full BHG and forget about energy effeciency and your FC, or use full basics, no mixes.
And if BNose still have same amount of forward and backwards firing guns. Well, there's no way it can sustain 6 bhg turrets (although, these 1500 guns fit BNose very well indeed)

(I know it may not sound so, but this really isn't a complain. I just want to get an understanding of your vision on Orca and BNose)

Second question is about BHG BS Primaries.
Is it worth having additional 30m/s on your BS guns when your faction has a battlecruiser that is capable of mounting 4 forward firing cruiser cerbers that have same projectile speed as normal BS Primaries, but horrible refire rate, so you're actually obliged to fire them with maximum possible accuracy? I mean, how about "nerfing" BHG BS turrets to 800m/s, and give em something else in return? (Range from 3100 to 3200 or lesser energy consumption or higher damage... or even nothing at all)

BHG Guns. - Ursus - 01-04-2012

' Wrote:Is orca, with it's medium powercore and Forward Cannon is meant to use the full set of 1500m/s heavy drain (3000/shot) but medium damage (750/shot) turrets , because you just can't mix basics into it unless you want to mess up your aim? (although I do agree that these stats make em kinda unique and well fitting to BHG)
...since we're in a situation when you're either using full BHG and forget about energy effeciency and your FC, or use full basics, no mixes.
orca has no trouble firing all turrets as long as you need them. One thing is the rear turret only shoots sideways and rear, so it is not used often, and when it is used then the turret on the bottom of the ship opposite the direction you are shooting will not be firing. So even though you have 6 turret mounts, you only ever have 5 guns firing, unless you are shooting behind you. Also it is very rare to hold the fire button constantly for more than 15-20 seconds at a time, nobody can take the pressure.

BHG Guns. - Knjaz - 01-04-2012

' Wrote:orca has no trouble firing all turrets as long as you need them. One thing is the rear turret only shoots sideways and rear, so it is not used often, and when it is used then the turret on the bottom of the ship opposite the direction you are shooting will not be firing. So at most you only ever have 5 guns firing. Also it is very rare to hold the fire button constantly for more than 15-20 seconds at a time, nobody can take the pressure.

Yeah, but that makes FC a one-time use only, since you just don't have a spare energy for it to regen. That is, if you'll use your rear turret in a fight, and most often you will. And if you don't, that means enemy is constantly located in front of you, what also leaves no room for regen - since always keeping enemy under your fire is, if I didn't totally forget how to fight, one of most important aspects of turretboat PvP. Kinda reduces the usefullness of FC on it.

THe only weird thing with BHG turrets is that they reduce your anti-gunboat capability, while not allowing you to mix em with basics to not to harm your anti-fighter/bomber capability. But well, Orca can use full basics, it's np really.

I'm more concerned bout BNose, but I didn't check if the turret layout/amount of it is still same.

BHG Guns. - Ursus - 01-04-2012

What are you fighting? The only time the forward gun is used is when you have a big slow target that is right in front of you. The gun can only shoot in a rectangle that is width of orca and upper half of screen. Plus the projectile is very slow. So you need to be shooting something that is big and slow enough for you to have time to line up the front of the orca on the target, and then will stay there after you fire. At that point you can use a different weapon group for the forward gun, and have crosshairs only for that gun.

Eventually you may be able to use it for jousting but it is very hard. There is usually enough energy to fire 1-2 shots, since you rarely have all 6 of the turrets firing.

BHG Guns. - Knjaz - 01-04-2012

' Wrote:What are you fighting? The only time the forward gun is used is when you have a big slow target that is right in front of you. The gun can only shoot in a rectangle that is width of orca and upper half of screen. Plus the projectile is very slow. So you need to be shooting something that is big and slow enough for you to have time to line up the front of the orca on the target, and then will stay there after you fire. At that point you can use a different weapon group for the forward gun, and have crosshairs only for that gun.

Eventually you may be able to use it for jousting but it is very hard. There is usually enough energy to fire 1-2 shots, since you rarely have all 6 of the turrets firing.

You have to use your FC when you're fighting a gunboat with Orca, period. Thats why Orca requires bit more skill, you have to learn how to hit moving GB with FC, and not only in jousting. Otherwise, you're down to 5 turrets with crappy DtE or 5 basics = Screwed. That's also why Turret-steering only mode never really works on it, afaik.

Also, it's fun to kill random jousting bombers/fighters with it, but I managed to kill just few of them this way (although, never really tried that hard. But had a teammate who was doing it quite often)

P.S. And you do not use FC on Orca with a crosshair, ever. (Well, unless target is more then 800m away). Have to learn how to shoot it intuitively.