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CDs and NPCs - Printable Version

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CDs and NPCs - Tic - 03-23-2008

I'm sure many of you expirienced the same 2 problems:

1. Low lvl NPCs are able to stop your Cruiser or GB with Wasp CD, while you can't stop even a LF with it.

2. You fire CD on someone, and suddenly, all your allies around get hostile and attack you.

I was thinking if we could make NPC to ignore CDs, so you can fire it without fear that your allies will attack you.

CDs and NPCs - Panzer - 03-23-2008

I will say what I said before:

The current NPCs are all too difficult to destroy. Their CDs work too well, they abuse refills and they are supermanouverable.

I'd vote any day in favour of retruning them to their vanilla capabilities. (Maybe an equipment upgrade - low lv NPCs with contemporary weapons and such)

CDs and NPCs - mjolnir - 03-23-2008

' Wrote:I'm sure many of you expirienced the same 2 problems:

1. Low lvl NPCs are able to stop your Cruiser or GB with Wasp CD, while you can't stop even a LF with it.

This is mostly related to the ship you are flying... fighters can dodge/use CMs and they don't get stopped.

Some ships are just about immune to CDs.. (Tanker, Liberty Carrier, Outcast Dread)..., some stop to any CD (Spyglass)... so it's a player ship side problem .

Quote:2. You fire CD on someone, and suddenly, all your allies around get hostile and attack you.

I was thinking if we could make NPC to ignore CDs, so you can fire it without fear that your allies will attack you.

This is bad.. and would be great to fix... don't know how it can be done.

CDs and NPCs - Othman - 03-23-2008

I'd get rid of low level npcs, at least some of them but thats me and I know its not easy to remove 'em at all.

CDs and NPCs - chopper - 03-23-2008

You would have to change Train CD's radius blast. And then it would be useless, just as any other CD.
So, I don't think there's a way to fix it.

CDs and NPCs - Jinx - 03-23-2008

i ve never been "locked down" by NPCs so far. even in a whale - which gets CDed quite well, its easy to cruise away from a bunch of NPCs. they CD like 2 or 3 times, but if you just keep hitting cruise - you ll cruise away eventually.

of course, they ll throw you out of cruise when they have the chance with ease. i consider it a feature of ships when they cannot be CDed easily. it works for the variety of ships - a feature that is not down in the stats. ( like hitbox, and all the other things that are not clearly described in numbers )

of course that only works when you have a high level ship and can sort of... ignore those NPCs. i know that they are ... or can be annoying. countless traders have slipped past Clover, cause those little cavalier police NPCs, who cannot really hurt me much ( lvl 10 fighter shield ), fire wasps at me. but - thats sort of what the police is for. they keep me from cruising after a trader, while he gets away.

when its about really low level npcs and players. - yes, they can be a bit too much. but anything at like rank 30+ should be able to cope with it.

ps.: my experience is limited with it with most of my chars completely green / neutral to everything. Clover has everything red but gaians and allies, but i don t move around much, but rather sit and ambush traders away from common patrol lines. Cheshire, hardly ever goes to places other than clear lawful places - so i don t suffer from CDing NPCs, too.

CDs and NPCs - AdamantineFist - 03-24-2008

Honestly, it really depends what you're flying. My Border Worlds transport never gets CDed by NPCs if they're behind it, but can get disrupted if they're in front. Most other ships I fly, though, get disrupted every single time an NPC fires on them. Those NPCs have INSANELY good aim.

CDs and NPCs - Eppy - 03-24-2008

It's the ship with the Wasps and Hornets, but nothing smaller than a Cruiser is safe from a Train CD. The things move too fast, and once you're out of cruise in a Fighter or a Bomber you don't have a CHOICE but to shoot back. CMs work SOMETIMES, but the blast radius is so big It knocks you down anyways! What's worse is, it's impossible in nearly any freighter to escape from a pirate with a Train CD. I once had a lone eagle "chase" me all the way from the Leeds jumphole in Magellan to Freeport four, and NOT in cruise. He never dropped my shield, but I couldn't shoot him down because he was in an Eagle, and I couldn't cruise because the CD's radius is so freaking big! Neeeeeeeeeerf time.

CDs and NPCs - El Nino - 03-26-2008

I find it quite easy to just outthust the NPC's using engine kill and such, while they quickly run out of thruster power... and then when you get to about 2k distance hit cruise and you're back on track... (even with transports and gunboats, you can do similar, 140 speed will get you away when they loose their power)