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Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Printable Version

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Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Tic - 03-23-2008

Today i CDed a trader and told him to stop. He didnt answer, just kept going, i again told him to stop, he
started hitting cruise and thrusting away. I repeatedly told him to stop and cut engines(i told him "Stop!" at
least 7 times). He said "what" so i started writing that i need a donation. He again tried to cruise, so i had
to cancel writing and CD him again.
Then i shot down his shields and half hull and again told him to stop. He didnt, just started turning in circles
and firing his turrets around. I blown him up.

Here is the question, was it a rule violation, since i never asked him for tax?

I dont think it is, since he was not very cooperative, neither tried to tell something except "what".
The whole thing lasted about 4-5 minutes.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - chopper - 03-23-2008

Actually, it is. He doesn't have to stop, and you have to ask for amount. That simple.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Manni - 03-23-2008

It's no rule violation, because he don't wanted to stop. It's complet legal that you blowed him up.
His own mistake:P

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Etaphreven - 03-23-2008

I don't think it is.. you blew him up after he opened fire on you. Self defence is allowed.

Also, you can take him to 1% hull before asking for tax, but you can't kill him.. (( this isn't the case, however))

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Reverend Del - 03-23-2008

Simple way around it, chase him for as far as it takes for you to state your demands, then start with the shooting.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Ion - 03-23-2008

To me that is no violation, you gave him an opportunity to co-operate, he refused, so he can die.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Unseelie - 03-23-2008

The rule is make a demand...dunno if it is stipulated that money has to be demanded.
I think its fair, if he shot at you, or in any way tried to make it a fight, to call it a fight, and waste it.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Tic - 03-23-2008

' Wrote:Actually, it is. He doesn't have to stop, and you have to ask for amount. That simple.

But how do i ask for ammount when i have to CD him every few secs.

I can only write "2 mil or die"...

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Jwnantze - 03-23-2008

Therein lies the challenge of effective piracy. Sollution: Type 60 words a minute or pirate in groups.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Ors - 03-23-2008

' Wrote:But how do i ask for ammount when i have to CD him every few secs.

I can only write "2 mil or die"...

well, my only suggestion to you mate for next time, if someone doesn't comply and doesn't reply, than he's prolly ain't going to RP with you, so you might as well say the "2mil or die" line and get that part of the pirating over, as the RP of it will go nowhere..