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Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - Xenosaga - 01-05-2012

Those two weapons are severely underpowered.

Gaia's Angel:
1882 DPS
550 Energy/s

Suncannon D:
1976 DPS
530 Energy/s

Fury 5:
1905 DPS
523 Energy/s

For comparion, a balanced 5.88 gun:

Natterturn Zwei
1911 DPS
488 Energy/s

Apart from the fact, that the Angel is horrible compared to the already bad Suncannon, why should a Gaian or GC choose these guns, when they can use Flashpoints that have the same or more DPS while being MUCH more energy efficient? There is no reason to keep them so weak.
Also, those guns have ZERO synergy with the shipline of the two factions. Both, the new Gaian ship and the Blossom are agile but low-powered ships.
So, pleae buff those 2 guns in particular. It should not be too hard to include in the next update, correct?

Edit: Fury 5 has the same problem

Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - Jinx - 01-05-2012

i agree - but you also have to take into account that projectile speed has to pay a lot for. - gaias angles are 750ms ( i think )

anyway - i do agree that they are pretty powerhungry and not too damaging at all

Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - Xenosaga - 01-05-2012

I took it into consideration and the conclusion still stands. Compare them to Flashpoints, Reavers, Skyblasts etc. Virtually all of the buffed 8.33 750m/s guns deal more damage and consume less energy.
Also, I added the Fury 5. Same deal, Photon 5.88 that deals mediocre damage and consumes way too much energy.

Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - Jinx - 01-05-2012

we cannot really compare them to 8.33 - cause they were intentionally buffed - their purpose is spray and pray - while the slower guns are sniper guns.

on a 4.0 - you expect to hit maybe half the time you pull the trigger, on a 2.0 - you shotgun - expect 100% to hit ( if you re good ) - on a 8.33 - you spray - and expect around 20-30% to hit...

the result however is that 2.0 became a lot more energy efficient in comparisson - which was not intended - so 8.33 were buffed in terms of efficiency.

now -... 5.33 are an oddity .. sort of .. - but they are still based on the 2.0 to 4.0 balance - and hence do not benefit from the revision of the 8,33

Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - Xenosaga - 01-05-2012

All I see are low-medium damaging guns that have ridiculous energy costs. Even inside that group, there is no consistence. The Natterturns are the exact same in terms of speed and weapon type (Laser/Photon, same subgroup against shields). They deal the same damage and consume much less energy. At least bring the Suncannon, Gaia's Angel and Fury 5 to Natterturn levels.

Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - Razr - 01-05-2012

Well before they went on Eagles, now they go on the Gaian HF which is even faster, and the guns themselves work fine in my experience even if they're not as "good" as some of the others. You still have to take into account what ship x gun goes on and what ship it will be going up against most of the time.

Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - Xenosaga - 01-05-2012

Yeah. And how exactly do weapons with massive energy drain work together with light-powered ships like the Eagle, Gaian HF or Blossom?

Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - AndrzejB - 01-05-2012

Some of the class 9 guns are better than at least half of the codenames and some of them are on par with better ones of class 8. Weapons need serious rebalancing.

Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - Hone - 01-06-2012

A little thought I had, was that Gaians are supposed to be about protecting the enviroment, so it would make sens if they wanted to waste as little energy as possible right?

So I think it would be cool if their guns had low DPS, but were the most efficient guns in the entire game, what do you think?

Gaia's Angel and Suncannon - Jamez - 01-06-2012

5.88 guns are spammy. They are much closer to 8.33 mechanics, and should be balanced accordingly.

Also note the ships GC face are equally tiny.