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Kruger Press Conference - Kruger - 01-05-2012

* * * Incoming Transmission * * *
[Image: 2vvs308.png]
ID: Kruger Board Of Directors
To: Rheinland, Bretonia, Kusari, Independent Worlds
Topic: Live Press Conference feed

Guten tag. I am Mika Koenig, advisor of public relations of Kruger Minerals. I have heard several troubling pieces of information lately that are quite concerning, the first one beeing some quite horrid accusations against kruger. [color=#999999]*As hands start to rise, Miss Koenig quickly adds;* Please, no questions yet, we will be prepared to answer your questions at the end of the press conference. After we are done discussing the bad news, we will move on to several positive news for kruger and rheinland as a whole.

Firstly, I've heard some talk about several treaties that kruger is rumored to be part of, and as such, kruger is said to have to abide by regulations and standards set by these treaties. The first treaty that we are accused of beeing part of, should come up on your tablets and the holo screen behind me momentarily. [color=#999999]*A large image, mainly text, appears behind Miss Koenig*
I urge you all to please examine the facts, but I will tell you right now and spare you the trouble. Kruger was never a part of this original agreement. Even after suggesting to be part of it, we received a response from the IMG stating they did not want our cooperation in this matter.

Now, I want to tell you this. Kruger will not abide by a treaty with which it had not agreed to or participated in creating. However, if any of the previous parties of the treaties are willing to draft another treaty, we are willing to participate in the draft, but there will be no guarantee of the successful cooperation of Kruger Minerals.

Now that we have cleared up that matter, we are moving on to the other matter of importance, that may be slightly more positive. Having completed the supply transfers to Kruger's construction project near planet Rugen in Omega-15, we have initiated construction of some sections of the station. One of the components finished was the Ore survey and analysis module, which detected large amounts of valuable minerals and resources in the rest of the system. Seeing as we were the ones to realize and utilize these resources, we see it fit to claim all of the mineable minerals and resources of the Omega-15 system.

We have also recently found large mineral deposits north of Elbich station in omega-7. These are located, for those who do not traverse the system regularely, in the north eastern part of omega-7. Exact grid coordinates of these fields are FG/23. Seeing as yet again, these mineral deposits have not been claimed by any one, we officially lay claim to these resources. From now on kruger will not mine in any fields in omega-7, except those officially claimed by the kruger. Any individuals found in these fields will be requested to leave and drop any ore mined in these fields, and may be reported to the rheinland military and police for theft.

The extraction of minerals from these unrealized resource deposits have given us yet more to do, for the ever expanding economy of rheinland.

We will now be taking questions.

Kruger Press Conference - Zynth - 01-05-2012

A man in the back row of the audience raises his hand. He has a pen and notebook in one hand and a camera slung around his neck.

He stands up and begins to speak.

"Pardon me. I am Andrew Westin, freelance writer and journalist."

"About the recent discovery of the resources of the Omega-15 system. You state that Kruger lays full claim to all the resources in the system. But firstly, may I ask what are the new resources available. New resources means more markets being opened and I am sure that companies would be interested to know what resources can Kruger provide in the Omega-15 system. Unless of course, you would want to keep this information private, in that case, I would pry no further."

"And about the new fields in the Omega-7 system. Is the Rheinland Federal Police aware that you have taken claim to those fields? Also, what exactly are in those new fields? The Walker nebula is rich in resources and the fields may yield anything from copper to aluminum. I am sure other companies would also be interested what stake Kruger has in Omega-7. And naturally, if you wish to keep this confidential, I shall not intrude."

"Thank you."

Ending his speech, he takes a seat and puts his pen to his notebook, eagerly awaiting an answer.

Kruger Press Conference - jammi - 01-05-2012

As the previous reporter - Mr Westin - sat, another stood. "John Nichols, Omega News. I would just like to query the legality of your claim. Has this claim been registered with the current Rheinlandic government? More to the point, has it been recognised and approved by the current Rheinlandic government? Failing to do so would render attacks on 'thieves' little more than vigilante assaults on intrepid miners." He quickly seated himself again and waited for an answer.

Kruger Press Conference - Jack_Henderson - 01-05-2012

A man in his 30s is standing up, asking the following question:

My name is Richard Morrow, I am working with The Free Omega Workers' News and I'd like to ask you three questions:

Is it true, that Kruger| vessels attacked an IMG| Arrastra class miner and a civilian IMG| transport because they tried to enter the fields that you just claimed as Kruger's property?

Is it true that a Kruger| miner and a Kruger| transport were in the Northwestern fields today, mining Silver that is not inside the zone that you claimed? I mean, you must have known about your plan to restrict your mining activities by then, but you still send your miners to the spot where most IMG mine, after your ships shot at the IMG miners the day before? For what reason did you do that?

My last question would be: How is Kruger related to the so called "Copper and Silver Vigilante" groups that have been staging attacks against Kruger's rivals in the mining business? They claim to be working for Kruger. Well-informed sources say that there were multiple attacks in the Taus, as well as an attack against an FTU IMG Barge in Berlin, in broad sight of the Federal Police. What is your relation to those criminal elements?

Thank you so much for answering these questions.

He takes his seat again.

Kruger Press Conference - Kruger - 01-05-2012

* * * Incoming Transmission * * *
[Image: 2vvs308.png]
ID: Kruger Board Of Directors
To: Rheinland, Bretonia, Kusari, Independent Worlds
Topic: Live Press Conference feed

[color=#999999]*she smiles and nods* First to Mr. Westin, I'd like to answer both your questions immediatly. Omega-15 has shown a large amount of resources in terms of copper and diamonds. Both of those are resources that kruger is familiar with collecting.

Also to your second question. By the bundestags own transmissions, the northern part of Omega-7 is free space, and is currently claimed by no-one, not even rheinland. Kruger of course recognizes the large amount of resources there and of course, like any other company that would see the potential of this, would claim it.

Mr. Nichols, now to you. I'd like to refer you to my last statement, and to the way the southern part of omega-7 was claimed by daumann.

Now to you Mr. Morrow. [color=#999999]*she looks annoyed*
Seeing as the number of IMG vessels with callsigns on Morrow is ever increasing, I am not even sure how you got on this station, but I will answer your questions none the less. Yes, I am aware that the IMG vessels were repeatedly requested to leave, and would not leave before a discharge from the defencive systems of the excavation party. This is of course regrettable.

The actions of the single Kruger transport and mining ship in the field of the IMG I am not aware of, most noteably because I am not aware that IMG owns any field in omega-7. Now onto the vigilante group. The Copper and Silver group appear to be the work of another group with the intention to destroy kruger's reputation. A group such as IMG, seeing their repeated insistence that this group was working for kruger, would have a lot to gain by this, by victimizing themselves.

However, it is all the more likely that the group is the work of another unlawful group operating in rheinland, referred to as the Rot Front, which somehow, we are still not sure how, managed to steal 4 of the IMG carriers, known as the "Stakhanov", "Spartacus", "Conscience" and "Hannibal-II". Seeing as they have already done this, it appears as if they carry a grudge against the IMG, something which would further emphasize my beliefs that it is the work of the group known as the Rot Front, however, we can only speculate.

Now Mr. Morrow, and all you other journalists, I would hope we direct our questions mainly to the information in this press conference, and not go further off topic.

Kruger Press Conference - Jack_Henderson - 01-05-2012

Richard has been looking up something on his PDA, and he is standing up, asking the following question in a calm tone, not getting annoyed by the obvious lies and provocation:

So you really want to make the public belief that a "discharge from the defensive systems" happened more than once and exactly after the Kruger mining party was ordered to open fire? Records show clearly that the order was given at 12:24:14 by Kruger|Delta-29. The attack by Kruger|Delta-29 ended 12:26:06. I have the facts here and I can show them to you right now... *he stops for a moment, giving her some time to think, then asks again* So do you want to tell us, what really happened?

[color=#FFFFFF]Only for those journalists close to him, they might see the following pictures on the PDA that he shows to those who seem interested:

File: Begin of the Attack
File: End of Attack

You really want the public to believe that the Kruger Vigilante groups are the works of IMG themselves? So you mean that the IMG blows up their own transports and Barges to "victimise" themselves? *he can't help but shake his head and chuckle silently*

But to return to the topic, as you wished: [color=#FFFFFF]*serious tone after clearing his throat*

The Omega 7 claim was made unilaterally by Kruger. What reaction do you expect by DHC and IMG, the main rivals in Omega 7? How will Kruger react if these companies claim the other two regions in Omega 7 that hold resources for themselves?

Thank you again for answering these questions.

He takes his seat again.

Kruger Press Conference - Kruger - 01-05-2012

* * * Incoming Transmission * * *
[Image: 2vvs308.png]
ID: Kruger Board Of Directors
To: Rheinland, Bretonia, Kusari, Independent Worlds
Topic: Live Press Conference feed

[color=#999999]*she smiles brightly, nearing a grin*As I said, Mr. Morrow, It was a discharge of the defensive systems. I believe you IMG are quite familiar with attempting to steal drones, so naturally, we increased their sensitivity. However, that matter was settled by the RFP.

And Mr. Morrow, onto your second point, the IMG is the only non rheinland company operating in omega-7. Naturally, getting rid of one or two of the competitors would be good for business for your guild, yes? And as I stated in my previous statements, the IMG point of view is only speculation, as is your view that kruger is behind these attacks. As far as I know, until now, no concrete proof has been presented. Tell me, if the corsairs came out and suddenly announced that they are working for zoners, would you believe them? I believe this is a quite similiar situation, where the IMG have decided to trust blindly the statements by the criminals themselves, something perhaps insinuating that the IMG trusts the word of these vigilantes?[color=#999999]*She raises an eyebrow*

Now we will however take a short break, we will be back shortly. To all you millions of viewers all across sirius, we have some slight intermission that will play by a sirius known artist, Herr Khil.

*She smiles and steps off the podium as the music starts playing*

Kruger Press Conference - jammi - 01-06-2012

Mr Nichols stood once more. "So, to clarify, these claims have not been recognised by the Bundestag and are not technically legitimate. What you've basically said is you have no legal grounds to prevent competitors accessing these fields, and thus resorted to violence in order to enforce your ownership of these claims. Can you confirm this?"