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Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - Printable Version

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Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - Hone - 01-05-2012

From my post in the generic ID thread, Made a new topic for it, as it branches out.

' Wrote:Ok you have a valid point jammi, FR5s take too long/cause too much work for admins. So that is a problem with the FR5 system. So instead of splitting the IDs we should fix the FR5 system.

I propose allowing official faction leaders to FR5 people themselves, but they have to list all FR5s in a certain thread, along with the accompanying RP. Which the admins can overlook, and overturn any FR5s they think have insufficient RP/are wrong.

This would leessen work for admins, as they would not have to deal with every FR5, just overturn the bad ones.
And allow FR5s to proceed immediately, as the faction leaders can do them as soon as they can be bothered - if they dont do them, they have no-one to complain to but themselves.

And to regulate this, when you log on after being FR5d you would get a message saying you have been outlawed by *x* which you can screenshot, to check against the list.
I think that should allow the generic IDs to be merged, as now you cannot have a freelancer pirating for a month in front of manhatten.

EDIT: after reading the responses to the thread:

' Wrote:So it seems most people's problems with this are;
A: Fations are biased, and we dont trust them.
B: Fation LEADERS are not screened, only the actual faction, before admins make it official.

So, taking this into account, how about if this right is granted to the faction leader specifically?

Allow me to explain;

The faction submits an officialdom request, the admins currently evaluate the faction before making it official. If it passes their screening, I think the leader has earned the right to be able to FR5 himself.
However, I propose, that if the leadership changes, then though the faction will stay official, the faction will lose the right to FR5 people itself, (it can still submit requests to admins, as factions currently do) until the admins are satisfied that the new leader/direction of the faction, is up to the standard of the old.

Also to those saying it would need a list of those FR5d ect, please see my first post, where I suggested this myself. I think an appropriate regulating measure would be; if the admins think the RP behind the FR5 is insufficient, then the FR5 will be undone, and the faction is not allowed to re-FR5 that person for that offence. (they must commit a new offence to be FR5d.

Also, I am ONLY recommending .9 FR5s here, so the recipients can bribe ect, their way back to the good books - because that is part of freelancer's RP. And factions may not FR5 someone for the same offence twice.

E.G. You FR5 someone, and they mission grind their way back, you cant FR5 them again, because inrp you have forgiven them thanks to their work for you.

Also, abusing this right E.G. repeated FR5s with insufficient RP should get yr right revoked, at least temporarily.

Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - Jinx - 01-05-2012

it depends on the phrase...

- is it a RIGHT to apply it? ... then the admins are but "workers" to execute this right....


- is it a right to REQUEST? - then the admins are judges - and its not at all up to the faction.

in the past .... it was merely a right to request - but not a right. if its not a right .... it would elevate the faction leaders to judges - which they are currently not.

Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - Maelstrom - 01-05-2012

This is an extremely bad idea.

Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - McNeo - 01-05-2012

Aside from the surge of paperwork I'd have to deal with as [LN], which is my job anyway, I'd approve of this. Frankly, it'd be much better if the system could be automated like this, though of course, there will be some people who vehemently oppose the FR5 system period.

As long as we could also FR5 people of the same faction without that being liscence for them to go all defected-navy on us.

Well, I'd approve it if admins vetted and had tabs on faction leaders. More power means more accountability.

@Maelstrom: Oh, you got here before me.

Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - Matthews - 01-05-2012

The Admins still have to do the FR5 work and it gives the faction leaders power they shouldn't posses.
Admins are here for a reason and such power shouldn't be given to normal players, even if it takes time to issue the FR5s now. It's better than your suggestion.

Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - NixOlympica - 01-05-2012

No, because Disco is not emotion/bias-less. And then admins would have to solve 1000 counter FR5 complaints. It wouldn't reduce the amount of paperwork if not the opposite. Also the ammount of hate and QQ would go rocket high.

Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - Mercarryn - 01-05-2012

' Wrote:it depends on the phrase...

- is it a RIGHT to apply it? ... then the admins are but "workers" to execute this right....


- is it a right to REQUEST? - then the admins are judges - and its not at all up to the faction.
in the past .... it was merely a right to request - but not a right. if its not a right .... it would elevate the faction leaders to judges - which they are currently not.

That's the point of it. Giving official faction leaders the power for FR5 it might be the possibility of an abuse of it.
And I do not think that we want this to happen.

Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - Stygian - 01-05-2012

While it would be nice and would help ease Admin workload this would never work. Faction leaders can't be trusted with such a tool.

Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - Maelstrom - 01-05-2012


Looks like were just going to be on opposite sides of this untill one of us keels over.

Just as Pilgrim and Matthews stated, this idea opens the system up to a bumton of abuse and will ultimately arrive at far more paperwork for the admins.

Allowing Official Faction leaders to FR5 people themselves. - Enoch - 01-05-2012

' Wrote:That's the point of it. Giving official faction leaders the power for FR5 it might be the possibility of an abuse of it.
And I do not think that we want this to happen.
There won't be any real abuse if the system is designed properly.