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Remove Connecticut - Printable Version

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Remove Connecticut - Markam - 01-05-2012

I propose we remove Connecticut from the mod entirely (or simply remove access), freeing up the slots on an already full server for other players, and increasing active RPer population in the vastly increased system count, making for more players which are actually engaging in the actual mod, rather than the OORP universe that is Connecticut where players simply shoot each other without consequence or meaning.

The release of 486, and subsequent jump in activity has resulted in the long since forgotten que to get into the server, and a stopgap measure to relieve this is removing Connecticut access, and telling those that wish to partake in oorp PVP to go to another Discovery server where pvp is generally oorp (discovery of discovery perhaps?).

I'm sure plenty of you use Connecticut and consider it part of the fun, but as recent (or not so recent) pvp events have shown, a seperate server for focused pvp is far more efficient and fun, with no effort in setting up ships or being bothered by reengagement rules.

Remove Connecticut - Korny - 01-05-2012

If you don't want to do it, then don't visit Conn. There's a lot of people on this server that like to lay back and kick into some chill pvp from time to time, me included.

Remove Connecticut - Narcotic - 01-05-2012

Well, I'd never used Connecticut. Ever.

If you search for PVP fun, you can also find it inRP easily.
But, I've got no problem with the existence of that ooRP system.

Those who don't use it, won't care about. And those who use it, will be against removing it. Or am I wrong?

Remove Connecticut - Evan_ - 01-05-2012

I know from where Markam comes, I've been there. But it wont happen it seems. I've never been to Conn, but I feel with the people who spend their time there.

People just prefer to use the same server for relaxed conn-pvp and roleplay. I'll never understand the reason behind that, but I take it as a fact.

EDIT: And I don't have to queue for the main server much, not even this time, so I don't care as much as those who rather take a main server slot for something that can be done in Disco of Disco.

Remove Connecticut - Hielor - 01-05-2012

' Wrote:If you don't want to do it, then don't visit Conn. There's a lot of people on this server that like to lay back and kick into some chill pvp from time to time, me included.
The problem is that you're taking up slots on the server for people who actually want to be on this server specifically and aren't just looking for random OORP pewpew.

Remove Connecticut - Reid - 01-05-2012

But if we remove Connecticut from the mod, then all the other servers have to remove it too

Remove Connecticut - Markam - 01-05-2012

' Wrote:But if we remove Connecticut from the mod, then all the other servers have to remove it too

It would be a simple jump hole lock, or making the hole a one way hole so those there can leave. Other servers, such as discovery of discovery are essentially giant Connecticuts' that engage in oorp pvp in the middle of New York, so even if it was removed it would have little consequence.

Remove Connecticut - Scaryowl - 01-05-2012

Actually, the average number of people in Conny is not really too big compared to 200. Usually there are like 3-4 ships, and sometimes I undock in Conny and nobody is there...

Remove Connecticut - Govedo13 - 01-05-2012

' Wrote:Actually, the average number of people in Conny is not really too big compared to 200. Usually there are like 3-4 ships, and sometimes I undock in Conny and nobody is there...
Remove Gallia?
I am really pissed off when I wait 20 min to log on full server and cannot interact with anybody for another 30 min with 200 people in- a way too many systems...:angry:

Remove Connecticut - Jeremy Hunter - 01-05-2012

' Wrote:It would be a simple jump hole lock, or making the hole a one way hole so those there can leave. Other servers, such as discovery of discovery are essentially giant Connecticuts' that engage in oorp pvp in the middle of New York, so even if it was removed it would have little consequence.

Sure, we'll just have a couple Outcasts, HF, Navy, and some random LNS caps all training around Rochestor/Freeport1/etc.

Conn is for people to train against one another in thier most comfortable craft/loadout, without worrying about rep/rp.