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Onyx Martinez - Printable Version

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Onyx Martinez - Sparky 2.0 - 01-06-2012

Onyx Martinez;
Origin of birth: Unkown
Date of birth: Unkown

Onyx Martinez is on all accounts an orphan adopted into a life of hard labour. He was found by a mining company struggling for his life in a half destroyed Starflier. When found Martinez claimed to have no reccolection of how he arrived to be in the fighter or the ice field in which he was discovered.
The miners (identity private) decided to "let" Martinez work for them by mining in the region of Sigma - 19. After several years of mining Martinez claimed that he was "bored" of the job and stole a Mafic mining craft from his captors, After a heated chase resulting in two destroyed and deceased miners Martinez discovered A love for dogfights and combat.

For several years Martinez went off the radar, periodically his name would pop up along trading routes and the occasional piratting report, With this information we have reason to believe Martinez had spent these missing years piratting along the California trade lines but doing a very good job of being quiet about it. We believe he used 3 different ships in this time period a Bactrian, a Mule and a Pirate transport.
As there are no official records of his piracy Martinez was able to sign up for the Liberty Navy and begin his life as a soldier.

His first few years in the LN where simple missions involving patrols of liberty space and the occasional persuit and capture of small time criminals. Martinez steadily worked his way through the ranks until he became the proud captain of a Liberty gunboat. Once war between Rheinland and Liberty seemed imminent Martinez was one of the first to put his name down for the front lines. Once the war began Martinez was assigned to destroy a Rhienland capital ship. The mission was a dramatic failure, resulting in the death of 13 LN soldiers and the destruction of Martinez's gunboat. The reports claim that someone had leaked information to Rhienland of the mission and a trap was set to destroy the approaching LN. Martinez resigned from the LN taking the loss very heavily and blaming no one but himself for the deaths of those men.

Martinez became a mercanary working as a gun for hire, Flying his own improved SV-17 "Virage" Civilian VHF he worked for numerous factions and chose failure as no option, whenever a mission didn't succeed he would spend days contemplating what went wrong how to avoid it again. Over 15 years of this strategy honed Martinez into nothing but an expert at what ever he has to do. If the money is right Martinez will do anything required.

Until he finds his purpose in the deep space.
Martinez still works as a gun for hire, His loyalty going only to the highest bid.

- Last known update.
- End Record.