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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Printable Version

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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - looqas - 03-24-2008

I recon the California system is now by far the most dangerous system of all Liberty. Still I see very few officers there while NY is bulging. This is a very good opportunity for the said SA and LPI to get a break from the routine NY madhouse.

Good job pirates! You are getting ballsier :) You actually managed to ground my trader partner to LA huddling while the situation was on. Congrats for the fear effect!

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - SimonBlack - 03-24-2008

As Synth Foods I have already made an in RP complaint regarding this matter.

As LPI I always stay in California.

However, my LPI cant be there when I pass through in Synth.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Zapp - 03-24-2008

It'd be... kinda weird if you could.


Inside an office covered with so many papers that you can't see the floor, a rotund man slept on the armchair wit an open pizza box with a half-eaten pizza on top of him. The phone rings and he jumps six feet into the air, which leads some to believe he may just be full of helium -- until you touch his gut, which few are brave enough or stupid enough to do.

"CESAR! What I say 'bout wakin' me up on ma... oooh, pizza!"

The phone rings again.

"OH my GOD! MY PHONE BE POSSESSED! Someone get me ma wooden stake 'n' iron cross!"

He backs away from the phone, but then he notices that the pizza box that had gone from his lap to the desk was still right there, next to the 'possessed' phone.

"Not da pizza! Fiend!"

With life and pizza at risk, Matt lunges forward at the phone, engaging it in fierce hand-to-handset combat, inflicting as well as taking several hits. Oh, it was a fierce fighter that phone, and gave Matt a run for his money. Then the handset part fell off, and the ringing stopped to be replaced by a voice.

"Oh, ma phone don't be possessed! It just be... if you be a telemarketer I put you under arrest for gross insubordination."

"No no, I'm calling to complain about the pirate problem in California."

Matt dropped the phone. A second later, he was up in the ficus he grew in the room, shaking. Well, the ficus was more than a little upset, which is why it threw Matt across the room, out the door, and into the main area where all the officers had cubicles.


The resulting mayhem of papers flying everywhere, desks being toppled, wills being written on dirty napkins, people running in circles screaming, the girl scouts came to sell their cookies, and then Cesar had one too many 'lattes' and decided to get up and do karaoke.


Err.... that's to say that the LPI is busy. VERY busy.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Robert.Fitzgerald - 03-24-2008

I must admit the SA do spend a lot of time in New York. Today, they were sitting there with various other lawful players outside of Manhattan having a "festival".

The festival? Random starfliers with silly names ("", "your.toilet" etc) slamming into the lawful ships. The justification? "People are launching furnishings into space". I must admit, I did laugh when I saw the hundreds of death messages + a few rampages. I never knew there was a message for 15 kills either.
But if I actually pirated during the "festival" in Colorado/California, I bet nobody would come to the traders' aid. That's the problem, lawfuls are too concentrated in Liberty. If you don't move about, we pirates will stay in the same spots also. But we'd be getting money from it, you'd be getting oorp system chat...

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - SimonBlack - 03-24-2008

Funny thing that I had. I saw 5 Navy/LSF in New York and one LSF in California. I pmed the LSF in California saying that its great that he is here. What did he say? "Just sorting my rep":D

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - sovereign - 03-24-2008

' Wrote:It'd be... kinda weird if you could.


Inside an office covered with so many papers that you can't see the floor, a rotund man slept on the armchair wit an open pizza box with a half-eaten pizza on top of him. The phone rings and he jumps six feet into the air, which leads some to believe he may just be full of helium -- until you touch his gut, which few are brave enough or stupid enough to do.

"CESAR! What I say 'bout wakin' me up on ma... oooh, pizza!"

The phone rings again.

"OH my GOD! MY PHONE BE POSSESSED! Someone get me ma wooden stake 'n' iron cross!"

He backs away from the phone, but then he notices that the pizza box that had gone from his lap to the desk was still right there, next to the 'possessed' phone.

"Not da pizza! Fiend!"

With life and pizza at risk, Matt lunges forward at the phone, engaging it in fierce hand-to-handset combat, inflicting as well as taking several hits. Oh, it was a fierce fighter that phone, and gave Matt a run for his money. Then the handset part fell off, and the ringing stopped to be replaced by a voice.

"Oh, ma phone don't be possessed! It just be... if you be a telemarketer I put you under arrest for gross insubordination."

"No no, I'm calling to complain about the pirate problem in California."

Matt dropped the phone. A second later, he was up in the ficus he grew in the room, shaking. Well, the ficus was more than a little upset, which is why it threw Matt across the room, out the door, and into the main area where all the officers had cubicles.


The resulting mayhem of papers flying everywhere, desks being toppled, wills being written on dirty napkins, people running in circles screaming, the girl scouts came to sell their cookies, and then Cesar had one too many 'lattes' and decided to get up and do karaoke.


Err.... that's to say that the LPI is busy. VERY busy.

You have made my day worthwhile, which is pretty impressive after this:


On topic though, it would be nice if Liberty folk wandered a bit. However, I've found that they come bail you out when asked... usually.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - MB52 - 03-24-2008

I personally patrol around occasionally.


Makes a nice loop, and you are in newyork alot.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - FuryTerror - 03-24-2008

Of course it's California this time,

First people are starting to say Colorado is unsafe during high Xenos and pirate activity. And now it's Califronia. One of the reasons has been stated in another topic (made by me aswell) New York is getting overloaded with people. The LPI, LSF and SA are mostly to busy to controll New York as it's never safe.

I'm one of those pirates with do not want to stay in New York to make it unsafe, somehow we all went to California. I myself fly in more systems of liberty but California is indeed getting under controll of pirates.

But it's the game, even if LSF, SA and LPI came with all their big forces to California and totally controll it, pirates will simply move to Texas, New York or Colorado and do their job there. Then there would be a topic that Texas is getting unsafe, then they all move over there.. ect. ect.

Of course it's an option for the SA, LSF and LPI to split their forces and patroll New York, California, Texas and Colorado. But splitting up will weak your party, and us pirates arn't splitting up and will remain same strenght. So doing that would be suiside. Thats why we have this constant round about of pirates in those systems.

Simply as that..

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - mjolnir - 03-24-2008

' Wrote:I personally patrol around occasionally.


Makes a nice loop, and you are in newyork alot.

I'd say Colorado-Ontario-California-NY-Colorado makes much more of a loop.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Xing - 03-24-2008

I made the experiment at parking my capship over california minor from time to time, as it is anyhow where the 106th battlegroup is officially based.

90% of the time is about silent-bob trader
5%, would be about silent pirate that says 2M or die
5%, is about a bit more interactive pirates