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Discussing the IMG line - Printable Version

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Discussing the IMG line - Swallow - 01-07-2012

First of all I'd like to say *thank you* to IMG line designer, quite a nice work you, good sir did.

So, I have seen some threads about IMG past and new shiplines...some QQing and so on.
But lets look at it from the practical point of view, without emotions and so on.
- Fighters.
Not much I can say about the LF, HF and VHF, they are quite awesome. Maybe someone is missing that fancy red-stylish ships, which are now used by CR, but it absolutely does not mean that current ships are not well. A bit unusual as they are new to us, but I bet everyone could get used to them. Bessides HF and VHF are looking soooo bulky...
Just my point of view about fighters.

- Transports.
Well I think it is not that good here, with transport and miner.
No offence, but they looks like were made in hurry...And design.
I dont know many opinions, what others think, but I am not sure that those two ships will be popular among the players. Personally, I think we can make an update for those two, with patience and community's POWs.

Also I was thinking that IMG could have coulple of small miners, as it is a rich faction and, well I think it is absolutely logical that IMG could have wide mining line, but not only heavy miner and civilian ones.

I will not say anything about capital ships so far, but I am sure that they are good too.

Discussing the IMG line - Mao - 01-07-2012

I pretty much agree with everything you said. You my alt by any chance?:wacko:

Discussing the IMG line - Jack_Henderson - 01-07-2012

There will be a heavy IMG transport, it just didn't make it into this update. But it already exists.

The LF needs some tuning, it just doesn't behave like a LF. I don't know why (the designer has proven that it is scaled correctly by screenshots). Fighting other LFs (like the CR one) is incredibly hard, the IMG LF is very easy to take down. Some tweaking is needed, likely statwise, to make is useful.

The Duck-ate-baseball or I'm-a-little-teapot (do you know the song?) transport miner rocks. The looks are debatable (isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?), but I like it personally. It handles like a mining ship should (in comparison to the do-the-rock-bump-dance-yeah Hegemon). Also try the IMG I'm-a-little-teapot miner under attack... you will like what you see (compared to big-as-a-base Hegemon).

The IMG small transport doesn't have enough cargo to make it useful. Classifying it to freighter (reduce the cargo to fit freighters, etc) might make it useable for a shuttle between fields and transports... or a craft for the shady IMG business... perhaps. But: there will be a large one (see above)
Alternative: increase cargo hold to a reasonable amount. This ship is also responsible for a lot of QQ, as the old ship was very useful, while this one is deemed useless by all but one player I know (and I know all currently active IMG| players + some IMG indie groups rather well)

VHF performs well in combat and looks good, imo. The theme "sturdy + dirty" that was chosen for IMG is mirrored in the looks.

Bomber is performing well, and is looking good. It's a real step from the (imo underpowered) CR bomber.

The BC looks good, imo. I haven't tried it yet, but plan to do so.

BS and Zephyr are not missed by me, just my opinion.

Discussing the IMG line - Warhalk - 01-07-2012

Any pics for fighters and transport? I have an IMG fighter in civ ship, and trader in civ trans. Maybe i will put both in proper IMG ships if i like the looks of them.

Discussing the IMG line - BaconSoda - 01-07-2012

The small Transport handles VERY well. If I had a Transport and I wanted to fend off something or dodge something, that ship is what I would want to do it in. The cargo is a bit lacking, but if you want an example in survivability, I would wager that the Nanga Parbat turns faster than some Bombers.

Discussing the IMG line - Swallow - 01-07-2012

I will take a look at LF statas and its performance in the game, also I will try that Naga or whatever...yet didnt get used to all those names.
And bomber...I didnt see it? I wonder why I didnt see it yet. Need to check.

So in my todo list -
check LF
Check bomber (actually I never used any bomber in disco, but Just to try)
Check transport and miner statas
Make some sketches for probable alternative designs for that two. ( Seriously, if they have great staatas as said, then why they should not have some better models..well again - no offence).

Also, what do you think about small IMG miners?

Discussing the IMG line - Swallow - 01-07-2012

' Wrote:I pretty much agree with everything you said. You my alt by any chance?:wacko:

maybe a lost twin.

Discussing the IMG line - Swallow - 01-07-2012

Also, big IMG transport was made by Doleo?
Que to Jack

Discussing the IMG line - Swallow - 01-07-2012

So far I have done my version of IMG small transport model.
While making it I used some of Atlas' design ( because if that was IMG ship, and engineers from the Guild have some experience of building such type ships), but It would be compact - a bit longer then Naga but with that it would have thin profile.

Well all my modelling work is just to show the logical tech evolution of IMG shipline, and it only represents my POW...
but lets see.
I will upload some pics soon and I would be pleased to get some critics.

Discussing the IMG line - jammi - 01-07-2012

' Wrote:The small Transport handles VERY well. If I had a Transport and I wanted to fend off something or dodge something, that ship is what I would want to do it in. The cargo is a bit lacking, but if you want an example in survivability, I would wager that the Nanga Parbat turns faster than some Bombers.
Only problem is, turret steer is horrible in asteroid fields.