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An old friend's revenge - equinosz - 01-07-2012

[Image: 450207237Roy_pilgrim_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

The Pilgrim shocked as it entered the jumphole. On the other side the blueish Coronado system greeted them.

-Radar shows no contacts.

-Good. Calculate the fastest route to the other jumphole. Procced on full speed. I'll be at my quarters.

The second in command nodded at Roy, and started issuing orders.

As the captain was walking towards his room Zenon crossed his way.

-Captain! What's this change of plans? We're about to go to Curacao!

-Yes, but Dawson sent us a message that a few problems rose with the upgrade of the Sensorium, so we will meet them in Baffin.

-But Roy, the crew needs some free time, they deserve it!

-Sure, and they will get it as fast as we transfer everything to the new ship. The samples we took from Lansdale are very...

A voice could be heard from the speakers.

-Captain Khan to the bridge immediately!

Roy looked at Zenon, turned 180 degrees and started running to the command centre with Zenon in his back.

-Captain, we have received some disturbing signals a few second ago. We have no idea what can it be, but I don't like it at all.


-10k in front of us. Already changed the direction, we will pass it in 10 seconds by 3k.

-Unidentified ships popping out of nowhere, sir! At least a dozen of fighters with a few gunboats. They were stealth... -The woman's voice was cut by the radioman's.

-They're ordering us to cut the engines.

-Do it! And open a channel!

[Image: Dmitriy_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

The coalition gunboat was drifting in the asteroid field of Coronado. Every unnecessary system has been turned off. Only the life support, the radar and the stealth system worked.

-Scanners show two ships jumping in. An AI vessel and a Pilgrim class slave liner. Both of them marked as research vessels. The pilgrim has about 50 life signs on board. They're heating up the cruise engines. Seems like their target is the Baffin jump hole. - the man at the radar gave all the possible information about the two ships.

-Any news about the pirates? - Asked Dmitriy.

-No. They must be still around the position where they stealthed. I guess they were waiting for these two ships as they're going straight into their hands.

-Whatever happens we have to stay here and continue our mission.

-One of the pirates must have had some sort of energy fluctuation as it dropped out of stealth for a second. The liner is changing it's route, but it's too late for them, they will bump into the pirates. Yes, exactly. The ships came out of stealth and started to chase the liner.

-They're ordering them to cut the engines. -the radioman's voice could be heard. -The captain of the liner tries to contact them. His name is... Captain Roy Khan.

-Check the database, I need all info on him and his crew. -ordered Dmitriy.

An old friend's revenge - Lanakov - 01-09-2012

[Image: 790017TheMerc.jpg]

" Captain Khan, of the Equinox. "

Those few words were uttered in the most neutral voice possible - no accent, not even a trace of feeling, nothing.

" You have followed our instructions. This will make things easy for everyone involved. Do as you're told, and no blood will be spilled today. "

Then came a brief pause.

" Should you try to act bravely and decide to do the contrary of what you're instructed, no quarters shall be given. As you can see, you are clearly out-gunned and outnumbered ; Any non-compliance would result in a vain carnage. "

Another pause, followed by a shorter sentence, with a slight difference in the tone - less formal, more lively.

" Now, Captain Khan, what is asked of you is quite simple. Surrender yourself to our forces. You will come to us unarmed and alone, and your people will be spared. "

" You have five minutes before our forces start disabling maneuvers on your vessel. That is all. "

An old friend's revenge - Tenseiken - 01-09-2012

The drone, intercepting the message, started to calculate.
Surrendering the captain of the Equinox would mean a major loss to the crew of the vessel and the chances of reaching the deep Omicrons would be nullified.
Therefore the request was unacceptable.

It started to overclock the weapon systems.

[color=#33FF33]*engine powercore at 98.997% efficiency*
*weapon powercore at 95.993% efficiency*

It sent a simple text message to the slave liner.


The main screen of the Equinox showed a short information: "cruise, target location C,D/1,2"


After sending the transmission, the drone activated the engine system and engaged cruise speed.

*engine powercore at 92.991% efficiency*
*weapon powercore at 112.994% efficiency*

When it reached the group of hostile vessels it deactivated the engine and
quickly drifted through their formation.

*engine powercore at 99.998% efficiency*
*weapon powercore at 143.993% efficiency*

The buildup was complete. The drone released a cloud of ion particles, strong enough to scramble the scanners of the fighters and gunboats, but too weak to reach the Equinox.

*engine powercore at 99.998% efficiency*
*weapon powercore at 23.997% efficiency*

It immediatly restarted the cruise engine and headed for the coordinates it formerly transmitted
to the slave liner.

An old friend's revenge - equinosz - 01-09-2012

[Image: 450207237Roy_pilgrim_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

As the main screen showed the location Roy immediately knew that he can trust in Xaror. He didn't hesitate at all.

-Set course to the given location, cruise up!

-Captain, another of those ion detonation or whatever was released by the drone.

I knew you will do it again, thanks!

The slave liner's engines were heating up very quickly and before the pirates could even react they were cruising towards the given location.

-Man the turrets, we won't be able to outrun them!

[Image: Dmitriy_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

-Captain Vitalievich, they're trying to escape.

-They won't stand a chance. Power up the systems, we're going in and open a channel towards them. Tell them that we try to cover.

-Captain, we have our orders! We can't risk the mission...

-Civilians are in danger! The coalition can't let the pirates rule the galaxy! Calculate the best route to reach them, I want to be in the back of that liner as near as possible!

The storm deactivated the cloacking system and powered up the others. It took about half a minute to leave the safe asteroid belt and to be detected by the pirates. Hopefully the storm reaches the liner faster than the pirates. If not, well than Dmitriy will receive a nice bullet to his head for abandoning such an important mission for nothing.

An old friend's revenge - Lanakov - 01-09-2012

[Image: 790017TheMerc.jpg]

" It appears you have reached a decision. A more reasonable behavior was expected from you. You will now face the consequences. "

The grey-eyed man gestured the comms operator to shut down the feed, when he was signaled the presence of a small warship moving closer in direction of the liner.

" The Coalition. That was not part of the contract. "

The man opened a channel to the warship.

" People of the Coalition. Your presence here is not required, unless you have made yourselves partisans of slavery and oppression. The Equinox is facing several charges of crime against humanity and we've been hired to bring them before the... Bretonian law.
Do not interfere in this affair, and we won't interfere in yours. I repeat, do not interfere. "

While shutting the transmission, he signaled his fleet to commence the intercept & disable maneuvers on the Equinox. As the armada set briskly into motion, he reached his ear communicator.

" Kate. Something unexpected came up. "

An old friend's revenge - equinosz - 01-09-2012

[Image: 450207237Roy_pilgrim_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

Every second as the Equinox raced towards the planet the pirates won several meters.

-Captain! A coalition warship is coming on an intercepting course.

-What? We have nothing to do with them! Open a channel immediately! This is Captain Khan of the research vessel Equinox.

-Shut up captain, and try to reach that planet! We'll try to hold them! Vitalievich out!

-What the hell? I understand nothing of this! How much time do we need to get in scanner range of the planet?

-Five minutes ten seconds.

-Good, keep it and watch out for the Colonial patrols. They might help us. Or just shot at us...

[Image: Dmitriy_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

Dmitriy stared at the screens watching several red dots closing on a smaller and a bigger green one. Then the main screen changed and a very dark picture appeared of a hooded man.

*People of the Coalition. Your presence here is not required, unless you have made yourselves partisans of slavery and oppression. The Equinox is facing several charges of crime against humanity and we've been hired to bring them before the... Bretonian law.
Do not interfere in this affair, and we won't interfere in yours. I repeat, do not interfere. *

-My answer is the following: Dear unknown cold person. Identify yourself and leave the research ship alone. We found nothing bad in our database about that ship or any of the crew members. For me it seems like some filthy pirates trying to rob some civilians. As far as you can't prove otherwise I'll have to open fire on your ships. I repeat, open fire on your ships. Vitalievich out. -irony and negligence could be heard of Dmitriy's voice. - Send it.

Another incoming message came up the screen.

-Ah...what a busy day...

*This is Captain Khan of the research vessel Equinox. *

-Shut up captain, and try to reach that planet! We'll try to hold them! Vitalievich out!

Although he tried to look calm he wasn't at all. The main screen showed the radar again. They can reach the liner easily, but what can they do after that? Even a storm couldn't stand a chance against a fleet of enemies.

-Try to reach the Colonial Republic. They must have some available ships around.

An old friend's revenge - Lanakov - 01-09-2012

[Image: 790017TheMerc.jpg]

"... very well then. We'll stick to the plan, but the price will be higher. You've been warned."

Just as the man cut off the call, the transmission from the warship blasted through the command center. He sighed.

" Listen up, gentlemen, it appears we have some bored communists trying to make a name for themselves by defending, among every innocent on earth, our very target. As preposterous as it sounds, we'll have to take care of them, too. But worry not, for a bonus will be handed out to us - I've seen to it. Fighters, take point, V formation. Get your weapons ready, but wait for my signal.

As the orders were carried out, the man ordered a written communication to the Equinox while directly channeling in the coalition warship.

" Who we are is none of your concern, soldier, and I'm surprised to see you can't differentiate a loose assembly of pirates from an organized fleet. I do take offense in that. Those "innocents" you claim to defend are far from angels, but as you seem to be blinded by your deficient sensors and lacking information reports, you leave us no choice but to issue one final warning. Stop shielding those criminals and you'll do yourself a huge favor. This is more an advice than a threat. Now then, if you don't clear out in the next ten seconds, threats won't be necessary anyway."

Message status : sent
To : Cpt Khan, Equinox Pilgrim Liner
From : ???, ???

We can still prevent a bloodshed. You cannot escape your faith twice, Khan. It is time to confront your past. You won't always be able to run from it, shielded by brainless fanatics.

It is not too late.

End of transmission.

An old friend's revenge - equinosz - 01-09-2012

[Image: 450207237Roy_pilgrim_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

We can still prevent a bloodshed. You cannot escape your faith twice, Khan. It is time to confront your past. You won't always be able to run from it, shielded by brainless fanatics.

It is not too late.

The letters seemed huge on the main screen of the Equinox.

The second in command looked at the captain. He didn't turned at him. Just stared at the screens. On a very low voice he asked:

-Roy, do you think...

-No way. It can't be.

-Captain, ships in firing range. Can I give the order?

-Yes. - The voice of the captain quivered. His eyes seemed to focus on the air in front of him. Then suddenly he realized the situation and looked up. -Hit them as hard as you can!

-A huge Colonial construction is on the radar. Almost on the other side of the planet. We won't reach it and anyway, they're not answering our call.

-Than prepare for a hard landing on the planet itself. Any possible location?

-I'm searching, but don't think we can find any good spot. Most of the place is ocean and the islands are fully grown by the nature.

-They want me alive, so they will have to come on foot and we still have a small chance to hide or fight them off. At least our chances are better on the planet than in space.

-I have to agree with you Roy. I'll send an emergency message to the Sensorium and the Colonials too.

[Image: Dmitriy_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

*Who we are is none of your concern, soldier, and I'm surprised to see you can't differentiate a loose assembly of pirates from an organized fleet. I do take offense in that. Those "innocents" you claim to defend are far from angels, but as you seem to be blinded by your deficient sensors and lacking information reports, you leave us no choice but to issue one final warning. Stop shielding those criminals and you'll do yourself a huge favor. This is more an advice than a threat. Now then, if you don't clear out in the next ten seconds, threats won't be necessary anyway.*

-Ha! You think I can't see your organization? It's like a bunch of kids in the kindergarten.

-The liner opened fire.

-Do the same and try to find the source of the message. Let's cut the head of the gripping snake.

An old friend's revenge - Lanakov - 01-09-2012

[Image: 790017TheMerc.jpg]

"...confirmed target has opened fire, followed by the Coalition ship, sir. Our fighters have undertaken evasive maneuvers and are waiting for instructions. "

The man sighed again.

" Let us return the favor, as that's what they seem to want. Let's try to get both problems solved in one go. "

He then split the tasks between his units through gesturing at his holo-panel. The fighters were to weaken the gunship and distract it, while the larger crafts were to use their long-range precision weapons to deal structural damage at the key components of the liner.

" Captains, tell your gunners I want their engines and weapons out first. If they manage to reach the surface, they won't be able to provide fire support against our men, and they'll have their back against the wall in this crippled ship. They're digging their own grave..."

Missiles flew off in entire volleys from the aligned gunships, aimed at precise hardpoints of the liner, some hitting the Storm in-between, targetted by countless projectiles from a whole swarm of fighters.

The man watched the scene unfold from the bay, hands behind his back, sometimes advising a captain or a squad leader on the best move to make.
They might be home for dinner.

An old friend's revenge - equinosz - 01-10-2012

[Image: 450207237Roy_pilgrim_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

The Equinox received heavy battering, the metal almost screamed as the rockets hit the hull. One minute till the atmosphere. The ship won't last that long.

-Explosion from deck 2, one of the labs, sir. Heavy structural damage.

More and more alarms and red signals appeared on the consoles of the bridge.

-We have a leak and fire on deck 2! We're losing air.

-Close it down.

-Two are still in.

-I said close it down.

Roy couldn't do anything else. He has just lost two of his crew and who knows how many will die for his "past".
Some alarms went off as the vacuum extinguished the fire. The ship shattered as another rocket hit it.

-We have just lost one of the engines! Also they're reporting that three defense turrets are useless.

-Goddamit... We have to make it to the planet. Try to reach the Colonials!

-No can do, sir. All the communications are blocked. Still 30 seconds to the atmosphere.

[Image: Dmitriy_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

The gunboat took evasive manouvers, while kept firing at the pirates.

-Shields are down!

-Let's drop all the mines! I don't want them on the ship if we have to land!

The rockets of the gunboat hit one of the fighters in the tail of the liner, which blew up with a nice yellowish explosion. At the same time a series of plasma hit the storm which was followed by small explosions.

-The rocket launchers are not functioning!

-Try to take them out with the mortar.

-Sir! That's suicidal at this range.

Dmitriy looked at the man.

-You think I don't know it?

The mines exploded behind them and the radar showed less red dots.