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MÆRSK - Printable Version

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MÆRSK - MÆRSK - 01-08-2012

[Image: maersk1.png]
a robotic female voice is heared over the intercom system

« Welcome to MÆRSK, Crewing Agency »

at the desk is a young and good looking female secretary,
she looks up to you from her seat and asks you to take a tablet
and fill in the form.

as you take a seat in the luxurious seats you tab on the tablet starting it.

[Image: maersk2.png]
Scrolling down the following questions arise
{*} S.K.Y.P.E. communication adres
{*} Clearance to use Application form for future reference (Y/N)

At the end of the form you see the line; please return to the desk,
do not contact us, we contact you.

MÆRSK - Dr.Centura - 01-23-2012

Wandering the Sirius Sector, searching for a place to call home and trying to make some money along the way, I stumbled across an Infoboard, which invited me to join your corporation. It looked interesting enough so I decided to give it a shot. Growing up alone and without luxuries many of you take for granted, I wss very intimidated by your luxurious lodging.
When the young woman, who was more beautiful than any girl I had ever seen, greeted me and gave me the application form, I was seriously thinking about just leaving.
But I decided to give it a shot because if I wasn't accepted I'd be in no worse position than I was in now. I took a look at it and easily filled in the first couple questions.

What my name was:
Malcolm "Mal" Fillion

Then my age:
32 years

The next one was tricky seeing as I was an orphan and had no idea where I came from so I just put down unknown.

Most importantly they wanted to know why MÆRSK should hire me and at first I couldn't think of any reason why they should but then a few things came to my mind:
-Since I'd had to make a living somehow, I had been trading nearly my entire life.
-I had amassed a great fortune in my days of nonstop trading.
-Always being a loner has taught me how to deal with other people, friendly or not.
-I enjoy being able to visit parts of the Sirius Sector that others cannot because of their affiliations and knowing I have someone to back me up when people try to harm me.

Second to last it asked what my communications adress was:

And lastly they wanted to know if the were allowed to use my application form in the future:
I have no problem with it so I clicked Y.

I brought brought the tablet back to the amazingly attractive woman in good concience and feeling confident.

MÆRSK - MÆRSK - 01-24-2012

A door opens on the side and calls you in,

[Image: Maersk-CA-2.png]

Mister .. Fillion,

would you care to follow me?
as I make a gesture to the open door

as you walk to the door, through the hallway at halfway
you stop to enter an room toghether with the person whom summoned you,
as he points you to take a seat on the right side of the table,

Mister Fillion, born 32 years ago of unknow place,
I sincerely hope you have an idea about what region of space
you where born in, this would be very helpfull,

but to come to the point, your C.R. and your P.P.R. seem to
be in order, small side notes I saw.

so, to summon your application, born poor, you don't know where you where born
as you have been growing up alone, snarking your way into society,
beating the negative spiral by working hard, yet you seem to be nervous to be here,

no need for nervousness around here, as senior Officer of MÆRSK Crewing Agency
I welcome you to MÆRSK,

he shakes your hand, and your contract is given to you aswell as acces to the main data exchange channel

MÆRSK - MÆRSK - 02-04-2012

on the walls, on the opposite side of the chairs a commercial rolls in,
with a nice generic music you watch how the commercial builds up,
[Image: M_poster2.png]
at the end you feel that you are at the right place.

MÆRSK - Altaris - 02-04-2012

She was nice. Interesting, how easily I forgot about what was I actually doing here. Cute in face, and curvesome body. I started to like it here. As i entered the crewing room, i found myself almost by her seat.


"The tablet sir" she said. "Please take it and fill it up."

"B-but of course..." slightly embarrased i took the tablet from her hands, took a seat she offered me, and took a close eye on it. After a while i started to fill up the lines on the display.

Name & Surname:
William Rockwell

Age & Birthplace
27, California Minor 792 A.S.

Why should Maersk hire you?
- I need a job and a profit and you need new blood to make more profit. Accept me, and i promise you we all gonna harvest from it. In massive way of meaning.
- Im kinda used to fly cargo transports and ships as whole. I dont need any lectures, and i quickly get familiar with a ship im supposed to fly with.

As i scrolled down the display, two new lines to fill apeared.

{*} S.K.Y.P.E. communication adres

{*} Clearance to use Application form for future reference (Y/N)

MÆRSK - MÆRSK - 02-04-2012

A door opens on the side and calls you in,

[Image: Maersk-CA-2.png]

Mister .. Rockwell?, he grinned

would you care to follow me?
as I make a gesture to the open door

as you walk to the door, through the hallway at halfway
you stop to enter an room toghether with the person whom summoned you,
as he points you to take a seat on the right side of the table,

Mister Rockwell,of the age of 27 californian dreamer,
so of a good spirit. ale much no?
but to come to the point, your C.R. and your P.P.R. seem to
be in order, nothing unusual.

so, to summon your application, born on a icey planet, flying cargo ships quite some
time already, so lecture may be needed, but may be not.

as senior Officer of MÆRSK Crewing Agency
I welcome you to MÆRSK,

he shakes your hand, and your contract is given to you aswell as acces to the main data exchange channel

MÆRSK - sprundermuff - 03-03-2012

Sitting in the bar, having a few drinks, Stross was having quite the day on Manhattan.
Feeling bored of his drink, he looked up at the job board and looked through the ads there.

"Kill so and so... capture so and so... destroy so and so... what's this?" Stross stopped and re-read the last job on the board, "Maersk, huh? I think I've found myself a job.

Stross got up and walked drunk to his ship and flew around till he found a building that appeared to be the right place.

Finally getting into the building, he found a receptionist who wasn't particularly that good looking, but also not ugly either, just very plain.
The receptionist looked up and welcomed him, "So, what are you here for today, sir?"

"I'm, uh, here from the job board," Stross replied, not so smoothly.

"Ah, yes! Here's an application, please fill it out and bring it back to me when you're done, sir." She then handed Stross a tablet and he sat down to fill it out.

Brother Nolan "Pessimist" Stross

21 ----- _____________

Stross stopped for a second and tried to remember. Where was I born... seriously, what? How do I not recall?
He tapped his nose with his index finger and then smiled. Ah, yes, how could I forget?

21 ----- Bethlehem Station, Pennsylvania system

Why should Maersk hire you?
I have extensive and advanced education in flight of transports with a class A license. I'm friendly, and enjoy making conversation with those I don't know well. I believe I can help other traders, even if they are not particularly friendly with me, and also help others within our workplace with directions, or what-not. Besides, I love flyin'.

{*} S.K.Y.P.E. Communication Address

{*} Clearance to use Application form for future reference (Y/N)

Smiling, Stross felt good about this decision, and he handed the tablet back to the receptionist with a nod and made his way back to the bar.
"Time for another drink... Bartender! Fetch me a calico45."

MÆRSK - MÆRSK - 03-09-2012

A few men in suits come near you and take you from the bar,
back to the office of the crewing agency, where I awaited you.

[Image: Maersk-CA-2.png]

Mister .. Stross I asume, while nodding at the two men

would you care to follow me?
as I make a gesture to the open door

as you walk to the door, through the hallway at halfway
you stop to enter an room toghether with the person whom summoned you,
as he points you to take a seat on the right side of the table,

Mister Stross, of the age of 21 true independent by birth
so to say, hopefully not too independent,
Hmm, I say while sniffing up the alcohol vapour from you
I do like to point to you our policy on alcohol and drug usage,
but to come to the point of why you're here, your C.R. and your P.P.R. seem to
be in order, nothing out of the ordinary.

so, to summon your application, born on a Station, flying cargo ships quite some
time already, but chatty according to yourself, being helpfull is good as long as it
benefits this organisation if you get what I mean.

as senior Officer of MÆRSK Crewing Agency
I welcome you to MÆRSK,

he shakes your hand, and your contract is given to you to be signed, when you put down your signature he gives you acces to the main data exchange channel