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sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Printable Version

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sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Jack_Henderson - 01-09-2012


**** SENDER: Veronica Ryan, Secretary of Mr. Henderson ****

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]Rheinland Bundestag, Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Kruger, DHC, IMG


** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: veronica_ryan.jpg]


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Dear Sirs and Madams,

the IMG present the promised draft for an Omega 7 treaty.

This document is designed to be a basis for a discussion between the signing parties and the IMG hopes that this document can lead to a multilateral agreement and thus to a lasting and stable peace in Omega 7.

The Omega 15 territory is purpously excluded, as the IMG has no interest in the region claimed by Kruger and regards the Omega 15 resources as a topic for the Rheinland Corporations to solve bilaterally.

Your sincerely,

Veronica Ryan
Spokesperson of the IMG


<span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%][color=#66FF99]O M E G A - 7 - T R E A T Y - Draft 1

Pretext: The Rheinland Chancellor ordered the creation of a new Omega 7 treaty after the regrettable last Omega 7 conflict. The Rheinland Bundestag stressed that this treaty should lead to peaceful interactions between Daumann Heavy Contraction, Kruger and the IMG.

The Independent Miners Guild hereby submits a draft for an Omega 7 treaty that is aimed at fulfilling the Bundestag's requirements:

§1: Resource Distribution
Every mining Corporation (DHC, Kruger, IMG) limits their activities to the fields that are defined as their property in §2. Failure to do so results in consequences defined in §3.

§2: Definition of Property Distribution

The mining locations for different ore types are defined in the map.

[Image: o7_treaty.jpg]

§2.1: DHC Property: The ore-rich fields southwest of Briesen in the coordinates: Echo/Foxtrott 7
§2.2: Kruger Property: The ore-rich fields northeast of Elbich in the coordinates: Foxtrott/Golf 2/3
§2.3: IMG Property: The ore-rich fields northwest of Freistadt in the coordinates: Charly/Delta 2/3

§3: Failure to obey the Resource Distribution (§1) - [color=#33FF33]Version 2

The following consequences apply for parties who fail to comply with §1. These consequences are agreed on by all signing parties. These measures aim at discouraging ore theft and other forms of provocation.

All signing parties agree to the use of diplomacy as the perferred means of solving disputes. The use of violence is only acceptable, when non-violent measures have failed. - Version 2

§3.1: Treatment of Official Representatives of DHC-, Kruger|, IMG|, also including non official and non-union employes

In case any of the mentioned parties break §1 the following instructions have to be met:

a) they must be informed of the treaty and all consequences violating this pact.
b1) they may be ordered to drop the illegally mined ore.
b2) they may be offered to keep the illegally mined ore but compensate the owner. The height of the compensation payment depends on the amount and type of ore.
c) they must be offered a devoted escort out of the respective faction's property. This is not a requirement if the employee does not comply with b1 or b2, if they ask.

§3.2: Nonverbal Measures

Non verbal method's are considered as use of deadly force against violators of this pact and its clauses.

§3.3: Nonverbal methods of defending against intrusions by official (IMG| DHC- Kruger|) or unaffiliated and non-union employees may be applied only when the follow conditions are met, and in the following order:

a) they were informed of the treaty and all consequences that come with violating this pact.
b) they refused to drop illegally mined ore or they refused to pay compensation to the owner for possesion of illegally mined ore.
c) they were offered a devoted escort out of the respective faction's property.
d) they refuse to give any response to the communication signals by any of involved parties DHC-, IMG| or Kruger|.

<strike>§3.1: Treatment of Official Representatives of DHC, Kruger, IMG
In case an official member of the signing companies breaks §1, the following fines have to be paid to the owner of the field in which the violation was committed:

a) fighter class miner: 20 million Sirian credits
b) transport class miner: 40 million Sirian credits
c) transport/hauler: 80 million Sirian credits
Conclusive evidence of the breach must be presented, containing time-stamped, visual evidence of the infraction, and also the geographic position (e.g. by a screenshot of the map).

§3.2: Treatment of Unaffiliated and Non-Union Employees - Version 2

§3.2.1: Obligatory Clause: Unaffiliated and non-union employees* of the treaty partners who violate this pact must be:

a) calmly and accurately informed about this document, its weight, and the content pertaining to the situation

b) provided a devoted escort out of the respective faction's property.

§3.2.2: Optional Clause: Unaffiliated and non-union employees* of the treaty partners who violate this pact can be:

a) ordered to drop the illegally mined ore.

b) offered to keep the illegally mined ore but compensate the owner. The height of the compensation payment depends on the amount and type of ore and cannot be a pretext to a further escalation of conflict that might lead to extreme measures described in §3.2.3.

§3.2.3: Nonverbal Measures

Nonverbal methods of defending against intrusions by unaffiliated and non-union employees may only be applied once the following conditions are met:
a) they have been informed of the treaty in the manner described in the above list
b) they have been offered a devoted escort to at least the nearest holding of their organization
c) the individual or group in question either:
c1) behaves in a manner the treaty participant's representative on site reasonably determines to be aggressive
c2) refuses to abide by the pertaining treaty clauses

*"Unaffiliated and non-union employees" are defined as such:

a) All vessels lacking the following codes in their identification transponders:
a1) IMG|
a2) Kruger|
a3) DHC-

§4: Determining Employment - [color=#33FF33]Version 2

The term employer, as used in this document, refers to the organization that any given vessel uses the IFF transponder and (ID) identification card of the involved party, or belongs to the exceptions mentioned: - Version 3

§4.1: Official employes of the folowing parties DHC-, IMG|, Kruger| are defined as such:

a)All vessels with the following codes in identification transponders
a1) IMG|
a2) Kruger|
a3) DHC-

b) (ID) identification card and registration of the vessel in the involved corporation's roster lists.

§4.2: Unaffiliated and non-union employees are defined as such:

a) All vessels lacking the following codes in their identification transponders:
a1) IMG|
a2) Kruger|
a3) DHC-

b) Ships that have the IFF-transponder of the signing parties followed by - Version 3
b1) Freelancer ID
b2) Freelancer Mercenary ID
b3) Freelancer Miner ID
b4) Vigilante ID
b5) Freelancer Researcher

§4.3: In case of any violation's comitted by the non official or non-union employes, the administration of the official parties will not be considered as responsible.

<strike>§5: Determining Employment

The term employer, as used in this document, refers to the organization that any given vessel uses the IFF transponder of. For example, a mining vessel using the IFF of Daumann Heavy Construction is considered under this document's terms to be employed by the Daumann Heavy Construction corporation, regardless of any other indicators (identification papers, escorts, etc).

§5: Reaffirmation of the Treaty - version 2

§5.1: Periodical Reaffirmation: The treaty needs to be reaffirmed by all signing parties every three months, starting by the end of January.

§5.2: Adaption to Change of Mining Locations: Reaffirmation of the treaty by all signing parties becomes necessary if the mining locations change and the zones defined in §1 are not valid any more.

§6: Cancelling the Treaty - New Version 1

§6.1: The treaty can be cancelled by any signing party by a written statement adressed to all signing parties. The notification must name the reason for the withdrawal.

§6.2: After the cancellation, the treaty remains in effect for another 14 days before it is terminated.

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Kruger - 01-10-2012

* * * Incoming Transmission * * *
[Image: 2vvs308.png]
ID: Kruger Board Of Directors
To: Rheinland Bundestag, Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Kruger, DHC, IMG

Mein herr's because of recent event's in omega 7 interest of our nation are threatened by many factor's.
Since our two greatest corporation's Daumann Heavy Construction and Kruger Minerals established mining colonies in that sistem,
our economy received great bust from resource extraction in that sistem.
We are afraid that those interests are now in great danger, our mining establishment's are under constant atack's from diferent group of pirats,
red hessians, corsairs, including from some competitive corporations wich have theyr eyes on our resources for quite some time already.
Kruger Mineral's dosen't have nearly enough resources and capabilites to defend our nation interest's alone against such threat.
I'm afraid that situation is very serious if Rheinland government dose not act very soon i'm afraid our presence in omega 7
will come to an end sooner than we think, and our nation will lose god portion of it's own resource revenue.
Recent discovery of new mining pocket's in the asteroid fields opened new posibilty for us here.
We do have more than enough mining reources in this sistem for all 3 corporations who are involved in this crisis.
Therefore we request from rheinland military to send us extra wing of fighters for protection of Kruger convoy ships wich are under constant atacks by before mentioned parties.

About new Omega 7 treaty board of our directors is still discusing about it and about few new clausules that should be added or existed ones changed.
We will notify you once we made certain progress about this subject.

Vorsitzender:Hans Wesritter

Kruger Minerals Management Department

* * * End of Transmission * * *

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Daumann Heavy Construction - 01-11-2012

=== Incoming Transmission ===

[Image: dhcsignature.png]

From: DHC Board of Directors, The Ring.
To: Rheinland Bundestag, Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Kruger, IMG.

Guten tag!

As we were aware of this first draft already, there is not much to say than we already did during the meeting with IMG representatives.

The current draft was reviewed and accepted by the Board, however we want to see these amendments Kruger Minerals is proposing before giving our official stance. We hope we can find a peaceful solution to the situation in the Omega 7 system.

DHC Board of Directors.

=== Transmission Terminated ===

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Jack_Henderson - 01-11-2012


**** SENDER: [color=#FFCC99]Veronica Ryan, Secretary of Mr. Henderson

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]Rheinland Bundestag, Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Kruger, DHC, IMG


** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: veronica_ryan.jpg]


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Dear Sirs and Madams,

the IMG finds it regrettable that Kruger Mineralien is raising an issue that is not directly related to the proposed document, thus stalling the process.

However, the IMG will wait for the reaction of the Rheinland authorities, hoping that the problems can be solved fast and the discussion of the treaty can continue.

The IMG also does not see that any of the points Kruger made need to be added to the draft of the Omega 7 treaty. The general security situation is not part of the agreement. Achieving a fair distribution of resources to avoid further confict between mining entities is.

The IMG wants to use this opportunity to thank DHC for the constructive meeting that took place to discuss the document draft.

Yours sincerely

Veronica Ryan
Spokesperson of IMG

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Kruger - 01-11-2012

* * * Incoming Transmission * * *
[Image: 2vvs308.png]
ID: Kruger Board Of Directors
To: Rheinland Bundestag, Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Kruger, DHC, IMG

Allright, first, I will ask for one thing. Should an unregistered or non-union employee be caught mining in a field belonging to a different corporation who then has to pay the fine? The employee or the faction to whom he belongs to? I will tell you right now, Kruger wishes is that this remains the fault of the single employee. Should however a registered employee be caught in the same act, then it should be the responsibility of the corporation. We would like this in some form to be added to the treaty.

Also, we would like that clause §3.1 be removed, and replaced with the same treatment as described in §3.2.2. This would remove strain on local law enforcement. Should however there prove to be faulty demands, all evidence would have to be submitted to the bundestag for review.

Now, while we are on the point of §3, it is also necessary to add specific examples as to what constitutes a provocation. Definition of what is defined as an Official representative is also required to be added to §3.1.

We also would like to change §3.2.1 b) to provided a devoted escort out of the respective factions property. Every year appears to be a long holding treaty, new obilgations and goals of each company may arise. Reaffirmation time is requested to be decreased to 3 months, instead of 1 year. We would also like to add the option that if two parties decide the treaty is no longer valid, the two parties may, if choosing to, decide to make the treaty void.

We would also like the removal of §4.1 seeing as it is already contradicted by §3.2.2.

We would also like to add an article which would state; Any attempted theft of mining equipment, cooperation with criminals with malicious intent, or fraudelent reporting with malicious intent may be reported to the bundestag. Conclusive evidence would have to be collected for this to be reported, if conclusive evidence is not provided, factions are eligible for a report to the bundestag for fraudulent reporting with malicious intent, which may be dealt with by a manner of the bundestag's choosing.

However, we would also need the §5 to be changed, because of a known terrorist entity using stolen kruger transponders, that kruger has no connections with and requests not to be associated with. The IFF should not be the final identification method, however, Identification paper scans and transponder names should.

That is for now what we could come up with, however we may figure out more essential changes that should be added.

Mika Koenig
Public Relations advisor
Kruger Minerals Management Department

* * * End of Transmission * * *

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Jack_Henderson - 01-12-2012


**** SENDER: [color=#FFCC99]Veronica Ryan, Secretary of Mr. Henderson

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]Rheinland Bundestag, Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Kruger, DHC, IMG


** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: veronica_ryan.jpg]


[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]


Dear Sirs and Madams,

the IMG is pleased about Kruger's decision to participate in the discussion of the Omega 7 treaty despite the questions that still have to be clarified between Rheinlanders.

Quote:Alright, first, I will ask for one thing. Should an unregistered or non-union employee be caught mining in a field belonging to a different corporation who then has to pay the fine? The employee or the faction to whom he belongs to?

If the perpetrator is inofficial, non-union employee, the perpetrator himself has to bear the consequences. Neither Kruger|, DHC- nor IMG| can be in complete control of their non-union employees, nor be held responsible for any of their acts.

Quote:Also, we would like that clause §3.1 be removed, and replaced with the same treatment as described in §3.2.2. This would remove strain on local law enforcement. Should however there prove to be faulty demands, all evidence would have to be submitted to the bundestag for review.

The IMG thinks that given the history of Kruger's rather offensive stance, it would be a mistake to open up any possibility of the use of violence in direct interaction. Demanding fines in the field, threatening violence and removing perpetrators forcefully would lead doubtlessly to violence.

The Bundestag ordered all three companies to come up with a treaty to rule out violence. The clear-cut system of fixed fines rules out escalation, thus we find it essential.

Quote:We also would like to change §3.2.1 b) to provided a devoted escort out of the respective factions property.

This is acceptable for the IMG and reduces the possibilities of incidents when the escorting ships are close to installations of of their business competitors.

Quote:Every year appears to be a long holding treaty, new obilgations and goals of each company may arise. Reaffirmation time is requested to be decreased to 3 months, instead of 1 year.

This is acceptable for the IMG and adds more flexibility to adapt to change.

Quote:We would also like to add the option that if two parties decide the treaty is no longer valid, the two parties may, if choosing to, decide to make the treaty void.

The IMG does not like this change, but can accept it in case the following addition is made: In case the treaty is voided, it remains vaild for another 14 days before it is terminated.

There needs to be a high fine in case that 14 day period is not met. The IMG suggests between 250 and 500 million per group that drops out of the treaty without granting the others the 14 days to adapt to the change.

Quote: We would also like the removal of §4.1 seeing as it is already contradicted by §3.2.3.

Weakening the general idea of a non-violent interaction in Omega 7" is not acceptable for the IMG. If you look at the history of Kruger's violent acts against the IMG and take into account the order given by the Bundestag, article §4.1 is central.

Also §4.1 does not collide with §3.2.3 because §4 applies to official members only. And between these, violent acts are ruled out in §3.1 which only names fines as a way of solving incidents.

Perhaps $3.1 should state more clearly that any other means of resolving the incident that involve violence are inacceptable.

Quote:We would also like to add an article which would state; Any attempted theft of mining equipment, cooperation with criminals with malicious intent, or fraudelent reporting with malicious intent may be reported to the bundestag. Conclusive evidence would have to be collected for this to be reported, if conclusive evidence is not provided, factions are eligible for a report to the bundestag for fraudulent reporting with malicious intent, which may be dealt with by a manner of the bundestag's choosing.

Article §4 rules out any of these activities. There is no need for further clarification, but your intention was understood. Just be advised that the same clause could and would be used to deal with Kruger's vigilante groups and other covert tools.

Quote:However, we would also need the §5 to be changed, because of a known terrorist entity using stolen kruger transponders, that kruger has no connections with and requests not to be associated with. The IFF should not be the final identification method, however, Identification paper scans and transponder names should.

The IMG thinks that the IFF is a good marker about where the loyality of a person lies.
The IMG does not interfere when additional other means of identification are added.
The IMG wants the IFF to remain in the trety, as it is the only way to address e.g. Freelancers and Mercenaries working for Kruger as Kruger employees.

In general, the Kruger changes seem to be aimed at keeping ways for an escalation of direct conflict open, something the IMG cannot accept. We feel bound by the Bundestag demand that this treaty should make violent clashes between the three mining entities impossible or as hard as possible. Seeing Kruger already now trying to dilate the content of the treaty, reaffirms the IMG in its decision to not agree to the changes that were not explicitly stated as acceptable.

Yours sincerely

Veronica Ryan
Spokesperson of IMG

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - ryoken - 01-12-2012

********************************INCOMING TRANSMISSION*********************************

As there have been many hostilities in this area. The IMG Battle Cruiser RockHead has been moved into the area. Now this ship will be there to keep the peace only. It will not fire on any miners in there mining areas. It is there as security to all corp's. Some may have already seen it doing its rounds. It will only fire on Hostiles trying to take ore and money from miners. It will protect IMG, Kruger, and DHC from these unlawful types. I hope this is satisfactory to all in system.

********************************END TRANSMISSION***************************************

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Garrick - 01-12-2012

Incoming Transmission: Source Elbich, Omega-7
Opening packet.....

Guten Abend,
I am not disputing any of the treaties articles, I am concerned about this battle-cruiser. Will it assist all parties from hostilities like the Hessians and SCRA? It has been observed that the Hessians show more leanancy towards IMG when compared to Kruger. Or will it stand by to protect only IMG interests?
IMG has concerns over non-union Kruger IFF mercs, but what about Reavers and Mandalorians who some might say are on IMG's payroll? Will this ship assist Kruger against these mercenary companies?
This battle-cruiser Kruger has little options to counter if hostilities do break out without the help of the assitance of the military. As already stated by the military, they are busy with the ongoing war to be tied up in the troublesome Omega system.
IMG keeps stressing nonviolance when we suggest changes, but then moves this large warship into the system. Sorry but that does have me a little concerned.

Werner Voss

Transmission ends...

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Daumann Heavy Construction - 01-12-2012

=== Incoming Transmission ===

From: DHC Board of directors.
To: All recipients in the channel

Herr Werner Voss raises a good point, below is the list of criminals as defined in Rheinland law:

Quote:§1. A number of organizations is declared extremely dangerous and all the members of those organizations are to be arrested or eliminated:

§1.1. Red Hessians for repeated acts of piracy and terror.

§1.2. The Bundschuh for attempts for coup d'€™etat and repeated acts of piracy and terror.

§1.3. Unioners for sabotage and repeated acts of piracy and terror.

§1.4. Landwirtrechtbewegung for repeated acts of piracy and terror.

§1.5. Das Wilde for treason.

§1.6. Phantoms for repeated acts of terror.

§1.7. Corsairs for repeated acts of piracy.

§1.8. Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army for repeated acts of terror.

§1.9. Mandalorian Mercenaries for several assassination attempts.

Red Hessians are criminals as well, and their numbers are always increasing due to their propaganda of easy money.
If an IMG vessel is to be authorized in Omega 7; the captain must be willing to follow Rheinland law, and treat this scum as criminals, and assist Rheinland corporate vessels against their constant piracy. Otherwise what good is a defense ships that selectively picks who is unlawful and who isn't.

As a side note, last time a sizable force of IMG vessels including capital ships entered Omega 7, they ended working as mercenaries for the Red Hessians.

Regarding mercenaries, the board is sure removing any bounties, if existent, against parties involved in the treaty is an obvious step towards the non-violence clause included in the bounty.

=== Transmission Terminated ===

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - ryoken - 01-12-2012

[color=#660000]**********************INCOMING TRANSMISSION************************

The RockHead is in Omega 7 to protect all miners be they IMG,Kruger,DHC or indie. However it will only go after hostiles caught in the act of piracy. It will not go after ships on hearsay. It will spend more time in IMG fields this is true. However it will make patrols to other sectors of Omega 7, and answer calls for help from all miners.
Also note I said "miners" not traders. Once the ore is mined, and on transport it is out of our hands. It will also not excort ships to and from ore fields. It has its orders, and patrol routes to follow.
If an encounter breaks out between miners it will impose itself between them to stop hostility's. It will not fire on miners unless fired on.
I hope this assures all parties involved that it is a defensive ship, and not intented to start hostilities.

[color=#660000]*************************END TRANSMISSION***************************