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Ship usage in the 4.86 - Printable Version

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Ship usage in the 4.86 - Wraga - 01-10-2012

There are different opinions about the ship usage. Some says, you can use any kind of ships with power drain penalty, some says just the "green cell" ones, others says just those ones what you can buy with your own bases by the ID.

Since there are no tech chart at the moment, I would like to talk about the Pirate/Freelancer/Slaver IDs. What kind of ships can I use without harming the server rules?

Is there anybody who can give the "right" answer about the tech chart?

Another side note: As I know, there is a new borderworld shipline (not just the hacker one) what can be usable after the Falcata, Sabre has been "remade" as a sniffer one. Where can we buy those new ships?

Thank you.

Ship usage in the 4.86 - Ursus - 01-10-2012

' Wrote:There are different opinions about the ship usage. Some says, you can use any kind of ships with power drain penalty, some says just the "green cell" ones, others says just those ones what you can buy with your own bases by the ID.

Since there are no tech chart at the moment, I would like to talk about the Pirate/Freelancer/Slaver IDs. What kind of ships can I use without harming the server rules?

Is there anybody who can give the "right" answer about the tech chart?

Another side note: As I know, there is a new borderworld shipline (not just the hacker one) what can be usable after the Falcata, Sabre has been "remade" as a sniffer one. Where can we buy those new ships?

Thank you.
The current tech-chart is still active and valid. That is your guide.

Use your native equipment for no-penalty. There was a comment somewhere saying that green-cell had a minor penalty on it, and I have run across this myself (I believe it was 10% for green-cell but I don't recall for certain). You still need permission for white cell, and still cannot use red cell. That's how things stand right now.

Ship usage in the 4.86 - Wraga - 01-10-2012

' Wrote:The current tech-chart is still active and valid. That is your guide.

Use your native equipment for no-penalty. There was a comment somewhere saying that green-cell had a minor penalty on it, and I have run across this myself (I believe it was 10% for green-cell but I don't recall for certain). You still need permission for white cell, and still cannot use red cell. That's how things stand right now.

So no changes, except the penalty. Its so odd, since I've asked for it before and as I realised, the new mod changed the tech chart, and we are free to use anything (except nomad, etc.) from now.

Ship usage in the 4.86 - Echo 7-7 - 01-10-2012

The new mod added the power compatibility feature. It did not change the rules, which are still valid as listed. This includes the tech chart.

There are plans to update the tech system rules soon, though.

Ship usage in the 4.86 - Ursus - 01-10-2012

' Wrote:So no changes, except the penalty. Its so odd, since I've asked for it before and as I realised, the new mod changed the tech chart, and we are free to use anything (except nomad, etc.) from now.

The new rules have not been posted yet. As of right now, the old rules are still in place.;#entry1642687

Ship usage in the 4.86 - AeternusDoleo - 01-10-2012

As said before, and subject to change at a later date/time:
You may use ships listed as green on the current techchart freely.
You may use ships listed as white on the tech chart with permission from the owning official faction(s) only.

Pirate ID allows the use of fighters, bombers, freighters, gunboats and transports (with a cargo limitation, forgot how much)

This will be changed at a later date once we've ironed out the mod bugs and can revise the powerbalance plugin and tech chart, as well as the IDs. If you want to use tech of a new faction that isn't listed on the techchart, tentatively I'd say assume the field red. If you're part of such a faction, assume red to all except Civvy/Sirian (or civvy/gallic where appropriate ) and self.

Ship usage in the 4.86 - CzeReptile - 01-10-2012

Approved stuff gets nerf too?

Ship usage in the 4.86 - SeaFalcon - 01-10-2012

in a way nothing changed since 4.85.
Except that you get a core energy nerf,

This is temporary untill 4.86 is at a point of being smooth as Aeternus Doleo explained.

So approved stuff is also energy nerfed.

In short you need perm. for some ships/tech and when approved you get a nerf for using them.

Ship usage in the 4.86 - CzeReptile - 01-10-2012

I am all fine with that.

Actually I hope that the chart goes poof and nerf takes place with just regulation applying to IDs entirely. Thatll not only make some rules and sanctions void, but it will make for a faster, more sensible gameplay.

Of course, fun toys of destruction OP style will be gone, but without the need to ask for buying stuff from anybody, you are free to RP. But restricted in combat.
RP server = win.

Ship usage in the 4.86 - dodike - 01-10-2012

' Wrote:The current tech-chart is still active and valid. That is your guide.

Use your native equipment for no-penalty. There was a comment somewhere saying that green-cell had a minor penalty on it, and I have run across this myself (I believe it was 10% for green-cell but I don't recall for certain). You still need permission for white cell, and still cannot use red cell. That's how things stand right now.

' Wrote:The new rules have not been posted yet. As of right now, the old rules are still in place.;#entry1642687
Now they have. :cool: