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Admin Notice: Inactive wipes, character freezing/restoring - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Inactive wipes, character freezing/restoring - majkp - 03-25-2008

I'd like to assure everyone that stability of the server is the main priority of the admin team. Most of the crashes are related to cheaters and modders and we do our best to catch them.

However the second part of the problem is the player database which is really huge now. We have come to a point that when one of the admins needed to ban a cheating player, the banning process crashed the whole server. And we can't just pretend it doesn't happen so we had to make these decisions, and most of you will not like them:
  • Inactive and uninterested player wipes will be done daily during server maintenance restarts
  • Restoring characters wiped due to inactivity will be discontinued
  • Requests to freeze characters (so they aren't wiped) will be denied
  • Restoration of lost accounts cannot be done.
To explain more details:

Inactive and uninterested player wipes: Inactive character is a character that hasn't logged for 40 days, so be sure you log all your characters at least once a month. Uninterested character is the one that was in game for less then 10 mins and is wiped after 7-day inactivity. So unless you have a Starflier bank in NY, it shouldn't bother you...

Restoring characters: It's too time-consuming, I am sorry. Restoring the character isn't that difficult, but locating it is. Player files are encoded and in order to find the chars for restoration, one has to decompress several backups, shut down the server and mount the backups. We simply can't afford to have such long blackouts.

Freezing characters: List of banned players is very long now and freezing accounts makes it even longer. We need to be able to ban cheaters and modders. Frozen accounts have to go, sorry again. If you are planning long-term inactivity, sell all you have and store the money in the bank of your faction or ask someone trustfull. Not admins please, they already have too much work.

OK, that's about it, now you can stone me to death...:)

Admin Notice: Inactive wipes, character freezing/restoring - Fellow Hoodlum - 11-26-2008

Just a BUMP for this thread, and if you read the text in Majkp's signature, you will see that nothing will be
done at all. Please bear in mind the responsibility for the accounts, and their continued existence is down
to the individual player.
If you are going off to play something else, or are just worried about computer issues, please think very
seriously about backing up your account information, we can't.
THIS THREAD is a very good place to start.