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To: IMG Board of Directors - Printable Version

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To: IMG Board of Directors - Soul Reaper - 01-11-2012

[::: Incoming Transmission :::]

[color=white]:: Source ID: Colonel Randy Orbit, Sovereign BB44 ::
:: Target ID: IMG Board of Directors ::
:: Encryption Level: [color=red]Face-Only Encryption


First of all I'd like to say you've done good work on Java, that thing has grown, other than that, I'll get straight to the point.

I'll start from the beginning, well, lets not go too far back in time, anyhow. A Colonial taskgroup, which I personally was a part of, entered 23 from 37, we were heading home victorious after sinking a small Outcast battlegroup. When we come upon some people you..'hired' ? Or perhaps they're your own, I don't know, they didn't have proper IMG identification, yet sported your IFF signal, and an attitude.

So I came to the conclusion they work for you.

You should watch who you hire, dear Directors.

One of them, the 'notorious' Sol Fenrir, an ex-outcast, started with his attitude, my men decided the best way to shut him up was to blow his ship apart, was a nice explosion. Then there was a some heated discussion with one of your battlecruiser captains, as well as other people you hired, seems they all had attitudes and had no idea what they were getting into.

Yet as an experienced commanding officer, I'm familiar with all this, our side was simply drunk on victory, and didn't really give a damn on what they did, I stayed behind as the Colonial task force headed back home, and gave my apologies to the commander, and the other individuals. The Captain, of the battlecruiser Tempest, as I guessed, was an experienced commander himself, and knew military psychology and backed off, understanding.

Yet the others on your payroll, didn't.

They thought they'd get an easy kill it seems, and tried to destroy my ship instantly, as I was drifting in space, my bad to do that. After a minute, the Tempest's Captain ordered them to cease fire, which, amazingly, they did. So I think my question of whether they work for you or not is answered.

But yes, firing on a Colonial officer, and a Colonel to boot, sadly, they will be on our hit list, no amount of talking will change that. But that isn't the point.

I urge you to keep check on these.. vigilanties. They have no idea what they're getting into, and they won't be the first to do so. And yes, I do have evidence, not much since I was busy evading fire. But I might be able to find some more stuff..depends on my systems. request transfer detected...checking code..accepted..
...beginning data-stream...complete, viewing files... complete, files stored..terminating data-stream link..complete..

[::: Transmission Terminated :::]

To: IMG Board of Directors - Jack_Henderson - 01-11-2012


**** SENDER: [color=#FFCC99]Veronica Ryan, Secretary of Mr. Henderson

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]RECIPIENTS


** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: veronica_ryan.jpg]


[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]


The IMG asks the Colonial Republic to explain the following proceedings of their pilots that happened before the shooting incident and how the IMG should interpret these.

To be more precise:
  • Explain where the degree of rhetorical hostility against the IMG comes from
  • Explain why you could not request intel from Java about the status of the IMG Vigilante
  • Explain why your pilots, and also higher ranks behave like mobsters on a rampage
  • Explain why your pilots get the idea that they can shoot at IMG ships or anybody affiliated with the Guild
  • Explain how such an incident can happen with a highly trained fighting force that the CR has maintained so far to the Guild's knowledge
Quote:=CR=Caspa: Freunde from IMG
=CR=Caspa: How oki doki me?
=CR=Panzer: Pff. Defeatists.
MVG-Tempest: Colonial Tagged vessels. Cut to impulse power and state your business.
=CR=Panzer: I despise you.
=CR=Cardamine: Miners
=CR=Cardamine: Ha-a ugly bastards aren't they
=CR=Panzer: Cut?
MVG-Tempest: Miners in four fighters and a bomber?
=CR=Panzer: You don't seem to be aware of who you're dealing with.
=CR=Cardamine: But still miners
=CR=Cardamine: Colonials, what is your proffesion!
=CR=Panzer: OORAH
=CR=Firefly: Unemployed.
=CR=Bonsai: Getting drunk off-duty.
=CR=Panzer: That too
MVG-Tempest: I know your Colonial Remnant ships. Friendly to IMG but we can't be to sure anymore
=CR=Cardamine: Sir can we kill that scumbag?
=CR=Panzer: Waste of time.

Quote:=CR=Panzer: Anyway, now after the warmup
=CR=Panzer: I heard there were Gallic collaborators in the area?

The Colonial squad later went on to shooting at IMG and IMG contracted personell, after being explicitly told about the relation between IMG| and the victim of the later shooting:

Quote:LostStar: ::Colonials are not aware of deal with IMG between Sol and IMG::
LostStar: ::Sol Fenrir is no longer an Outcast. He is allied with the IMG::

And at the end of all this, one last question:

[color=#FFCCCC]How would you react after being treated like this by someone who you consider an ally, who you have been considering your ally for a long time, even and especially in difficult times?

The IMG expects answers about what happened.

Before this answer has been received, I would ask all Colonial pilots to stay clear of any IMG installations in order to avoid further incidents between seemingly extremist elements in the Colonial Republic and the Guild.

Veronica Ryan
IMG Spokesperson

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***

To: IMG Board of Directors - Soul Reaper - 01-11-2012

[::: Incoming Transmission :::]

[color=white]:: Source ID: Colonel Randy Orbit, Sovereign BB44 ::
:: Target ID: Veronica Ryan ::
:: Encryption Level: [color=red]Face-Only Encryption

[color=black]Miss Ryan,

I won't even try to go against your claims, the behavior of our pilots was...wrong. Very wrong. I have no idea as to why Major Skalski let such an incident occur, yet be assured they're all in what you would call..detention.

However, yes, the incident with the Tempest was an unneeded one, I personally talked with it's Captain after the Colonial Task force exited the system. The captain, like I said before, pretty much accepted my apology and he knew how things in the military could be. My pilots do not see the way you see things, Miss Ryan. They're soldiers, killers, they play in Death's backyard every single day and give him the middle finger while doing so.

And they're just a bit mad you chose, if that would be the correct term, the Gallic side. Mainly, they were just looking for an excuse to piss someone off, but you know, I know, there are reasons for you to act like did, every officer in the fleet knows that and believe me High Command acknowledges your actions. You couldn't have done anything else.

As for the important parts, the conflict happened between the people you hired, not one of your direct miners or defense pilots. Like I said, our task force was looking for a fight, even if verbally, and those mercenaries had an attitude, two pilots with an attitude against each other, not so good. Our pilots took the initiative and took out Sol for having a large mouth. Lets not forget his past, like I said, military pilots don't think as deeply when they're drunk on victory and are still in the mood.

As for afterwards, the quarrel was between your mercenaries, and me, personally. They were the ones that took the initiative and tried to destroy me. You can confirm that by asking the captain of the Tempest, he defended me himself, even if verbally, as shots weren't needed.

I assume that answers your question, Miss Ryan, but I'll give a short version of the answers, si?

Our forces did not open fire on an IMG vessel.

Your mercenaries didn't have the needed IQ level to understand they were no match, and had an ego larger than my last night stand's tits.

They were the ones that initiated said conflicts.

We have nothing against the IMG, Miss Ryan, just the ones you hired to be your gun.

[::: Transmission Terminated :::]

To: IMG Board of Directors - Jack_Henderson - 01-11-2012


**** SENDER: [color=#FFCC99]Veronica Ryan, Secretary of Mr. Henderson

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]Colonel Orbit, IMG


** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: veronica_ryan.jpg]


[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]


Dear Colonel Orbit,

thank you for your fast reaction.

Given the location of the incident and the significant number of witnesses, I have to tell you that the incident could not be confined and covered up, and consequently has sparked considerable outrage among the Tau IMG. This was to be expected and I warn you to expect to encounter the consequences of the actions.

Seeing that lack of discipline and self-restraint, I think the Colonial Republic should improve their system of educating their Navy pilots on who are their friends and enemies and how to talk to the respective groups. It would also help if your pilots could be taught about the history of the IMG and especially how the Guild's diplomacy made them survive conflict after conflict.

Moreover I think it is the right time to remind those who think of the IMG as "despicable defeatists, losers, cowards, war-profiteers, collaborators" (or similar disparaging terms) that assistance and loyality can be proven in many ways, only one of which is fighting side by side.

I take no joy in reminding the Colonials of who provided them with their new home, who hides their Carrier in Tau 39, thus taking a considerable risk, who provided the first evidence of the upcoming storm by having ties with Gallic companies, and who has always and will always fight against the Outcast plague alongside the Colonial Republic.

The IMG does not want the Republic to express their gratitude, but we want and I personally think earned their respect. This alliance is something that should not be endangered by ignorance of many and a questionable war ideology of a few leadership figures.

Furthermore, let me be very clear about this:
  • The Republic is in no position to judge who the IMG hires.
  • As long as it flies our IFF, it is no target for the Colonial Republic. Whether the Republic or their field commanders like these forces or not is irrelevant.
  • If there is trouble with inofficial forces affiliated with the IMG, I expect the elite Colonial forces to act professionally in the future and not go for confrontation.
The Colonial Republic decided to take up a fight that they could not win, we decided against it and we both pay the price. Your price was that you had to withdraw from the Taus, which leaves the IMG in an altered position. How we manage this change is entirely up to the Guild. You are welcome to be a part, but you are not the power dictating how the Taus work for the Guild because, frankly, I do not think the Republic is able to understand nor manage the tricky political situation.

The Guild expects an apology of the Major for openly inciting hatred against the Guild in the ranks of his soldiers. The faster, the better because then this matter can be closed and hopefully relations will soon return to normal.

Veronica Ryan
IMG Spokesperson

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***

To: IMG Board of Directors - Panzer - 01-11-2012

--Incoming Transmission--
--Location: Barrier Gate, Coronado--
--Sender ID: --Mjr. Jack Skalski--

[Image: skalski.png]


<div align="right]Skalski out.

To: IMG Board of Directors - AeternusDoleo - 01-11-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Colonel Orbit
CC: Jack Henderson
Subject: Frayed nerves
Encryption: High


You are right about one thing, colonel. We all play in death's backyard, and death has many faces. We just do not give death "the finger" as you so colorfully put it. We try to deal with it any way we can... Sometimes it's outcasts, and a fight is inevitable. Sometimes it's extremist Kusari, and retaliation ensues. Sometimes it's a massive ion storm, from which you can only dock. And this time it's the Gallic threat. We saw only one way to deal with that: Not make ourselves a target. Your men consider us cowards for not resisting the Gallic invasion. Ask them then, did we not provide you yourselves with a haven, reasonably safe, from which you can rebuild. Did we not provide the southern Council forces from certain annihilation, by giving them a place to evacuate to? We do resist, but we must each do it in our own way. The Guild's strength isn't in it's military capacity. Never has been, and never will be. But we enable others who have the capacity to do so, in stead.

The Guild is also not structured like a typical military is. You can't expect military discipline from civilians. That said, I concur that firing upon a friendly vessel is inexcusable, and I'll see about having a word with these hotshots. But you have to admit, the behaviour of your own brethren was quite blatantly provocative. In that, they carry at least part of the responsibility. Fighting amongst eachother isn't going to aid either of us however. We'll try to keep order in our ranks (as difficult as it may be - especially these hotshots don't tend to respond well to orders), I hope you shall attempt to do the same.

- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: IMG Board of Directors - Soul Reaper - 01-11-2012

[::: Incoming Transmission :::]

[color=white]:: Source ID: Colonel Randy Orbit, Sovereign BB44 ::
:: Target ID: Veronica Ryan ::
:: CC: Johnathan Sanders
:: Encryption Level: [color=red]Face-Only Encryption

Miss Ryan,

I will say again, the Colonial Government itself, as well as Military High Command knows exactly how important you have been to us allies, we respect this and will always remember it, no matter what happens.

The only thing that happened, is simply due to psychological reasons of my pilots. That may seem like an excuse to you, as you are quite comfortable in your line of work, physically and possibly emotionally. My pilots, as well as your own defense pilots, are constantly under pressure of death, miss Ryan. Things happen, as they have. Even I sometimes have difficulty in controlling myself, yet I have to.

Ask the question to your own defense pilots, you'll get the same answer, and if they say otherwise, they're clearly lying or haven't fought as a real pilot.

You've made yourself clear, now it's my turn.

The Military will not give in to Mercenaries and bow to them. You tell us to have our pilots educated, and I tell and urge you to do the same to those under your payroll.

Act professionally ? I did that yes, yet they tried to kill me anyway. I am quite sure I myself have much more experience as to deal with mercenaries than you do, Miss Ryan. I know how they act, what they do. Yes, they're not all the same, but they have their own general attitude and way of thought.

Clearly not all of them are like that, yet the ones that are, I will not hesitate to kill or have them killed, Miss Ryan. At least those three are on my own black list, I can give in to insults and idiotic actions, I can, but a direct threat to my life, no.

I suggest you make sure the people you hire in the future know this.

Mister Sanders,

As I have said many times now, we know and respect your deeds to the end. You do not need to remind us.

I am personally monitoring our pilots in the conflict, and their detention, it won't happen again I assure you, my pilots become a bit hot headed themselves when they destroy a few outcasts and their they're indestructible.

Again I apologize for the conflict, hopefully we will leave this behind us and things will continue as they used to.

Have a nice day.

[::: Transmission Terminated :::]