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Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - Printable Version

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Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - Croft - 01-11-2012

For awhile now the BPA have been using normal transports in its Commerce Control Division [CCD] to stop smugglers, embargo runners and transport sized criminals in general. However these ships are not designed for combat and as such are ill-suited for the role we use them in.

This proposal is to outline an idea for the Interdiction Transport, a more maneavourable transport purpose built to survive and overcome hostile engagments. The ship would take the place of the Firefly, the two options I envisioned are:
  1. The Baroque: A single ship to fill the role of the Firefly and the Interdiction Transport, designed to be a civilian transport first but still capable of fufilling the role as an anti-transport. It would keep the same stats as the Firefly but with 3.4k cargo instead of 3.5k and an extra 10k hull.

  2. The Baroque and the Warlander: Two ships based off the same hull, one would be the Firefly's civilian replacement (Baroque) and the other the dedicated Interdiction Transport (Warlander). The civilian version would carry roughly the same stats and equipment as the current Firefly 3.5k hold same amount of guns etc. The Interdiction version would have a drastically reduced cargo of 2.8k, slightly more maneavourability, an extra gun and 20k more hull but being restricted to Bretonian factions only
These are rough numbers and names which will be changed for the sake of balance and feedback should the proposal get the go-ahead.

Ship Style and Layout

Both ships would need to keep to the same colour scheme and style of the other Bretonian transports, past that nothing has been suggested in terms of looks so feel free to suggest some.

My rough idea was similiar to a stretched out Percheron with a less pronounced bulge and small ridges running vertically on the underside. Two engines at the front and the back of the ship would be attached to the body and slightly covered by the shell like armour. The cockpit would probably be rounded like the cyldesdale but not entirely glass. As for the top, the same kind of armour as the Percheron but less bulky down the middle and dotted with things like scanners and communications. I would try to draw or 3D model it myself if I had the talent which I unfortunately don't, hopefully my description will do.

Combat and Balance

The primary purpose of the ship is to stop and destroy other transports, finding a balanced mix of firepower, agility and armour is far beyond my scope of experience in Discovery so any input in this area would be great. Naturally it must have a CD and be able to dish out a solid beating, so a mix and match of guns and turrets or just turrets, any ideas would be smashing.

Any and all constructive comments are welcome.

Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - jammi - 01-11-2012

The Firefly, despite its horrific model, is (inexplicably) fairly popular. You won't find much support for making it into a cleared marked Bretonian faction ship, either. It's got Bretonian roots and a new model should represent that, but it should also be generic enough that anyone can use it.

That said, more transports overall is always a good thing. You could probably see about getting someone to model one or the other of these as stand-alone ships. That said, don't base it on the Percheron. It's really not that great a model.

It's basically a Clydesdale that was scaled up, but with no additional details to compensate.

Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - Eichann Rush - 01-11-2012

' Wrote:The Firefly, despite its horrific model, is (inexplicably) fairly popular.
It has a great shape for getting into and out of Trade lanes, and its hold just fit into the cargo limits on some of the old independent ID's.

Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - Markam - 01-11-2012

For what it's worth, a firefly replace has my support, the current model is ugly, has poor defensive and offensive capabilities and is barely Bretonian, I'm using the BW transport for a similar experience that isn't as ugly and can actually fire one more gun backwards.

But you'll be hard pressed to find a modeler unless Jinx is feeling generous, not like money could buy his work, and his ability to actually get the ship to a submittable state and submitted, there are some BMM mining snubs that got lost in the woodwork a few pages back.

Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - Unseelie - 01-11-2012

Bretonian Transports are what I'm basing my modeling practice around. I've recently ordered a mouse, so you may well see that pick up again in the next week or so.

I'll give your ship some thought. Complaint I have is that bretonian transports are all named after horses.

Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - Markam - 01-11-2012

' Wrote:Bretonian Transports are what I'm basing my modeling practice around. I've recently ordered a mouse, so you may well see that pick up again in the next week or so.

I'll give your ship some thought. Complaint I have is that bretonian transports are all named after horses.

I guess we should start naming them after cows, seeing as that is generally the feeling you get when flying them, the shire being a bull.

Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - Etaphreven - 01-11-2012

Since I'm too biased when it comes to Firefly/Serenity, I'll just say this. I'm fine with all your suggestions, but if a remodel happens, I hope it keeps the general shape of the current Firefly. It can be beautiful even with Bretonian textures, it's just that the current model sucks.

Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - Markam - 01-11-2012

' Wrote:Since I'm too biased when it comes to Firefly/Serenity, I'll just say this. I'm fine with all your suggestions, but if a remodel happens, I hope it keeps the general shape of the current Firefly. It can be beautiful even with Bretonian textures, it's just that the current model sucks.

If a 'simple' re-texturing of the current model was possible, that would be so much easier.

Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - jammi - 01-11-2012

' Wrote:If a 'simple' re-texturing of the current model was possible, that would be so much easier.
Problem is, the current model is too smooth. Bits blend and blur into each other, instead of being nice and defined as they are on other ships.

Would need to be remodelled. Also, bear in mind that all of the current horse transports are built by the two nationalised firms, BMM and Bowex. This explains why they have a unified naming convention. Bretonian ships built by an independent firm like the Firefly was, wouldn't have to stick with it.

Bretonian Interdiction Transport Proposal - CzeReptile - 01-11-2012

Keep Firefly!