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Connecticut v2 - Printable Version

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Connecticut v2 - Pingu! - 01-12-2012

I had some free time today, so I decided to finish this thing - I had in mind since 85.
It's remodeled Connecticut, offering you more things to do in it.
Connecticut as it is now, seems kinda pointless and stupid, one station near planet, and a few more useless stations within minefields.


So, basically, this would be general concept of what I had in mind. There will be 8 nebulas in total, with 2 stations within each nebula. New Haven station is still there, and it is 15k above plane both with jumphole to York. See video for more details about it.
New Conn with more stations, and more 'templates-nebulas' will allow not only "solo fights - 1v1s", but more (oorp) practice for factions. For example, I'm sure noms/bhg/others will find good use for some of nebulas and stations in here.

Video below is mostly finished design - but it's still missing 2 nebulas from gallia. I'm open to suggestions.

Like, don't like? Shoot away!

Connecticut v2 - Fat.Igor - 01-12-2012

inb4 "omg we should remove Conn not improve it"

Personally, I like it.

Connecticut v2 - Soul Reaper - 01-12-2012

I like it, alot.


Connecticut v2 - Captain - 01-12-2012

' Wrote:I like it, alot.



Connecticut v2 - Tommeh - 01-12-2012

omg we should remove Conn not improve it :angry:

I mean, it looks good, maybe bit complicating with so many nebulas, but I don't use Conn much, so I am happy with it if others are.

Connecticut v2 - ProwlerPC - 01-12-2012

Maybe a new server called Connecticut PvP 24/7 will be popular. Should give it a try.

Connecticut v2 - Fat.Igor - 01-12-2012

' Wrote:Maybe a new server called Connecticut PvP 24/7 will be popular. Should give it a try.
If it had at least 70-80 players and someone would host it, yeah, it probably would.

Connecticut v2 - aerelm - 01-12-2012


I had a similar idea on "improving" conn for some time, but was too lazy to find someone to work on it. So maybe I should share it here in case it gives you some new ideas.

Conn, as it is right now, is rather broken. First of all, as you mentioned, most of the system is empty and also, there's one huge useless FPS-killer minefield covering half the system (Which makes my FL crash from time to time, no kiddin).

Here's the rough idea I had for conn - Imo, it should include some of the most common 'combat environments', just like the version you've made. But if it was up to me, I would've listed them like this:
  • New Haven area, for open space practice.
  • One or two more open space areas in case too many ships are in conn.
  • An area with 4 or so hostile weap platforms, for practicing dogfights under fire.
  • An asteroid field like Tau-23/37.
  • A Badlands-like nebula.
  • A Dublin/o5-like minefield.
  • An o11-like radiation field.
  • A .45 Minor-like asteroid field.
You see, it's not about putting as many nebulas & asteroid fields as possible, cause most of them will remain unused anyways and will only give people with older comps some FPS lag while they're in Conn. It's just about adding 'useful' areas to conn, which'd be actually worth practicing in.

Overall, I like what you've made but one thing your design lacks is a 'suicide point' for suiciding after duels so you won't have to pay for repairs. My suggestion is adding one of those anomalies in o3 on top of each of the bases there, but adding a corona damage to it so people can fly into it and explode, respawning on the same base without the need for repairs.

So yeah, gets my (y).

' Wrote:Maybe a new server called Connecticut PvP 24/7 will be popular. Should give it a try.
Nice idea actually. Just a 50 slot PvP server based around Conn, with enough starter money and friendly rep to easily set up any desired ship & gear. Would also work wonders if it runs on the same server as the GC one, just like those pre-86 event servers.

Connecticut v2 - teschy - 01-12-2012

Better remove the nebulae, in my opinion.

Connecticut v2 - KAWISH-ALI - 01-12-2012

That is nice;)

what software you use to make it? I mean what FL TOOL?