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Zoner-Make Fighters and the Civilian-Line - Mr.Fabulous - 01-12-2012

I was just browsing the Disco Wiki, looking at various Zoner Capships (because they're sexy in my opinion, many kudos to those who designed them :$) , and then I clicked on the Zoners-category.

... That's when I noticed: There are absolutely NO Zoner-make fighters to find (well, technically except the Virage, but they don't match with design-culture of the Zoner-line)

Zoners have capships and transports, but they don't have fighters... makes me wonder: why?

I've also wondered: the Civilian-line fighters (eagle, roc, etc.). They are SOOOOO similar with the zoner-line capships in culture and design.

Why not make those as the Zoner-make ships? After all, Zoners are (at least as I last heard) the most neutral faction in all of Disco, so it'd make sense that the Zoners would be responsible for the Civ-line.

Anyway, it doesn't also make good business-sense NOT to patent the Civ-line to a specific corporation/manufacturer.


Zoner-Make Fighters and the Civilian-Line - McNeo - 01-12-2012

Because suddenly they get restricted etcetera. The Eagle also has a bit about Liberty in its vanilla infocard. Most likely the original developers just never got around to it.

A broader tip is not to try to justify the actions of factions in terms of their RP. People will always find a way out of it, and furthermore there's no real system of regulation to constrain people. That's how you get Zoners as a pure cap force on the scale of a house, that's how you get Corsairs fighting 159609334 wars on 29347095923 fronts and how you get GC with a guard system that makes them look more like Outcasts than petty terrorists.

Zoner-Make Fighters and the Civilian-Line - Jinx - 01-12-2012

lore wise - zoners were involved in the design and production of the BW ships.

Zoner-Make Fighters and the Civilian-Line - nunchakus - 01-12-2012

' Wrote:There are absolutely NO Zoner-make fighters to find

Hmm, have you checked out the Osprey sold in FPXV?

Zoner-Make Fighters and the Civilian-Line - Jamez - 01-12-2012

The Osprey VHF is Zoner designed.
The Kingfisher HF is Zoner designed.

I don't see the problem here. Check the wiki for more info.

Zoner-Make Fighters and the Civilian-Line - Mr.Fabulous - 01-12-2012

' Wrote:lore wise - zoners were involved in the design and production of the BW ships.

Really? I never knew that. Care to link me to proof, please? Please don't confuse this with a sarcastic tone, honestly I'm curious as to this, since I've always fancied that the BW-line were exclusively OC-makes.


' Wrote:Hmm, have you checked out the Osprey sold in FPXV?

' Wrote:The Osprey VHF is Zoner designed.
The Kingfisher HF is Zoner designed.

I don't see the problem here. Check the wiki for more info.

Hahahah, looks like they are! I guess this would help further strengthen Jinx's point. But these are new-ships of 4.86, which explains why I haven't heard of them yet, and they're not listed in the Zoner-category.

Plus, as I've said, the proof that Zoners helped design the BW-line isn't clear: the line's more likely to be attributed to Outcasts than Zoners (if at all!) National identity's what I'm saying...

' Wrote:Because suddenly they get restricted etcetera. The Eagle also has a bit about Liberty in its vanilla infocard. Most likely the original developers just never got around to it.

Take the Tiger Shark, for example (which, tbh, is the only example of it's kind... we need more ships like it). It's impressive in that you could practically look at it and immediately tell it's Rheinland-make; and it's "civilian", so it's not at all "restricted" in a sense that anyone NOT in bad-rep with Rheinland can practically purchase it (actually, even criminals of Rheinland can be seen using it, so nyah).

Why can't it go as well with the "Civilian"-line for the Zoners? Trying to restrict it with the justification that "IMAH BUY ZONAH SHEEP SOES I BE NEUTRAL YU CANT PEWPEW ME" is like buying the Tiger Shark and assuming that all of rheinland is protecting you because you're using that ship. SO WHAT if the ne'er-do-wells could use those ships? YOU YOURSELF fancy them! It's hypocrisy!

' Wrote:A broader tip is not to try to justify the actions of factions in terms of their RP. People will always find a way out of it, and furthermore there's no real system of regulation to constrain people. That's how you get Zoners as a pure cap force on the scale of a house, that's how you get Corsairs fighting 159609334 wars on 29347095923 fronts and how you get GC with a guard system that makes them look more like Outcasts than petty terrorists.

I'm not trying to make any regulations. I'm just asking if it's possible for the Zoners to have fighters that you could really point out and say, "Hey! It's a Zoner-ship! Zoners built that!" They've already got caps for it: why not complete the zoner-line while you're at it?

also... yay! the creater of the aquilon itself responded to my post! :$

edit: actually, there are other examples other than the Tiger Shark: the Moonbeam, the Sunbeam, the ECLIPSE (A GORRAM BOMBER)