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Sunbucks, Inc. - Zapp - 03-26-2008

Sunbucks, Inc.

Tag: Orbital Spa and Cruise
ID: Synth Foods

Naming Conventions
Sunbucks|Cafe-### for luxury liners, where ### is a number between 001 and 009

Sunbucks|Transit-### for Mammoths, where ### is a number between 100 and 499

Sunbucks|Kiosk-### for Rhinos, where ### is a number between 500 and 999

Sunbucks|Escort-(2 letters), where the first letter is the ship ID letter (E for Eagle, G for Griffin, L for Liberator) and the second letter is the personal ID letter

Since the dawn of time… oh sorry, wrong history. Ahem… the history of the franchise Sunbucks, Inc., a subsidiary of both Orbital Spa and Cruise and Synth Foods as well as sponsor of the LPI, is a long and convoluted mess of paperwork, alliances, business meetings, back-stabbings, and more than one assassination. Lucky for us all, this long history is a close, Above-Top-Secret LPI file, that nobody can see without a library card and five bucks.

Anyways, suffice to say that Orbital Spa and Cruise recognized the people’s need for fast, mass-produced, and cheap entertainment. They also recognized that this need could be filled with food. Signing a contract with Synth Foods (which stated that Orbital Spa and Cruise would supply the classy buildings and shops, while Synth Foods provided the gourmet food), they immediately launched Sunbucks, Inc., which was an instant hit in Liberty, especially among the LPI. The aforementioned LPI, in desperate need of funding, requested and received sponsorship from their favorite eatery.

Now Sunbucks is one of the most rapidly growing food chains in Sirius, projected to pass both McBurgers and their chief rival, Dippin’ Donuts, in just 5 years. It has recently grown so powerful as to come out from being a mere ‘subsidiary’ of Orbital Spa and Cruise and Synth Foods, and has risen to a ‘partnership’ position. Of note is a deal recently struck with the LPI, exchanging a bunch of free donuts for Liberators.

One faction inside Sunbucks is dedicated to the pure monopolization of all trade in Sirius, including masking their ships as pirate marauders to harass the competition.* Another faction is dedicated to certain shifty business transaction, including but not limited to the Outcasts, Mollys, Hessians, and Corsairs. Both of these are led covertly by the two vice CEOs, while the CEO remains dedicated to Sunbuck’s founding statement: “Wherever people may go, they should always eat our crap.”

*The ‘pirate’ group will be closer to privateers which are either hired independently, or are employees given substantial bonuses. These will be Sunbucks-type ships (Eagles, Griffins, and on a stretch Liberators) which will hold to the civilian-only weapon rule. They will have a generic pirate ID, and I’m debating on if a tag is appropriate (perhaps in this case Orbital Spa and Cruise tag and pirate ID is an RP combo?). To keep pirate ships untraceable but tagged, they will follow this naming convention:

Sunbucks|Raider-(2 letters), much the same as the Escorts. However, on questioning Sunbucks will disavow all knowledge of these ships.

[color=yellow]Sunbucks, Inc Diplomacy


Synth Foods
Orbital Spa and Cruise

Ageira Technologies
Bretonian Mining and Minerals
Border World Exports
Bounty Hunters Guild
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Police
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Deep Space Engineering
Gateway Shipping
Interspace Commerce
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Planetform Inc
Universal Shipping

Neutral All others

ALG Waste Disposal
Asgard Warriors
Blood Dragons
Daumann Heavy Construction
Golden Chrysantheneums
Kruger Minerals
Red Hessians
Republican Shipping

Rivals (Ships of these corporations are not to be assisted by any of our ships in any way, and are to be sabotaged if possible)

Farmers Alliance
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Phantom Empire
Nomads/Das Wilde
Hellfire Legion
The Order

Ranks and member listing
CEO – allowed ships up to the Luxury Liner
Vice CEO – allowed ships up to the Luxury Liner
Manager – allowed ships up to the Mammoth
Employee – allowed ships up to the Mammoth
Janitor – allowed ships up to the Rhino, which includes escort fighters

Allowed ships and equipment
Luxury Liner
Liberator (restricted)

Civilian weaponry – transport turrets, stunpulse line, starbeam line, flashpoint line, debilitator line. NO CODENAME OR NOMAD WEAPONRY ALLOWED


OK, something I slapped together recently. All the inside-jokes of LPI are coming to light (Girl Scouts and this), so I wanna see what you all think. No, I wouldn't lead it, I'd throw that responsibility on some other fool... I mean smart person. Constructive criticism!

Sunbucks, Inc. - Fellow Hoodlum - 03-26-2008

Well if its not a proposal, its in entirely the wrong place then ... Lets keep this section a little real now,
especially in the light of the new parameters. No comments needed as it gets the *chubb treatment*


Sunbucks, Inc. - Boss - 03-26-2008

Zapp, were it a proposal, and even if it isn't, then I still want in. I love the idea, and we might get mugged by LPI to boot.

So, that being said, can I be SunBucks|Escort-JL and SunBucks|Transit-042?

Sunbucks, Inc. - Zapp - 03-26-2008

Not exactly sure what Hood means by that...

It's not serious, just wanna see what everyone thinks. If there's a better forum for that, tell me, and lock this one and I can repost, or move it.

Oh, and Boss, it'd be Escort-GL or LL or EL, the first letter IDs the ship (Griffin, Liberator, Eagle)

Sunbucks, Inc. - Jwnantze - 03-26-2008

I would recomend getting one of the OSC higher-ups (like me) to underite and operate a lux liner in this capacity as opposed to making your own.

Sunbucks, Inc. - Fellow Hoodlum - 03-26-2008

Show us the readies then ... If this is going to be discussed as a possible faction ? Side-stepping the process
already. Come on guys, do we actually need this ? Looks like an excuse to hit all round Sirius to me


Sunbucks, Inc. - Zapp - 03-26-2008

I'm sorry, I thought a corporation that had more than "Let's run diamonds from NB to NT, and niobium back", more than even, "Let's trade like the actual NPC trader factions do." I was thinking something multi-faceted, with a ruthless leader that wants to blow the competition away by employing privateers (much like it says Universal pays the Xenos to hassle everyone BUT them), another leader who has no morals in making his money (smuggling is his forte) and another leader who believes in the company's founding principles. Something more than black and white.

If this is more appropriate in the subforum up top, then by all means move it. We haven't hammered out the members yet, and I was posting here to see if any details needed changing before it went up top. We haven't even elected a leader yet (everyone's too modest, and it can't really be me).

Sunbucks, Inc. - Niezck - 03-26-2008

Count me in! That'd also give some nice RP/event potential. Xeno raiding Sunbucks and LPI rushing to it's aid anybody?


Sunbucks, Inc. - sovereign - 03-26-2008

' Wrote:Count me in! That'd also give some nice RP/event potential. Xeno raiding Sunbucks and LPI rushing to it's aid anybody?


More like waiting for you to crack the vault, then making off with every last donut and cup of coffee we could carry.

Looks pretty good, and it'll give that one guy something real to arrest and confiscate. (Was it Jim? I can't remember.)

Sunbucks, Inc. - Boss - 03-27-2008

Not Jim, might have been Dean.

(I know for a fact it's not Jim, he's me.)