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Treaty Announcement - Printable Version

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Treaty Announcement - Dieter Schprokets - 01-15-2012

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

In recent weeks, it has become clear that Bretonia's position is tenable only if the full focus of our Military is put upon the Gallic invasion threat. The Kusari Emperor, and those vessels and pilots who remain loyal to him, are trapped behind the lines in the Leeds system, and they have also been aggrieved by Gallia. The Emperor, and the highest levels of the Bretonian government, have been in generally continuous contact since the Gallic invasion. The following are the terms which will govern our relationship in this time of war against our mutual foe.

As Fleet Admiral and Minister of Defense it falls to me to present this treaty, negotiated by the highest authorites in Whitehall, to the Crown for signature. Upon this treaty lay my hand and seal.


Section 1 - Peace

1.1 - The Kusari Exiles and the Bretonian government agree to a complete cease fire, and a non-aggression pact.

Section 2 - Military Cooperation

2.1 - The Kusari Exiles and the Armed Forces will coordinate attacks on the Gallic military to repel them from the Tau sector.

2.2 - Both Bretonia and the Kusari Exiles may give help, should it be needed, against a common third party enemy.

2.3 - The Kusari Exiles will be allowed to protect traders inside the House of Bretonia from pirate attacks and Gallics, should it be needed.

2.4 - The Kusari Exiles agree to not participate in any action that harms Bretonia'€™s military, security, or civilians

2.5 - The Kusari Exiles agree to not ally with any criminal except to harm Gallia directly or indirectly.

2.6 - The Kusari Exiles will be allowed to use any ship class inside the house of Bretonia.

Section 3 - Respect of Sovereignty and Authority

3.1 - The Kusari Exiles are to abide by Bretonian laws at all times when in Bretonian sovereign space.

3.2 - The Kusari Exiles recognizes the following as Bretonia'€™s sovereign space:
New London

3.3 - Bretonia will allow the Kusari Exiles to make supply dealings with all of the approved companies and shippers inside Bretonia.

3.4 - Samura may supply the Ronin in Bretonian space, provided Samura ships request a BAF/Ronin joint escort (as available) and provided Samura pays a $500 million credit restitution amount to the Bretonian Government.

Treaty Announcement - Jien Kogen - 01-15-2012


Treaty Announcement - Deneth Aleski - 01-15-2012

Commodore Wilhelm Deneth Aleski, DSC CAM VB GCA
Military Liaison Officer for Bretonian Allies.

Treaty Announcement - FallenKnight - 01-15-2012

Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Commander of the West Fleet