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BS Handling - Blitzmoez - 01-16-2012

Since the Update arrived I cant really play my Carrier with the old handling.
I have the problem that I need to use the Weappon Groups to acces the Turrets on position from the position 9;0 on upwards!

Before the update I had my 2 Mortars on the 1 and the 2.... The two missles for anti torpedo and missle striked on the 4 and 5.... now because of the Update they are on position 20+ and I dont have any keys to use them accept for the Weappons group... But in a hot fight of capital ships it takes to long to change the weappons group to just fire a Mortar.

My Idea is... on the lv8 Slots are mostly one or two types of turrets... that is fine with the weappons group to acces and on the lv9 mostly are the Primary

But on the Lv10 everybody uses his custom strategy and it would be really helpfull if they would be just the first in the list... and not the last so I can use them via Number on my Keyboard and dont need to change the whole Weappons group to fire them...

2 mortars and 2 missles need already 4 weappons groups with my tactic... and thats not easy to manage...

I would be happy if something would be possible there...

Greetings (I hope the right people read this thread)

BS Handling - Junes - 01-16-2012

You can assign all your weapons to a weapon group no matter whether they can be fired manually on your keyboard by hitting the numbers 1-0 or not.

Don't see your problem there.

BS Handling - Blitzmoez - 01-16-2012

But I just have 6 weappon groups but more different turrets to fire!

BS Handling - FallenKnight - 01-16-2012

I have noticed that too and I am very curious why the devs have switched the numbers upside down.

Small Example in 4.85
1. Mortar
2. Pulse
3. Pulse
4. Missle
5. Primary
6. Primary
7. Primary ...

Small Example in 4.86
1. Primary
2. Primary
3. Primary
4. Missle
5. Pulse
6. Pulse
7. Motar ...

Its really hard now to make a 5th weapon group just for a single weapon (like flak or missle) that could be activated Manually. And its hard to properly chainfire some primary guns or cerberus which are on slot 11++.
If the devs can return the numbers from updside down to normal without that to hit the new splitting system could be great:)

BS Handling - Junes - 01-16-2012

Ah, I see. Well, assign your six most important weapon combinations to weapon groups then. That's two for lights, two for primary and two for heavy slots, should actually be enough.

It's your fault after all if you buy a carrier with 2734606776 turrets and use as many fire combinations.:P

BS Handling - Junes - 01-16-2012

' Wrote:I have noticed that too and I am very curious why the devs have switched the numbers upside down.

Small Example in 4.85
1. Mortar
2. Pulse
3. Pulse
4. Missle
5. Primary
6. Primary
7. Primary ...

Small Example in 4.86
1. Primary
2. Primary
3. Primary
4. Missle
5. Pulse
6. Pulse
7. Motar ...

Its really hard now to make a 5th weapon group just for a single weapon (like flak or missle) that could be activated Manually. And its hard to properly chainfire some primary guns or cerberus which are on slot 11++.

Hm, right now the sequence of turrets on BSes is class 8 --> class 9 --> class 10. Maybe reverse that sequence so that class 10 weapons (Mortars etc) can be fired manually without having to assign a weapon group for it.

Yeah, that should help.

BS Handling - FallenKnight - 01-16-2012

' Wrote:Hm, right now the sequence of turrets on BSes is class 8 --> class 9 --> class 10. Maybe reverse that sequence so that class 10 weapons (Mortars etc) can be fired manually without having to assign a weapon group for it.

That's the point:)

BS Handling - AeternusDoleo - 01-16-2012

First off: Wrong section. This is not a damned ship submission.

Second: This has been reported before and has been raised as a dev issue. May or may not be fixed, although it's not that hard to do, just a lot of work to revisit the hardpoint declaration order for all ships...