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Luxury Liner Firepower - lcpong1 - 03-27-2008

I am a Cargo ship and battleship lover, so Luxury Liner is best for me:D.
For a max-upgraded Luxury Liner:
How is its firepower?
How is its duration(armour, shield etc) ?

Thank you for answers.

Luxury Liner Firepower - Jinx - 03-27-2008

normal 100.000 transport shields - which are enough. and 11 turrets on a lux liner. when you mount type 4 turrets, you re pretty safe from any casual pirate.

Luxury Liner Firepower - Othman - 03-27-2008

Why not level 5 turrets?
You will need them against pirates..

Luxury Liner Firepower - Jinx - 03-27-2008

imo - lvl4 transport turrets beat any lvl 5 fighter turret. - thats why. - ahh, i guess i wasn t clear about it - i mean lvl7, type 4 transport turrets.

Luxury Liner Firepower - Othman - 03-27-2008

' Wrote:imo - lvl4 transport turrets beat any lvl 5 fighter turret. - thats why. - ahh, i guess i wasn t clear about it - i mean lvl7, type 4 transport turrets.
Now it is clear. Agreed with the comment as well.

Luxury Liner Firepower - lcpong1 - 03-27-2008

How about comparing to the cruiser?

Luxury Liner Firepower - Eppy - 03-27-2008

They can give a Cruiser a run for their money is what...I once had Dab jump my Kusari Destroyer (Just got the armor, wasn't carrying botts or batts) and we literally spent half an hour dogfighting with the dang things. What's worse, he won. I got so tired I said "screw it" and made a break for the TL...that's when he got me.:lol:

Luxury Liner Firepower - lcpong1 - 03-27-2008

So is the firepower of Luxury Liner still good comparing to cruisers?

Luxury Liner Firepower - Jinx - 03-27-2008

you cannot really compare a cruiser to a liner. a liner is bigger, has less armor and less shields. its weapons are comparable though ( with smaller cruisers like the BHG destroyer ) - but a corsair gunboat / scorpion wild gunboat with its 8 front guns and higher agility should be able to take a liner down.

actually, i m quite sure that most cruisers should easily take a liner down. but then.... they must not do it. a liner is a trader, a cruiser is a warship and so must not attack a trader no matter what. so its only gunboats and bombers you have to fear. a bomber can be repelled by a liner - cause, in RP, there are much easier targets then liners and a gunboat should pick easier targets, too.

Luxury Liner Firepower - Eppy - 03-27-2008

You won't kill the Cruiser pilot unless he's either unprepared or very stupid, but you will sure take a big chunk out of his hull and probably be able to run (which, in the end, is something a Transport should be doing versus a heavily armed capital warship. After all, there's civilians aboard to protect!). Those Lux Liners get great regens.