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Recomended Shipline tweaks - Berny - 01-17-2012

Corsair LF Decurion:
Issue: model is huge, ugly and out of corsair style. It's hitable with MR, no torp to compensate, actually, it's harder to dodge fire in this light fighter then in titan.
Possible and simple solution: revoke model back to Legionaire one (just like liberty has liberator, OCs have scimitar etc). Should fix this issue.

Corsair HF Gladiator:
Issue: meant to be universal, but barely usable, fragile and easy to hit. Has bigger hitbox then Titan - I've snaced couple of these even if they have HF agility stats.
Solution: it either needs few extra guns to become a typical tank or thiner center/hitbox, like centurion and titan have.

Issue: small as scimitar, while it's well armored and has heavy power core.
Solution: balance it a bit.

Molly Werewolf SHF:
Issue: it's now a big SHF with VHF energy storing capacity. (now it has nearly same as titan/nephtys, while it's a lot bigger thing)
Solution: could be made something in middle between VHF capacity and SHF one. 20k should do it

Common issue: turret steering+turret zooming on small ships and Mining ships (like arrastra - old Mafic) makes it a bit illogical - belials can hit easily with built-in auto-aim (only needs to hold mouse in center of screen) while ship itself becomes basicly untouchable by VHFs and it's not likely you'll snac that thing.

Solution: remove turret steer from small ships (not yet removed - tested ingame - still works on bombers, not sure about other ships) and reduce turret zoom-out range - it doesn't need to zoom out 5-10k to be honest - makes no sense - especially in ships, carrying 1 pilot only

Although, I accept a lot of balances, that were made: sabre was surely OP, used it a lot. Now it's still a decent thing, still using it. Wraith - ye, it was sort of too fast to it's energy and armor ratings. Bulldog speed increase was a great step, as basically only few had these and didn't bother themselves to fly them more often, cause it used to be out-turned even by titans. Civilian line ships tweaked to meet their armory/energy - feels kinda well balanced there.
Though, 8.33 guns were buffed too much - can't argue with that xD

Also, LF higher cruise idea - now that's the best that came with this mod. But in my opinion, HFs should carry 360 or 365 speed. Not much of a difference, but hey, they carry same engines as very heavy fighters and are lighter, aren't these?

Recomended Shipline tweaks - AeternusDoleo - 01-17-2012

' Wrote:Corsair HF Gladiator:
Issue: meant to be universal, but barely usable, fragile and easy to hit. Has bigger hitbox then Titan - I've snaced couple of these even if they have HF agility stats.
Solution: it either needs few extra guns to become a typical tank or thiner center/hitbox, like centurion and titan have.
Load of horsecrap that. The hitboxes on both models are to skin. Although I admit the vanilla titan one isn't perfect. The gladiator's main issue is it's maneuverability, or lack thereof.

Quote:Molly Werewolf SHF:
Issue: it's now a big SHF with VHF energy storing capacity. (now it has nearly same as titan/nephtys, while it's a lot bigger thing)
Solution: could be made something in middle between VHF capacity and SHF one. 20k should do it
What, Tartarus plus 5 class 10 guns isn't enough of a perk? It is not a bomber-style SHF. It doesn't do SNACs.

Recomended Shipline tweaks - Jack_Henderson - 01-17-2012

As there is a post with a reasonable title and a dev already showed presence here:

IMG LF: it does not behave like a LF. In comparison with the CR LF, one can see that worlds separate the two. Statwise tweaking requested to enable it to stay alive and perform its role, please.

IMG transport: suggestion: either make it a freighter (cargo nerf, adjust equipment) or make it bigger and a useful transport (more cargo). We know that there will be a large transport, but it's sad to see a ship (I like its look) completely unused. And... it was also shown that it is too small a model for a transport (some other thread). So perhaps we can keep the model, make it a freighter and rebalance the stats only to fit a freighter? I guess that would be less work than modelling, hitboxing, stat changes... and make it useful.

IMG Battlecruiser: The blind spots are big. Some improved turret arcs would be welcome. Especially the low firepower to the rear makes the BC rather weak, imo, as it makes the shooting backwards while evading and firing back in turret view rather pointless.

Recomended Shipline tweaks - Tachyon - 01-17-2012

' Wrote:IMG transport: suggestion: either make it a freighter (cargo nerf, adjust equipment) or make it bigger and a useful transport (more cargo). We know that there will be a large transport, but it's sad to see a ship (I like its look) completely unused. And... it was also shown that it is too small a model for a transport (some other thread). So perhaps we can keep the model, make it a freighter and rebalance the stats only to fit a freighter? I guess that would be less work than modelling, hitboxing, stat changes... and make it useful.

Buff it's cargo to ~2500, therefore nerf it's turning a good bit, but keep it small, it is what it makes at least a bit useful (used rightly it is nearly invulnerable to a solo-bomber pirate using only guns and SNAC).
Maybe give it another gun, which fires from the bottom of the ship (the arcs are horrible for that part) or replace one gun from the top to the bottom and avoid another nerf that way.

Recomended Shipline tweaks - Vito - 01-17-2012

' Wrote:Corsair HF Gladiator:
Issue: meant to be universal, but barely usable, fragile and easy to hit. Has bigger hitbox then Titan - I've snaced couple of these even if they have HF agility stats.
Solution: it either needs few extra guns to become a typical tank or thiner center/hitbox, like centurion and titan have.

' Wrote:Load of horsecrap that. The hitboxes on both models are to skin. Although I admit the vanilla titan one isn't perfect. The gladiator's main issue is it's maneuverability, or lack thereof.
What, Tartarus plus 5 class 10 guns isn't enough of a perk? It is not a bomber-style SHF. It doesn't do SNACs.

The new and improved hit-box makes the Gladiator fine as it is, as far as I'm concerned. The real problem lays in its smaller brother.

Corsair HF Centurion
Issue: Same guns hardpoints as all the other HF's (2x class 8 and 4x class 9) but the same lack of maneuverability as the Gladiator (exact same stats). It's ok, some will say, because it's a corsair ship and I agree, but that is not compensated by a proper corsair powercore and armor rating. The powercore runs at 900/9000 compared to the 1100/10400 on the Gladiator and it's armor rating stands at 8500 compared to the Gladiator's 9200.

So while being slower than most VHF's it still uses an average HF powercore and armor which makes it underpowered compared to most HF's in the game. It has the same powercore as the Swichblade, Paladin, Hammerhead, Saishi, Serval, Falcon, etc and the 200 to 600 extra hitpoints do not balance its lack of agility which is ok for a Corsair ship as long is it has a proper armor and powercore.
Solution: Buff it's powercore and armor to the Gladiator levels so that both ships will balance each other out.
End results:
- same powercore and armor rating.
- Centurion: 6 guns (2x class 8 and 4x class 9), smaller profile
- Gladiator: 4 guns (2x class 9 and 2x class 10), larger profile, extra dedicated MR slot

Recomended Shipline tweaks - ... kur nubėgo? - 01-17-2012

' Wrote:Load of horsecrap that. The hitboxes on both models are to skin. Although I admit the vanilla titan one isn't perfect. The gladiator's main issue is it's maneuverability, or lack thereof.

Yes. Now it's speed is of typical VHF (manta turns just a bit faster for example). But is stuck with general HF stuff except for 10k powercore (low bots, armor, class 9 shield) Yet a lot of people disagree with it being weaker, because thinks that Razor + CD combo is somewhat divine stuff which makes ship godlike despite of it's other traits. I think that torp simply compensates the lack of momentum firepower 6 guns grants. Just because it has class 10 doesn't mean all people use codes. Some folk rather use faction stuff.

Anyway I don't treat this as primary concern matter:

1) people would get annoyed by my constant lobbying xD
2) it's very tricky. Alltough doesn't seem right either.

Recomended Shipline tweaks - Pancakes - 01-17-2012

Werewolf is pretty much okay. Lots of botts and batts, 5 Class 10 guns and both torp and CD slot. Look perfect for me.

Recomended Shipline tweaks - ... kur nubėgo? - 01-17-2012

' Wrote:Werewolf is pretty much okay. Lots of botts and batts, 5 Class 10 guns and both torp and CD slot. Look perfect for me.

And it can be snaced easier now, cuz of reduce in turning speed.

Recomended Shipline tweaks - Ayatolah - 01-17-2012

' Wrote:Werewolf is pretty much okay. Lots of botts and batts, 5 Class 10 guns and both torp and CD slot. Look perfect for me.

Now it has 6 class 10 guns and loses the turret, the CD and torp slot are still there:) is HUGE indeed, but people seems to forget the fact about the Werewolf, is not a normal pvp ship... is meant for pirate, instead of fighting lawful forces or else.

Recomended Shipline tweaks - Tachyon - 01-17-2012

' Wrote:Werewolf is pretty much okay. Lots of botts and batts, 5 Class 10 guns and both torp and CD slot. Look perfect for me.

I heard angry mutters in chats about it being OP.