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Omega Treaty Announcement - Printable Version

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Omega Treaty Announcement - Dab - 01-19-2012

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Omega Treaty Announcement - Dab - 01-19-2012

Treaty of Snowdown

The Governments of the Kingdom of Bretonia and Federal Republic of Rheinland, with the understanding and acceptance of the ruling body of the Independent Miners Guild and Freeport One Administration, do make the following agreement;
  • Section 1 - Respect of Sovereignty and Authority
    • 1.1 - The Federal Republic of Rheinland, Independent Miners Guild, and the Zoners of Freeport One respect the sovereignty and authority of The Kingdom of Bretonia over the system of Snowdown (previously referred to as Omega-3).
    • 1.2 - The Kingdom of Bretonia, Independent Miners Guild, and the Zoners of Freeport One respect the sovereignty and authority of The Federal Republic of Rheinland over the system of Omega-7.
  • Section 2 - Military Access
    • 2.1 - Federal Republic of Rheinland
      • 2.1.1 - The Rheinland Military has the right to patrol near the Jump Gate to Omega-7, a corridor of space between the above gate and Rugen Station, and the vicinity around Rugen Station itself for the purposes of escorting economic vessels of Rheinland to and from the station, and defending the station itself.
      • 2.1.2 - The Rheinland Military has the right to patrol along the tradelane between the Jump Gate to Omega-7 and Aland Shipyard for the purposes of escorting economic vessels of Rheinland to and from the station.
      • 2.1.3 - The Independent Miners Guild has the right to demand the Rheinland Military withdraw its forces from the vicinity around Aland Shipyard, and the Rheinland Military must respect this request if it be issued.
        • - The Rheinland Military may refuse this demand should a vessel belonging to the military itself, or a corporation of Rheinland, be under attack or under imminent threat by hostile forces.
    • 2.2 - The Kingdom of Bretonia
      • 2.2.1 - The Bretonia Armed Forces has the right to patrol near the Jump Gate to Snowdown (also known as Omega-3 in historical databases), along the trade lane to Freistadt, and around the station itself, for the purposes of escorting economic vessels of Bretonia to and from the station, and defending the station itself.
      • 2.2.2 - The Independent Miners Guild has the right to demand the Bretonia Armed Forces withdraw its forces from the vicinity around Freistadt, and the Bretonia Armed Forces must respect this request if it be issued.
        • - The Bretonia Armed Forces may refuse this demand should a vessel belonging to the military itself, or a corporation of Bretonia, be under attack or under imminent threat by hostile forces.
      • 2.2.3 - The Zoners of Freeport One have the right to demand the Bretonia Armed Forces withdraw its forces from the vicinty around Freeport One, and the Bretonia Armed Forces must respect this request if it be issued.
        • - The Bretonia Armed Forces may refuse this demand, should any lawful vessels be under attack or under imminent threat by hostile forces, or if the presence of military units is necessary for a valid and current security reason.
      • 2.3 - Military Access is given for the intent of defense of economic and civilian assets and personnel, and not to be used as a method to hunt groups considered pirates by the respective government. Bretonian Laws are active in the system of Snowdown, and Rheinland laws inthe system of Omega-7, including each government'€™s relevant diplomatic stances.
      • 2.4 - The Police and Intelligence agencies, to be the Bretonian Police Authority, Rheinland Federal Police, Bretonian Intelligence Service, Buro Der Marineintelligenz, and the Marinenachrichtendienst, are forbidden from entering the other nation'€™s sovereignty.
  • Section 3 - Rights and Duties of Minor Signatories
    • 3.1 - The Independent Miners Guild is given the power to regulate docking rights to the Aland Shipyard, and the Freistadt mining base. Vessels and pilots known to be a threat to local commercial shipping will be denied docking rights.
    • 3.2 - The Administration of Freeport One is given the power to regulate docking rights to Freeport One. Vessels and pilots known to be a threat to local commercial shipping will be denied docking rights.
    • 3.3 - Commercial traffic bound directly for Freeport One, Aland Shipyard and/or mining base Freistadt is not subject to Bretonian or Rheinland cargo regulations, but still constrained by contraband laws, within the Omega-7 and Omega-3 Snowdown systems only.
    • 3.4 - The Administrations of Aland Shipyard and Freeport One may be required to deny docking rights to individuals known to attack commercial shipping, Bretonian Military, or Police forces within Snowdown and subsequently dock on these bases.
    • 3.5 - The Administration of Freistadt may be required to deny docking rights to individuals known to attack commercial shipping, or Rheinland Military or Police forces within Omega-7 and subsequently dock on this base.
  • Section 4 - Economic Cooperation
    • 4.1 - Daumann Heavy Construction is given the power to regulate the mining rights within the Roth Asteroid Field
    • 4.2 - Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing is given the power to regulate the mining rights within the Coombe Asteroid Field
    • 4.3 - Corporate vessels of corporations belonging to Rheinland, Bretonia, the Independent Miners Guild, and those belonging to the Zoners of Freeport One are allowed unrestricted trade access to each others markets.
      • 4.3.1 - Corporations must abide by the local laws regarding contraband and must purchase required permits for restricted goods.
      • 4.3.2 - The Federal Republic of Rheinland is required to make available Military Vehicles to Bretonian companies. Permits may be demanded for this good to be purchased, but the requirements for obtaining said permit must not be prohibitive.
    • 4.4 - Presently undiscovered, and otherwise unmentioned mineral resources within the Snowdown system are to be openly mine-able by all Bretonian Companies as well as the Independent Miners Guild.
    • 4.5 - Kruger Minerals, Daumann Heavy Construction, and the Independent Miners Guild will jointly regulate the division of resources within the Omega 7 system, by means of clearly defined spheres of influence to be elaborated in a separate agreement.