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The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - Printable Version

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The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - The Mole Miner - 01-19-2012

[Image: personal-injury-lawyer-plantation-christian.png]

*man enters room, then shuffles through some papers after sitting down*

Ahem, my name is Jacob, Adams and I have been hired by my client Le Pelerin or as he'€™s know

on the S.K.Y.P.E comms network as Tom, to sue the A.D.M.I.N.S.

My client feels that he has been cheated, no ROBBED of both his time, and money! I will put

it simply; my client has received an outrageous technology reduction effectively reducing

his ships power production down to 10%!!! AND ON A BOMBER!!! Now, 10% efficiency on a bomber

effectively reduces it's ability to do virtually anything as the recharging time of it's core

can skyrocket up to 30-45 full seconds until at full power again.

Now as can be seen in this testimony given by my client he states just how much he is hurt

by this event, and please excuse his bad grammar.

"yes, this technerf cost me 200 Mill, it seems evil gods "admin" envy us human cuz we can

use nomnom equipment, so they abuse their power to punish us, and leave us unprotected,

they suppose to protect and guide us, that'€™s why I'm going to sue them." - Le Pelerin, said on

S.K.Y.P.E comms network.

His statement alone should be enough to prove how deeply he is both hurt and effected by

this reduction, but NO!!! in today'€™s day and age it is needed to have others show to you the

people of Sirius just how much this hurts us all.

And now here is visual evidence of this drastic power reduction in action
*man turns on holoprojector*

[Image: outragous.gif]

It is because of this that my client requests, NO DEMANDS!!!!! he be compensated for his

drastic loss of both time AND money in the amount of 500 million Sirius credits payable

to my client Mr. Pelerin himself.

*the man sits down and waits for a response*

(//allowed-me, RAL, DarthBindo, A.D.M.I.N.S...PM me first if you have somthing to add)

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - TheOrangeButterfly - 01-19-2012


Source - The Great White Throne
Encryption - [color=#FF0000]GodLike

[Image: cigar.jpg]

[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF] Secretary of Destruction James Madison
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]That Lawyer Bro
Subject: You are Unworthy

[color=#009900]Transmission Received...
Transmission Decrypted...
Opening Message...


You'll not spread your lies over the bandwidth, my good sir! You know not who thou meddlest with!



Secretary of Destruction James Madison
Core of Engineers for the Protection of species "A.D.M.I.N."

[color=#009900]Transmission Encrypted
Closing Message...

[color=#009900]-( END - TRANSMISSION )-

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - RAL - 01-19-2012

[Image: ustv_breaking_bad_s04e03_04.jpg]
[font=Book Antiqua]
*A man who had come in just behind Adams, sat behind him at another desk. He stood up at the outburst from the unauthorized citizen*

Your honor! This Citizen does not have the authority to speak freely in this courtroom broadcast. Bailiff! Please dig this mans comm IP's out of this transmission and hold him in contempt of the court if he should so choose to do it again.

*The man sits down again*

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - TheOrangeButterfly - 01-19-2012


Source - The Great White Throne
Encryption - [color=#FF0000]GodLike

[Image: thor.jpg]

[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF] Odin McFury
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]That other Lawyer Bro
Subject: Meddling Lawyers!

[color=#009900]Transmission Received...
Transmission Decrypted...
Opening Message...


Your worthless attempts to sensor "His Greatest Servants" shall not go unpunished, simpleton! Your accusations fall upon the void itself!



Odin McFury
Director of Security, A.D.M.I.N. Re-Education Facility

[color=#009900]Transmission Encrypted
Closing Message...

[color=#009900]-( END - TRANSMISSION )-

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - RAL - 01-19-2012

[Image: ustv_breaking_bad_s04e03_04.jpg]
[font=Book Antiqua]
*The man stands*

Simpleton? You come into this courtroom broadcast dressed as a viking? You inbred fool. Bailiff!

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - TheOrangeButterfly - 01-19-2012


Source - The Void of Your Doom
Encryption - [color=#FF0000]***************


[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]CENSORED
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]THE DEFILER
Subject: Bomb incoming... 3...2....1....

[color=#009900]Transmission Received...
Transmission Decrypted...
Opening Message...


You have signed your own death warrant. Prepare for orbital bombardment on their location!



Office of Executive Official Orders of Important Sounding Statements

[color=#009900]Transmission Encrypted
Closing Message...

[color=#009900]-( END - TRANSMISSION )-

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - DarthBindo - 01-19-2012

[Image: Cleesejudge.jpg]
Yes, yes, thank you, sir Thor, for your....ahem very valuable comments, but I'm afraid you have legal standing in this matter, unless, of course, someone asks for trial by combat with flying hammers.
So if you will, yes, move on, please, and please don't teleport out of my courtroom, very unnerving, having bits of people pop in and out all day.
So, ahem, the complaint, yes.....let me see.... established a tort against the plaintiff, yes, established damages, yes........jurisdiction.....right, got it with the proper court.....ahh....ahem.
It would seem your client forgot to make the requisite sacrifice of ten pilots infected with Lawl's Sydrome neccessary to actually summon the A.D.M.I.N.S. to respond to this complaint.
I believe the proper procedure is with a long knife and a stone no wait that's for sheep.
Ahah! I remember, one must shoot a transport with a battleship. Or something like that.
But anyhow, we'll just waive that, shall we? I'm sure they'll get the message or something.
Now... hmm, yes, I find no reason to dismiss this suit at the moment, I'll just get a hell hound to run these summons out to the defendants quick, shan't be but a moment.

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - The Mole Miner - 01-19-2012

*bailiff*-"All rise for the honorable judge Alberic Farthing Shortlongs"

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - DarthBindo - 01-19-2012

[Image: Cleesejudge.jpg]
Okay rightyho then, so the hell hounds are on their way and what not, but I don't expect any replies for a bit, given that it would appear the A.D.M.I.N.S are all off doing adminy things....well probably sleeping those lazy bums.
Anyhow...uh, in the interest of full disclosure and discovery, would you mind telling the court exactly what bomber it was you were trying to fly when this incident occurred?

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - The Mole Miner - 01-19-2012

[Image: personal-injury-lawyer-plantation-christian.png]

*The man puts his papers down and stands up*

Ahh yes your Honor, according to my client he was flying a.... ROC bomber I do belive.

*The man stays standing but looks down at his papers and start looking through them while waiting for the judges reply*