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Bounty Hunter Capitals - Printable Version

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Bounty Hunter Capitals - celestina - 01-19-2012

Can they enter the house space or still cant?

Bounty Hunter Capitals - Ursus - 01-19-2012

' Wrote:Can they enter the house space or still cant?
Regular BH ID does not allow flying cruiser or larger anymore, period

BH Core ID allows them to be used, but only in systems that do not have a human jump gate

Bounty Hunter Capitals - celestina - 01-19-2012

' Wrote:Regular BH ID does not allow flying cruiser or larger anymore, period

BH Core ID allows them to be used, but only in systems that do not have a human jump gate

For Example, i cant enter Taus, Omegas, Sigmas and... Magellan ex. Border Worlds, also House Spaces? I mean nearly everywhere have a human jump gate :mellow:

Bounty Hunter Capitals - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 01-19-2012

' Wrote:For Example, i cant enter Taus, Omegas, Sigmas and... Magellan ex. Border Worlds, also House Spaces? I mean nearly everywhere have a human jump gate :mellow:

Yep, no more Makos guarding miners in O7 and T23, awesome isn't it?

Core capital ships are built to be used against Order, Nomads and Corsairs in the Omicrons and deep Omegas, not for guarding miners and ganking pirates.

Bounty Hunter Capitals - Ursus - 01-19-2012

' Wrote:For Example, i cant enter Taus, Omegas, Sigmas and... Magellan ex. Border Worlds, also House Spaces? I mean nearly everywhere have a human jump gate :mellow:
a bunch of those systems have human jump gates