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Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - Printable Version

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Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - Flageolet - 01-19-2012

Is there a way you could just increase the radius of the "sweet spot" in which the lane or gate starts dragging you in?

Maybe that would make npcs and large player ships get stuck in gates (and lanes, for players) less.

If yeah, please do it. Cant think of any negative side effects.

Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - AndrzejB - 01-19-2012

' Wrote:If yeah, please do it. Cant think of any negative side effects.
Traders running from pirates with more ease.

Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - AeternusDoleo - 01-20-2012

For gates, I think we can. For lanes, no.

Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - Prysin - 01-20-2012

could you please fix the gate animation too so it doesnt get "cut off" at the edges when flying in 2nd person mode in a BS?

Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - Hone - 01-20-2012

You know I've always been curious about what a 2nd person style game would look like.

Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - AeternusDoleo - 01-20-2012

Confusing. Controlling your own character through the eyes of your enemy. Anyway. The BS animation clipping is inherent to the game never having been designed for huge ships. It's not on the fixes priority list.

Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - Kaghuros - 01-20-2012

Playing a game in the second person would be like virtual reality. The protagonists would be us.

Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - Savi - 01-20-2012

Haha, this would be cool, as my LSC allways if I don't get the right timing and I am not perfectly aligned to the lane or gate, it'll start making a hard turn like on a transport or rheinland turtle, even if I am 10m to the jump spot, which will eventually stuck me, and the only chance is to have patience to align perfectly so before the ship goes mad (steers right usually) the angle wouldn't affect the jump.

Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - Knjaz - 01-20-2012

' Wrote:For gates, I think we can. For lanes, no.

Even for Rheinland Cruiser? It became way worse for it's size at docking in Trade Lanes. Sometimes on par with Valor.

Make Tradelanes and Gates easier to dock with - schlurbi - 01-20-2012

Everyone above got troll'd. :mellow: