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>>>NOMINATION<<< - Printable Version

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>>>NOMINATION<<< - Makc_RU - 01-19-2012

I would like to nominate Dr Peter Venkman as a "Mr.Positivity" of this forum. His posts are always good and inspiring.

All who oppose, gtfo.

>>>NOMINATION<<< - Toaster - 01-19-2012

I oppose and am not gtfo'ing.

>>>NOMINATION<<< - Makc_RU - 01-19-2012

This is 402, calling all units in the radius 100m. Get that Toaster character outta here. Make sure you shuffle him a tad...

>>>NOMINATION<<< - Stefz - 01-19-2012

Naic, naic. Nao check the PM I sent you. (bandit)

>>>NOMINATION<<< - DodgeOld24 - 01-19-2012

[Image: mmakc.jpg]

This is missile control tower 3, ready to rape.

>>>NOMINATION<<< - Glis - 01-19-2012

I was told the same thing a while back, before I became a so called "Troll master" called out by Pilgrim and Soul Reaper O.o

>>>NOMINATION<<< - Stefz - 01-19-2012

' Wrote:Soul Reaper O.o
Never trust him, he's lazy I swear.

>>>NOMINATION<<< - Makc_RU - 01-19-2012

Missile Control 3, go easy on him, penetrate half a length...

Report when complete.

Chet, I have been observing the community for quiet a while now, my nomination did not appear our of nowhere.

>>>NOMINATION<<< - RAL - 01-19-2012

I would like to nominate Makc_RU for best dressed.

[Image: tumblrlhkrq8ubcl1qc8s7l1.gif]

>>>NOMINATION<<< - schlurbi - 01-19-2012

That Slot is already taken by Madam Pilz.

[Image: 1324739935926.gif]