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New admins needed? - Printable Version

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New admins needed? - looqas - 03-28-2008

I bet the admins are very busy. Bring some new admins to the team to ease the pressure. I know there are a lot of topics on the matter already or topics touching the issue. Let's see if the player's want more.

The admin work is tedious and the glamor wears off very, very quickly. And after that it's a chore mostly. So don't burn the candle from the both ends. You got RL to take care of too. I know it's a risk to teach the new guy, but there's bound to be people here in the forums who are more than qualified to step in. I don't know if you are actively head-hunting, but if you are not. You should be.

I'm voicing just my observations here.

ps. Hmm. It's my first name change and I'm a bit impatient about this. So please excuse me. Anyway the original post in name change thread states that it might take a week and it's been 8 days since the last round. :$

EDIT: Please read my second post in page 3 before posting. There I'll explain better what I meant with this thread. I left this original post in place just for people to see why some of the posters were a bit put off by it. Thank you.

New admins needed? - onca - 03-28-2008

Well, now it seems Korrd is back on board.... I dunno.

New admins needed? - ParanoidAndroid - 03-28-2008

I think that the current administrator core knows best if they need a new admin or not, so I don't see the point in such a poll.

New admins needed? - 13CentKiller - 03-28-2008

' Wrote:Yes, we Need more!


New admins needed? - Geisha_Maiko - 03-28-2008

' Wrote:I think that the current administrator core knows best if they need a new admin or not, I don't see a point in such a poll.

User feedback.

There are many parts that can be broken down into department:

Gripes, violations and sations can be one department all to itself.
Forume 'Police'
New User validation.
Name Change Admin.
In Game Server Admin.

A person that is instrested in admining may not be instrested in the-whole-ball-of-wax admin.
So far, i see about 5 or so admins, and they seem to have the whole world upon them.
In a few months, I am thinking of applying.....something small at first until the Rest can get to know me more. Maybe New User Validation : Hi...are you a spam bots --yes or no......Does your email work?...How did you heard of this game / forume ?
Stuff like that.

New admins needed? - Reverend Del - 03-28-2008

I'm fairly certain that if they feel they need a new admin, they'll be discussing it amongst themselves, and already have a shortlist drawn up for it. Just be a matter of time before we see them in that case.

New admins needed? - Edge - 03-28-2008

Yep, more admins are definitely needed. Too much work on their under-manned team. It would be appropriate if they would recruit a few more admins to share the work.:)

New admins needed? - Dopamino - 03-28-2008

I think we should try to get to the point where we can have at least one admin on the server at any given time. All these new people and rulebreakers we've been getting need extra attention.

New admins needed? - Teal - 03-28-2008

I agree that the admins are the ones that know best what their work load is and if they need to expand their ranks.

New admins needed? - Nosferatu - 03-28-2008

I would say yes!