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Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - Printable Version

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Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - sadtranslation - 01-21-2012

Simple as that; so far it had two drastic changes:

1) Cruise speed was reduced to 350 m/s, reducing its efficiency a lot.
2) Cute green "rheinlandish" engine was replaced with a generic bretonian one.

I was mostly curious about the reasoning behind the changes; one of them looks like a matter of balance, another one falls into model development;

but the old engine looked a lot better in my humble opinion - as well as the speed of a Light Fighter hardly turned a ship made of paper with energy-hungry weapons into an "overpowered" tool.

Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - Hone - 01-21-2012

Well I would assume that, the Heavy fighter having the Light Fighter's cruise speed was a bug in the first place, and that as Gaians are a Bretonian faction, having a Rhienland engine was also a bug.

On a side note, arnt Bretonian engines the blue ones, and Rhienalnd engines the green ones?

Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - sadtranslation - 01-21-2012

It had a small exhaust and looked perfect with the model. "Chameleon" itself isn't the ship based solely on Bretonian design. Yes, green ones, Hone, with a green trail.

Speaking of the cruise speed, so far it looked like a feature, not a bug.

Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - FGDireito - 01-21-2012

acctually I think that the green engine looked awsome on that thing! :ylove:THINK GREEN
and the speed yeah it was really it only advantage and atleast made sense since this ship is so frigile and sleek like a LF made for hit and run tactics, but now it really is the weakest HF out there.

Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - Hone - 01-21-2012

' Wrote:Yes, green ones, Hone, with a green trail.

Well you said it had a blue rhienland engine, so was it blue or green? And if it was blue, how was it rhienlandish?

Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - sadtranslation - 01-21-2012

It was a typo, Hone. It was green and classy.
' Wrote:acctually I think that the green engine looked awsome on that thing! :ylove:THINK GREEN
and the speed yeah it was really it only advantage and atleast made sense since this ship is so frigile and sleek like a LF made for hit and run tactics, but now it really is the weakest HF out there.
And yes, that's what I'm talking about.

Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - Hone - 01-21-2012

Why are you italicising my name?

Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - NixOlympica - 01-21-2012

He usually does that. No worries.

Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - Drake - 01-21-2012

I think the problem is that HFs don't really have a place, and generally are inferior. Personally I think it might be worthwhile to merge all of Disco's fighters back into two categories: Light fighters, which are faster, but lower armor and lower power cores (generally with 4-6 forward-facing weapons of class 8-9), and Heavy fighters, with more armor and more power (and generally 5-7 forward-facing weapons of class 9-10).

Gaian "Chameleon" Heavy Fighter - Hone - 01-21-2012

I kinda agree, its annoying to see HEAVY fighters, which in the campaign, were supposed to be the slow tough beasts, turned into a light choice in the fighter line, when you bring in VHFs, and SHFs.