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Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - Printable Version

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Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - CyberDragon94 - 01-21-2012

Yes, from 3400 cargo down to 2900. No more smugglin beast, but makes moe realistic and RP sense. How ye think?

Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - Dusty Lens - 01-21-2012

' Wrote:How ye think?

As little as possible.

Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - Crackpunch - 01-21-2012

New about this the day 4.86 came out 8-|

Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - Dane Summers - 01-21-2012

' Wrote:How ye think?

Better with cocaine.

Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - Zahas - 01-21-2012

smuggle in a barge

Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - Kaghuros - 01-21-2012

' Wrote:smuggle in a barge

If I could get a barge to do that with, I'd damn well try it. Sounds hilarious.

Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - Jeremy Hunter - 01-21-2012

' Wrote:smuggle in a barge

np, I'll just alt-tab as I cruise towards you...and forget to avoid youv 8-|

Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - CyberDragon94 - 01-21-2012

Smugglin in Starflea! the ultimate test of patience, skills and adventurous blood! ?

Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - Saronsen - 01-21-2012

i think that the server is more about balancing pvp/money than RP

Gais! The Pi Trans is nerfed! - Jihadjoe - 01-21-2012

' Wrote:i think that the server is more about balancing pvp/money than RP

How do you quantify roleplay?