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Chat window length... - Printable Version

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Chat window length... - desert_spectre - 01-23-2012

I wasn't too sure where this topic would best go, and if its been discussed elsewhere, please point me that way as my searching proved fruitless.

I have a mild complaint about the character limit in the in-game text window... I tend to elaborate greatly in my RP... and it ends up being split into four or five posts with carrots linking them... if there is a valid reason for the extreamly short limiting, I would love to atleast know it.

If there isn't, then this shall be my humble request for consideration in the 4.86 tweaking...

Thank you for your time!

Chat window length... - SparkyRailgun - 01-23-2012

The chat limit is hardcoded into Freelancer.exe as a byte, and therefore the maximum without putting considerable effort into hacking it is 127 characters.

I'm fairly certain Discovery already has it maxed out to that limit.

Chat window length... - desert_spectre - 01-23-2012

"The more you knoooow" *chimes*

Well, there you have it, haha! Thanks for the clearup, Erica