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Faction Right #7 - Printable Version

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Faction Right #7 - Pinko - 01-23-2012

Is it still really worth having? Has anyone ever used it?

Quote:RIGHT 7) Official factions have the right for the purpose of training to equip a maximum of four (4) ships that are not normally allowed by their ID. (These would normally be their adverseries' ships.) This is subject to the following constraints:

-This can only apply to factions with Guard systems.
-They are restricted to the Guard system. If they are caught leaving, the ship gets deleted. The faction may replace it, but at their own expense.
-They cannot be used for any purpose except training. They may not be used against their adversaries.
-They will be equipped with Special Ops ID.
-Names of the ships must be clearly different to emphasize their special role; ie BAF|Trainer.001
-Restricted to GB or smaller size.

While not strictly necessary, the faction could host an event of some sort, with the capture or defection of the pilot and his ship being the central theme.

Faction Right #7 - escopton - 01-23-2012

Quote the right so people dont have to dig for it to give their opinion.

Faction Right #7 - Pinko - 01-23-2012


Faction Right #7 - Crackpunch - 01-23-2012

Could only be useful for the Order really.

Faction Right #7 - Jamez - 01-23-2012

BAF uses em as far as I know.

Faction Right #7 - Jayce - 01-23-2012

I see it as very useful for training tools, seeing as they get SpecOps ID's, so no nerf.

Faction Right #7 - Prysin - 01-23-2012

as far as i know, Sails has used it, or is going to use it.... There has been talk of i

Faction Right #7 - Patrician - 01-23-2012

Ive never really seen the point of going to the trouble to buy and set up the ships. With everyone on Skype and having multiple characters its easy enough to find someone to 'train' a few rounds in whatever ship you want.

Faction Right #7 - Not Espi - 01-23-2012

A lot of factions do. Benitez, from the ones I know about. The right is kind of pointless, however. You can just make ships of the opposing faction with proper ID/IFF and meet up in a secluded place for that as well.

Faction Right #7 - Matthews - 01-23-2012

BAF uses it abd i think [RM] too. It is usefull for sure.