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Understand reputations wrong ? - Printable Version

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Understand reputations wrong ? - pattypur - 01-24-2012

Hi evryone,

I recently started an Character and made him Rheinland Military, then i met some NPCs from
Rheinland Military Guard and Rheinland Police Guard in a system called Halle, and they all were enemies.

My reputation there is red, but in the description is written that they are allies of the Rheinland Military.
- is it a Bug or is just the description wrong ?

and is it possible to get good reputations with RMG & RPG and stay on good reputaion with RM ?
(i don't want an explanation how to do this, i am pleased if someone could tell me if it is possible)


Understand reputations wrong ? - rwx - 01-24-2012

' Wrote:and is it possible to get good reputations with RMG & RPG and stay on good reputaion with RM ?


Understand reputations wrong ? - Crassus - 01-24-2012

' Wrote:Hi evryone,

I recently started an Character and made him Rheinland Military, then i met some NPCs from
Rheinland Military Guard and Rheinland Police Guard in a system called Halle, and they all were enemies.

My reputation there is red, but in the description is written that they are allies of the Rheinland Military.
- is it a Bug or is just the description wrong ?

and is it possible to get good reputations with RMG & RPG and stay on good reputaion with RM ?
(i don't want an explanation how to do this, i am pleased if someone could tell me if it is possible)


You were in a Guard system so you encountered guard npc's who are not naturally green or white to you when you start a new character. You need to get friendly with them by buying bribes (if possible) doing missions or shooting npc's who are enemies of the military guard, or a combination of all three.

Understand reputations wrong ? - Savvy ? - 01-24-2012

AFAIK if you mount RM or RFP ID on your ship then you'll get rephacks towards their guard faction

Understand reputations wrong ? - pattypur - 01-24-2012

Thank you for all your answers
- so i will go and search for stations where i can get missions or bribes
(i want to find them by myself, thats the reason why i didn't want a ful howto)
