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Ranmyakki here - Printable Version

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Ranmyakki here - Ranmyakki - 01-26-2012

Hello, Ranmyakki here, a friend of mine mentioned Freelancer awhile back so I decided to look it up. About a week ago he also showed me this site. So here I am, finally got Freelancer and a bit of play in.

I'm not really good with intro's so I'll just leave it at that.
Don't like talking about myself, unless specifically asked a question, y'know??

Either way...
Ran out~

Ranmyakki here - Tachyon - 01-26-2012

Welcome aboard, have fun.

Ranmyakki here - koske - 01-26-2012

[Image: ou39qu.jpg]
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]koske

Welcome to the Discovery Freelancer Server.
First and most important thing is to read forum and server rules, read guild about role play if its needed and take your first tour in space.

Server Angels are there to help new people with Roll Play, rules and everything that could be a problem to new player regarding disco server and it play. So, if you are feeling stuck... Just throw me an PM and I'll help you, same like every angel on this server.


Ranmyakki here - Narcotic - 01-26-2012

Hey there. Welcome to Disco.

Ranmyakki here - Stefz - 01-26-2012

Welcome to our crezi community, enjoy your stay.

Ranmyakki here - (ツ) - 01-26-2012

Welcome... and enjoy.

Ranmyakki here - Ranmyakki - 01-27-2012

Thank you everyone ^^
Luckily I've Role Played for awhile and my friend has been showing me the ropes for Discovery. I've also been reading up on many things over the course of my "freetime" that isn't being spent in world, and in college.
(Edit - Not claiming to be an expert, just happy there's something a bit easier to follow RP wise and to see others actually have Role playing as a <i>mandatory</i> rule(?))

Hope to see you all eventually *smirk*
Let the entertainment ensue~

Ranmyakki here - r3vange - 01-27-2012

' Wrote:Let the entertainment ensue~

[color=#FFFFFF]Word, until you meet the mystical powers of the conspiracy theorists

Ranmyakki here - Domjan - 01-27-2012

Helloes, welcome and enjoy.