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Salutations. - Ramirez - 03-31-2008

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Obviously, I'm new to the server, and thought I'd give you all a Hello before moving on in-game. I've played several times in the past, but never really stuck around much. We'll see how it goes this time around.

Hope to see some of you in space.

Salutations. - Eppy - 03-31-2008

Welcome to the party, mate! Watch out for the penguins.

Yes. You will be staying some time with us. They always come back. Always.

Salutations. - Reverend Del - 03-31-2008

Welcome! Enjoy yourself, read the rules, now, go read them, seriously.

If they haven't already (and the usual suspects have not) there should be some fellas knocking on the door to offer you useful links and strange offers of employment, click the links ignore the plugs, unless they are for Zapp's stories. The only faction you'll ever need to join is the Democratic Peoples Of Liberty. If that doesn't float your boat, however there's a couple of other links in my sig.

Salutations. - Xing - 03-31-2008

well, welcome here, and beware of the communist penguins!

Salutations. - Sand_Spider - 03-31-2008

Welcome to Disco, man! Hope you stick around this time. Oh yeah, since this is a RP server, try to do so. It feels weird at first, but then you get hooked on it, and THAT'S when it gets to be fun

Salutations. - Leo - 03-31-2008


Don't eat Eppy's cookies, they're laced with poision.


Salutations. - Vape - 03-31-2008

Welcome to discovery

Salutations. - Zapp - 03-31-2008

Quote:there should be some fellas knocking on the door to offer you useful links and strange offers of employment, click the links ignore the plugs, unless they are for Zapp's stories.

Wait, what's that supposed to mean?!

Oh, hey new guy. Two things. Join the BLS. And read my stories. Click every link in my sig and read it all. It's all AWESOME.

Salutations. - Reverend Del - 03-31-2008

' Wrote:Wait, what's that supposed to mean?!

Oh, hey new guy. Two things. Join the BLS. And read my stories. Click every link in my sig and read it all. It's all AWESOME.

It means ignore the bit about the BLS and listen to the bit about the stories. Geez is it not clear enough?

Salutations. - Zapp - 03-31-2008

Listen man, can't resurrect the BLS without recruiting! We had a military action which included all our active members, and we were 3 people strong. Geez.