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Confessions and Transcripts - HuggieSunrise - 01-28-2012


Highe Exarch Ishtar Zsune

Life Debriefing as it was recorded.

The Chamber of the Divine: The NINE hearing. 01/28/819AS

I was.. six when I first heard the word. '€œNomad'€.

I though they where beautiful, my parents thought it was cute but chose not to tell their only child about the tales of these.. aliens that where supposedly always out there. Always watching us.

Mom was especially afraid of them, my family was involved in much of freeport 8's affairs and later the development of zoner facilities in the omicrons... it was a living for them.

Mom though denied convention, a brilliant technician my mother... How and why she fell for a Cryer scientist I never figured out but the zoner lifestyle bewitched my father. He still worked for the company but only in so far as prospecting and studying alien organisms in the company'€™s ongoing search for the fountain of youth.

When I was 8 '€œthe war'€ happened. A lot is told about the corruption and infestation of the houses showing.. how the whole sector was about to implode leaving zoners and junkers to pick over the remains... but as it suddenly stopped as..suddenly it happened.. many of us were left wondering if we shouldn'€™t go farther..deeper into space.

The.. Yukon Zoners founded that perspective. Many zoners at the time where looking to expand a true worker owned corporations and dad was one of those guys these start ups wanted badly for his work with cryer.. not to mention they thought Mom would go for it. We didnt need large amounts of money... there was hardly anything to spend it on.

Mom was always dedicated to building the Juggernauts... That'€™s where she believed the future was. Each new version they became more self sufficient, the plan was to have a ship that with vary little additions could build freeports, ships, and even copies of themselves.

Imagining a constantly moving fleet of self replicate ships... that was her dream and well her design groups dream.

Not like the current design... this... fortified battleship with parks strapped onto it as an afterthought. '€œNephilim'€œ Children of fallen angels.. the Giants that beckoned and tainted mankind before the gods of the sky drowned the earth and all within to start again....

Mythology is full of these mistakes.. if it wasn'€™t horny divine beings its Prometheus giving fire to man or.. doing what forces more ancient and deliberate advised against.

Look at the mess mankind has made since.. If we couldn'€™t kill the gods we forgot them and invented our own..

We'€™ve already lost our way. Crashing onto a planet with one doesn'€™t make a colony. It used to be zoners made their living in space... but we began being tainted and rooted in soil..

Can you tell I share my mothers views?... Dad was always looking for the right place to '€œnest'€ the right place to find and make a home. I knew father was rich but.. I didn'€™t think it was a burden he was seeking to lay down.

I was apprenticing as a ship technician when it happened though. Mom was on her way to build her landmark 25th Juggernaut and father had a new contract from the company to survey alien organisms in Omicron Theta.

I never got the full details but the Order and the Corsairs where supposedly in an alliance... but it didnt stop the two extremes from skirmishing. Some fool Corsair Osiris captain took exception to an order Osiris captain... both parties exchanged fire and the Titan escort took to my family'€™s dromedary.

Far from being a fragile ship... but 16 titans and two battleships exchanging fire made short work of her.

I was orphaned at 16... No family no roots.. I cried for weeks.. alone. My trade master kept trying to send me to Pennsylvania... Solon kept saying '€œIts too dangerous... and I'€™ve seen the orphan Jinx claim too many girls to cardimine or bounty hunting or some stupid lust for revenge.'€

Sol was half right.. half wrong.. I didnt embark on a lust for revenge I did finish my schooling In Pennsylvania... but... it was there I had my first taste of cardamine. It was tiny.. and the pain it caused from not taking more was enough for me to quit.

I also met her. there. The first person I ever truly loved.

I didn'€™t have many friends as a girl you see.. I didn'€™t like to talk, I was vary silent and only really spoke to mother or father. Dad wasn'€™t.. like me and mother though..

No.. dear ones I will not give you in the specifics of our relationship.. Girls keep their secrets.

I will say however it was.. a deep connection. We were in each others thoughts so much were able to read and feel one another. We didn'€™t have to speak.. every verbal act.. every nuance between us was communication. I did nothing but trust her. We were one.

Her father Tailoron was a reformed pirate, he had many stories, he didn'€™t disapprove of us in fact I think he felt it was like getting another daughter. I loved him like a father too. The dad I should have had.

I cant speak her name esily, because.. it only brings back pain you see.. its all I can do to merely think the name, and those of you.. whoa re nosey. Your welcome to read my mind.

She was a good pilot, a better shot then I. I was more of the technician.. the study.. the researcher and tailoron taught me how to be bossy. So all of my power and all of my authority I draw on from mother.. and Tailoron.

It was about the time Tailoron put money forth enough for me and my one and only love to strike out into space again. But it was too soon.

It was four months of bliss.. and terror.. we trespassed in the graveyards of ancient gods and that'€™s where I met my long time friends... The kappans. These AI have more in common with a smart animal in most cases, many stuck close tot he surface of their home world.. irradiated and lifeless.. We thought to go down and visit and deal in salvage but.. the radiation was too much. So when wed pass through we would send a signal tot he surface and sometimes a few curious drones would comes and analyze us or if we were lucky speak to us.

I was vehemently fascinated with them... My mate however was more interested in Omicron Delta and the freeport. She enjoyed trade and credits.. iridium had a lot of strange properties and almost everywhere it was better then credits.

We were so young and stupid... barely 20 years old...

Things changed in 810.

We were at Freeport 11... and there was a corsair family openly paying up front for food. Omicron Gamma was a direct route back to Pennsylvania, We didnt like going through Rhineland although the..boys on patrol rarely gave a pair of girls enough trouble to worry about.

Something about how grateful the corsairs were to get the food that really... thrilled her. We made good money with iridium but to pay it back in service, she was also a huge fan of malaclypse and the erisan movement.

Always searching the news for it in those early years... She felt..called by that crazy old man.

We mode it to Crete dropped the load of food and shopped abit.. and on the way to Pennsylvania... we were stopped by these..drunken fools. Exiled corsairs... ever society has its screw ups... they kept asking for food.

We had already delivered.. and that was enough.. they just opened fire with little warning or cause besides an apparently empty stomach. The Brotherhood overheard it.. chased them off before the ship completely broke up.

I didnt notice but.. she had been hit by shrapnel from a hull breach. She tackled me.. you see shoved me down out of the way but she took the brunt of it.. I didn'€™t know anything was wrong until I had to pull her into the pod. They towed us to Free port 8. The last thing I remembered from that place was a pair of... station workers hefting my parents belongings into a bag before they even knew if they were dead.

Such a hurry.. they where to bury them... almost the same hurry they tried to repair her arteries but, her heart was hit.. They wouldn'€™t believe me.. it was her heart in trouble.. but I felt it as surely as it was my own chest..

They had her '€œstable'€ in triage.. We both knew she was dying.. I felt her leave.. her body stopped some minutes after she become cold and all I was holding was a memory.

I demanded an autopsy, and they found the fragment in her heart... the doctor didnt want to admit it was correctable if they knew it was there. I told him.. We knew it was there.. and.. because she would have wished me not to harm the fool.. I didnt.

I merely said '€œThen you have to live with your sloth, your sin, killed the only thing I ever loved.'€

I crashed... and burned someplace on the station.. I slept for days without eating.

Tailoron had to come get me... he was an old man there and he had come to get '€œhis daughters'€.

She would have liked the service on Pennsylvania and as .. much as I wanted to make someone pay... Tailoron convinced me to forgive them.. I couldn'€™t do it.. but I did try.

I was convinced this was why mankind was doomed to failure, it was so prone to misery and loss. Despite being instructed you get used to the losses in life... I didn'€™t want to. I didn'€™t want to live a life without her.

You would have to understand the bond between telepaths.. and no.. there have been documented cases of paranormal abilities in humans since before the common era.. they where always the priests and advisers to those in power.. those with gifts have always been about us.. and the rabble.. the unwashed ignorant masses that feared them as some sort of.. demon born '€¦

I spent three years in bereavement found the teachings of Buddha and baba Krishna and so many other illuminated beings. I found discordianisim in the mix too.. though I doubt many readers could appreciate the complexities, and the fact that Mal embodied individuality so well, that people didn'€™t quite get that it wasn'€™t about getting or attain anything.. But merely to be. At peace. And in '€œthe present'€.

I was still so vary numb.. And I believe that'€™s what that little Russian saw when we met.

Liam... is a vary smart person vary empathic about people and their emotions, but as an outcast I always thought they were completely high and out of their minds.

I was quite convinced otherwise though.. I was working on the First Advent of the Destroyer Class merchant craft coming from Lividea, where I preferred to work on the Corvo project. I was disappointed but.. again numb and muted as usual.

Liam pulled me aside in his typical swagger and asked me point blank.

'€œYou must be a telepath. Few read me so fast.. and without even line of sight..vary impressive.'€œ

I stared at this little midget in black clothing well.. Liam isn'€™t a midget but is small and vary... forward when there'€™s a matter of great interest to him.

He explained there was a group of people like me who existed on Malta and that cardimine increased their abilities if done correctly.. More importantly.. he was able to prove his loyalty to the divine.. or the nomads.

I asked him to prove it.. and it was a short time after that I met the high-mother... behind her mask I sensed an alien mind that echoed as a human one... but there was nothing natural there.. it felt strange.. and cold.. And something I did with my mind gave her pause.

This is the first part of my confession... A trained an experienced telepath can affect them as well as their visions can effect us.. its merely about focus ..and ability.

The second part however... will now take place and make sense...

We melded minds... Nysk and I where one in the same for a moment.. I was able to do this with one other.. The sharing and understanding..helped me see Nysk as who she was.. A survivor.. but more importantly.. a Mother.

Nysk felt the same anger and loss as I did for a time.. I asked them.. I asked her for absolution.

I had just arrived At the temple to confirm my faith and my study with the Hybrids.. or the Children of the Apocalypse as they were called there... When a slave container arrived.

A familiar corsair.. A man who.. was smaller then I recalled, the one who attacked us changed my world...

But I had learned so much of.... things.... But I only saw red. I asked what was the meaning of this offering.. because it wasn'€™t just corsairs that took my parents from me.

They said they would deal with the '€œothers'€ in time. But that this man.. this slave wasn'€™t a reason to give up seeing the good in life. A typical Corsair exile with nothing left... he was nasty..fearful.. Repugnant..

They brought him and me to this on the right table..cutlery.. jumper cable.. torture.. I examined each one... each tool..

On the left.. the Book of Cataclysm..

I examined the book... Especially the part about '€œmans supreme karma'€. Showed a shared vison of the final lights of day dying out to utter darkness... and that each time we denied light.. the shadows would consume us as if instead of one victory, we gave it 10,000.

I looked at him and told him the book had saved his life... And that if he was smart he'€™d read it. I began to leave the room and that'€™s when the first sign of my psychokinetic power showed.. He spit at me... I turned so fast with a force like a slap to the face I saw his face physically move... For a moment I thought he was..mocking me but... how would he know?

Those who witnessed this confirmation.. This test saw it as well.. and Nysk herself along with Father Wyndham.. or Mar Sara as we know him now.. began training me personally.

I did not begin as a cultist.. I didn'€™t even wear a windcallers robe. Liam was correct... I was bound to wear the black of the Exarch. The exception is rarely made but my case was special. I was given a small treatment... Something that few undergo to permit enhancements to certain abilities.

But it was a tradeoff, in exchange for a longer life and greater understanding of the divine I had to continue to take the indigo liquid for my survival.

It was nearly undetectable. Unless the doctor or scientist was looking for it.

I wasn'€™t even a year before I returned to Zoner life. I spent time visiting Tailoron. We shared thoughts and I went to assume my position as a shipyard technician like my mother.

I then came into the graces of the TAZ. And lived amongst them I studied their extensive libraries and toured the temples of Discord. To be honest I found many of them to be a dysfunctional family of strangers with one thing in common.. A.. beguiled and.. bizarre sense of community. It is odd tat even the thinnest veil of belief can create this community and I had almost hit my fill of it... until I met the SMA or the sentient machines.

The Kappan nomadic A.I.'s where far more advanced then the Harvesters ever were... and a few of them even proclaimed to have found '€œgod'€ in the machine. Alpha 12 or Orb as it let its friends call him. Once explained to me that the alpha code was omnipotent and oversaw all artificial machine life. No matter what form they took. I found it highly amusing that Unitarians existed amongst A.I. But like anything... It was probably trying to grapple with its mortality.. its place in this universe.

Also... they where silent in my mind... machines aren'€™t telepathic.. and it brought me peace to be with them. The first years of Liquid Cardamine infusion even the smallest of human thoughts where ringing in my ears and thought they were silent... They do have a.. muffled..and cold shadow of thought..that can be heard its so small though... it would only be a '€œguess'€ to what it was..machine or...ghost.

The usual dramas occurred, the temple was rocked by the loss of Malaclypse.. and shortly after that I felt the cracks get.. more visible in the marble walls of these erisans. Maybe it was enough they they would continue in their own lives as the one man crusade echoed as a whisper... in the cold calls of the station.

The Divine fell ill... and I felt their sorrow and their pain... I had to hide the sorrow... but the outcasts helped them as well as some of the native Maltese telepaths. I found my faith in cardimine infused humanity renewed. The divine struck Minor. I did not weep for them.

The order were fools, gun happy zealotry hidden under the cool hubris of '€œman knows best'€. We are not dominate life forms even amongst ourselves yet they persist. We showed them that day. The first Vision of Cataclysm as a great war was settled by the trumpets of the divine.

A new war looms man against man AGAIN... the divine wait their trumpets silent. But they will sound again.

Mother Nysk died to the Corsairs... but When I met Vira her personal aid I felt so much of Nysk within the girl it feels like she never really died. I am good friends with her. Liam in the call for positions refused the position of High Exsarch. And that left only me.

Three-winds returned.. he spent more time with Mar Sara then he ever did with the rest of us but I was able to speak to him.. Much of his humanity vacant but his snarky smile and mannerisms remain.

It seems the light can only heal so much in a man. Three-winds always tried much to hard for the approval of the divine and his father.. To see him returned is a mystery to me.

Liams.. cybernetic pet, Crying man turned on us soon after that. It was wise to insulate him from a majority of the projects but I cant help but feel worried for his own crew he betrayed. No one has seen the fool or his escape pod but I doubt such a resourceful man died.

I never trusted man with machine parts, machine minds, it lends them too much for their '€¦ pointless violent lives.

If he has truly sinned against us, He will not get far.

That brings up to the current moment. I firmly request a copy of this transcript to be added to my litany of service.

In divine light we walk.

-Transcript ends.

Confessions and Transcripts - HuggieSunrise - 01-28-2012


I have been offered command of shrine Dal'Ja and Authority over all ships in the Oracle Fleet.

This was Leonards ship... I retired the name Three Winds since He himself still walks amongst us.

I intend to send a note to the 101st asking for Authorization to conduct armed retrieval of subjects and delivery of supplies to the shrine under force since these Gallic military vessels have become a pressing threat.

Implantation of the “eye” or the Oracle failed.. Turns out Im much stronger then the device, I assured the elder mind itself I would never sway from its love and favor.

[Image: redeemedcopy.png]
The closest artistic rendering I could make of the elder harbinger.. As it appears in communion in the Minds of the Nine.

Speaking to the “Harbinger” Via the Nine is simple it hears all but rarely does it respond. It simply spoke the old adage. “Dont play games with the ones who love you.” I finished the thought for it.. “For you’ll hear the voice that says.. I love you ill kill you.”

We reached an understanding. The divine do not mince words, it knows what darkness I hold but im honest to it it can predict me and that is what it wishes of humanity. Honest predictability. And as ..scary as that may sound I think humanity will only survive if we evolve the abilities to become as such.

Zsune out.

Confessions and Transcripts - HuggieSunrise - 01-31-2012

Log: 1.30.819

Got one of the new ospreys, its going to take some getting used to. Acclimating it will take me some time.

On my way to find the shrine I ran into Concordia at one of her haunts in front of manhatten. harassing some man.

Things got a little personal, the girl doesn't get serious at all. I think that's why I like her, on the fact that most everyone in space is business business she makes a living out here. ...When i was younger we would scheduled trade runs... I have no idea what kids do now.

Vary.. -Nomadic- like a real zoner should be.

Shrine Signaled from California near Alcatraz... Ordered it to Pennsylvania near Niverton. After Visiting Tailoron we will be embarking for Malta.


Confessions and Transcripts - HuggieSunrise - 02-04-2012


Conducted a meeting with a perspective candidate for a level M mother. She would be the first so I suppose theres some kinship being I was the first....first....... accident..

Well no it was a happy accident i honestly dont think anyone would see this project appear out of the blue the way it did..

It is odd though we talk about alot of personal things.. wont go into details but when i told Liam about the meeting he figured thats why the divine entity that contacted her.. did.

Reminds me I haven't seen hide nor hair of aruru or any morph. I haven't been able to travel to Altair to see the younger children either.

...Might have to bring some new cartoons for them to watch... reception is terrible out there...

On a side note I have reservations... I forgot to mention that most of the children are female.. at current count theres only two boys. Also thier not vary social to non indigos... the cultists and the spirits aside the kids seem to have an inherent distrust of humans.. I keep thinking its the Cardamine part of them but its something more.

They seem to detect the hole in the hearts of man the hole that makes them want and need to take any and everything in order to try and fill it. This is soemthing they do not have.. perfectly content children..

Well i should get a shuttle to malta.. if im late Satrina will complain for the first five hours about it.


Confessions and Transcripts - HuggieSunrise - 06-06-2012


Have been spending a lot of time assisting the shakedown and building of the Sanctuary. Turns out that the "unconventional" technical hookups are causing more problems but are needed for the divine to... "fix" it.

Was able to get business done with the new admin of the 101st. She seems to be a strong leader has her thoughts together, though I did detect fear from her about the spirits. You would think everyone on Malta would be used to them.. but again there are still senses of the old human world here.

Thomas sent me a message complaining about his body mutating and not keeping its shape. Asked him to come home so we could monitor him but he declined stating he would rather not spend valuable time under Liams microscope.

Liam has passed any recorded cases of infection, or incubation Ive ever known we dont have the first clue on how to treat his pain. Not even the Wilde know.. it seems the Divine keep certain secrets within the hive.

So all I can do is pray for him... Hope he finds his way back to the hive... I can only guess his "Resurrection" was the cause.

Satrina has become a terror child... bent all the flatware at home into little knots. Her kinetic powers are any scale I've ever seen but her telepathic power is somewhat behind... She doesn't like it when i force communication with her.. keeps telling me I "do it wrong, too hard, too loud" maybe im too stressed out about all this business with the deadlines with this battleship of ours. ive always had to force it.. need to relax soon.. or ill start killing acolytes.

Its my firm opinion... as far as work goes..... a Sarrissa is too unwieldy and the prison liners were sufficient for most research, but everyone's convinced we need a "crown jewel" to show the progress the Cult and Oracles have made with the divine.

Even though they have offered to "Imbue" the Emissarys Husk.. no one will be permitted on it while its being altered by the K'Hara.

I'm just hoping this wont be a regular practice... there's a reason we acclimate and proof our ships from the caustic elements of Nomad space. A ships systems can fail or take on unexpected malfunctions. its been proven that while divine and intelligent and brilliant of biological things... Even a small bit of xeno biotic waste can reek unparalleled havoc.

Though you wont hear them admit they produce "waste" I've seen it.. I've seen them dump it into stars plenty of times.

If only cryer knew they were actually analyzing what tends to be 95% alien poop.

Nyla.. I miss you every day. But Satrina reminds me of you so much its... frightening. But welcome. it forced me to deal with this anger Ive had about the world. I swore my life and service to the divine because of a gift of retribution and vengeance given. But they don't own me, my life isn't forfeit. Though.. they always ask me..

Why not?...

As long as they keep giving the purple stuff it keep the wrinkles off and the mind sharp. It isnt a bad deal truthfully. Though there is still times when I feel like Im flipping a coin between Save the human race.. or Assuring its damnation.

the younger me would care.. Now... now im too busy to really care.
