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Liberty gunboat - Printable Version

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Liberty gunboat - Ntei - 01-28-2012

The turret arcs are a mess after 4.86 update, you should look into it
The buttom turrets should turne 360 degrees
The side turrets (not on the wings) should be able to look directly down
The back turrets should be like they were befoure mod update

Why the nerf of the turret arcs really?

Liberty gunboat - Charos - 01-28-2012

Lib GB is still one of the best gunboats, learn how to use it.

Liberty gunboat - Tachyon - 01-28-2012

It was an intentional turret arc nerf from what I know. The LibGB is still one of the best, though.

Liberty gunboat - Ntei - 01-28-2012

No it isn't any more, do you know how many turrets shoot at each side?

Down forward: 1-3turrets
Down middle/back: 3-4

Forward center/down/up: 5
Forward side: 2-3

Up: 4-5

Back middle: 6-7
Back Side: 6

While the rival gunboats RL/HF/RM/LH/Order gunboats all have a lot better turrets arcs.

Liberty gunboat - Jessitrescott - 01-28-2012

i dont think i should post this thing here but can the King fisher mount a GB forward gun ?

Liberty gunboat - Ntei - 01-28-2012

' Wrote:i dont think i should post this thing here but can the King fisher mount a GB forward gun ?
I don't understand

Liberty gunboat - Aeqvinox - 01-28-2012

Not entirely on topic, but the guy is right. We should be avoiding the tendency to nerf everything bigger than a snub. In a few years we'll end up with a situation where one battleship can be defeated with a long range quad nova tactical bomber that a certain part of the community will lobby.

Liberty gunboat - Ursus - 01-28-2012

It shoots 5 turrets in every direction except down which only shoots 2 turrets. I don't remember what it was before.

Liberty gunboat - Tachyon - 01-28-2012

' Wrote:It shoots 5 turrets in every direction except down which only shoots 2 turrets. I don't remember what it was before.

I was able to shoot 6 on most diagonal angles.

Liberty gunboat - jakub963 - 01-28-2012

' Wrote:i dont think i should post this thing here but can the King fisher mount a GB forward gun ?
Yes, it can... Forward guns are now class 7 guns... I have 4 of them on my light fighter...